my mother in law is a dead beat Grandma
By mgmagana
@mgmagana (3618)
United States
December 2, 2008 5:28pm CST
she won't come and visit, we're only 2 hrs. away. She only came once in August but for seriously 30 minutes, cause it was convenient since she was driving through from visiting her ex husband for the weekend. I'm so tired of everyone giving her what she wants and telling her what she wants to hear. I told my hubby already that i have no problem cutting her out of my kids life if they aren't worth her time. She sent 5 dollars for each of them randomly for halloween, but she never sends anything for birthdays or christmas. I'm just tired of it, my hubby talked her for thanksgiving, and i guess she said "i miss u" n he said "i miss u too" when he got off, i said if u miss ur mom u should go visit this weekend, he said i don't miss her, i just don't want to leave her hanging, i said then next time instead of telling her what she wants to hear, tell her the truth, tell her if she misses him n the kids then to come n visit. but he said i dont want to hear her crap! well he's gonna hear my crap instead!
tell me ur monster in law stories....
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8 responses
@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
2 Dec 08
I don't think it's very right what she's doing and i think you deserve a bit of her time. However visitation is a two way street. She at least dropped by and stopped in for 30 minutes which is better than her passing through where you live and not even stopping by period. Now which one would you be more angry at that she totally neglected you or that she came and stopped by even for a minute.
I don't think she's in the right but I don't think your in the right either. Do you go see her? IF so how often and when, you can't expect the grandmother to always be the one traveling to come see you and your children it needs to work both ways. If you have made efforts to go there at least once a year then you have every right to say you'd like to cut your kids out of her life. But if you aren't making any effort to go see her tell me this. Why should she show you any more respect than what you give her? Like I said it's a two way street. Both parties need to put in an effort. You can't expect her to do something your not doing yourself. Again if you ARE going to see her then this doesn't apply and you have EVERY right to be angry. But if your not then you don't have one ounce of angry rights because your doing the same thing she is.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
2 Dec 08
but its way inconvenient to go, i'm very busy, my kids play baseball, football, soccer and now we're getting into wrestling. She's not a busy woman, i know that, she's a lazy lady, and always has been, she lived with us for 4 yrs, and never left the house. I don't have time to see her, n i don't care to see her, neither does my hubby, i just don't like getting her phone calls n trying to check up on the kids if she doesn't care to see em. Our weekends we get off (weekends where we r free of anything) consist of rest at home. My hubby works and commutes, he doesn't need to travel more to see someone who won't go out of her way. Not to mention this economy has affected us, we don't have extra money to just go visit, cause remember there's 5 of us and 1 of her, her ex pays her bills each month, her work money is pocket money. Not to mention we have no where to stay, she lives at her parents house, they have a small 2 bedroom house and she shares a room with her older sister. so when we used to go we had to get a motel, we have a 4 bedroom house and she can sleep in any one of the 3 kids rooms.
@AmandaBarnhart (671)
• Canada
3 Dec 08
You say your husband shouldn't go out of his way to see someone who won't go out of her way to see your kids.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but did she not GO OUT OF HER WAY to see your kids on her way back from her ex husbands house? I think you have really misconstrued what visiting family is all about. She's checking up on them because you can't be bothered to bring them to see her. And perhaps she can't find the time to be traveling 4 hours all the time to see her grandkids whenever she misses them. I'm sorry but I'm astonished at how you criticize her and don't bother to praise her for what She HAS done. Be happy with what you have instead of being upset with what you don't have. YOur kids deserve to see their grandmother regardless of your tiffs or whatever against her. It isn't fair to them.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
3 Dec 08
um stopping by for 30 minutes because it's on the way is not GOING OUT OF HER WAY! hello, do u understand what on the way means, its the opposite of out of the way! duh! how does she not have time to stop by, she drove 4 hrs one way to visit her ex twice since august, and 4 hrs. back, but she can't come 2 hrs. away, like i said, u don't know us and the whole story so don't judge from one post, i'm done with u, one thing i can't stand is judgmental people!

@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I don't have any monster-in-law stories. My wife's mother in law is a good enough person.
She does enables some people's dependencies. One son isn't a good parent, so she raises his kid. One daughter can't stand on her own and work out marital problems, so she brings her to live with her for an indeterminate period of time. Meanwhile, my wife is kind of left out in the cold because she's not as needy as the other two and makes good choices with her life. A little disappointing, but not a monster-in-law story.
As to your monster in law, there's a certain degree of tolerance needed. You can't come down on your husband's mom because, at the end of the day he still feels some debt to her. It will only cause stress between you and him. You can't control your mother-in-law's behavior.
What you do depends on how your kids feel about her when she's around. If they like having her around, then have them call her on their birthday and say "It's my birthday, I wish you were here." Then the kid tells Grandma what they are going to do today.
You can repeat the same essential behavior for any holiday you wish. You can also have your kids tell her what their favorite present was or what food-dish they enjoyed eating most.
Now if the kids don't like being around her.. then the situation where she doesn't visit often is just fine. When she says she misses people, you simply say "you are always welcome." If you tend go and see her and she tends to whine if you aren't planning to visit her again soon, you can say, "We enjoyed going to see you for X, but this weekend I'm afraid we are busy with Y. Why don't you join us?" Herein, X would be the last time you went to see her and Y is something you make up that you have 'already promised' the kids you'd do. (It is helpful to actually make such promises beforehand.)
Tone and context are of course difficult to infer in text form. However, it seems to me that you have some resentment of your mother-in-law and what appear to be emotional control-games. There is probably a reason she has an ex-husband and is visiting him. That being, something about her is high-maintenance enough that it is hard for her to keep a husband. She probably looks for your husband/her son for some emotional validation.
But, there is a small vested interest to consider here, too. Looking to the future. How you interact with your husband's mother is going to set a tone for how your children will handle mother in law issues later on. One day, you will hopefully be a mother in law and grandmother. If you display a behavior for your children that mother-in-laws aren't important, then that's what they will internalize as an adult. Contrarywise, if you represent to them a behavior where mother-in-law is respected despite quirks because a mother-in-law should be respected, then hopefully they will copy that behavior when grown up.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
5 Dec 08
thanks so much for all that advice, it's definitely something i liked and needed to hear. i do definitely resent her, there are past issues with her that i have, and i expressed, but she shrugged them off like she didn't care, so it does still linger. She does see her ex because she gets money from him, but i definitely don't see that as a reason to see him instead of her grandkids because he is ok with simply putting the money in her bank account as he has always done. I think she's obsessed with him, she never got over their divorce almost 20 yrs. ago and she never moved on and dated anyone since.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
14 Mar 09
ugh! I feel your pain!!
My M-I-L, lives about 2 hours away, and the only time she comes to visit is when she has a doctors appointment in the area and needs somewhere to stay...
Then since she and her boyfriend have recently broke up, but she insists on still living in the apartment with him, even though he stays elsewhere to avoid her on the weekends, she has started drinking again...(she is, or was a recovering alchoholic) Last time she was here she drank from the time she woke up until the time she passed out....She hasnt been here in a month, as we told her that wasnt appropriate behavior around the children....but I can definitely understand where you are coming from! It is pretty annoying, especially when they try to make you or their son feel guilty because they havent seen their grandkids....awful!
Wow ranted more than I thought I! Thanks for letting me share!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Jan 09
I guess I have been extremely lucky in that area. My ex-mother in law is a wonderful gram and not only to the children that are hers but also to the 2 from another marriage. I am a gram myself and my grandchildren live nearly 45 mins. away. Getting over to their place is difficult mainly because of our conflicting work schedules. I work 2nd shift and my daughter works first. The kids are in school and in sports. Still, I have time off during the week and take them on school vacations and I spend as much time on holidays with them as I can. You have to sometimes work to remain close and they are so worth it. Even if I were hours away, I'd find a way to keep in close touch with them and cherish every moment that I could be with them. Your mother in law sounds as if she just can't be bothered.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
2 Feb 09
sounds like your hubby doesnt like his mom cause shes been abusive to him. i was like that with my mom. nothing i ever did made her happy and she constantly picked at me. there are people like that and you cant change them. my daughter in law is like that with everyone so it dont have to be a mom inlaw only

@countrygal (14)
• United States
19 Dec 08
Hey don't feel bad my mother in law is only 50 feet away and she doesn't come over and see my girls. My oldest is 8 and she will go over if her cousins are over there. other than that if me or my husband don't go over there she doesn't see them. I figure leave it to the kids to decide, when they get older they will see for themselves that it was her that didn't want to come see them and not you keeping them from her. They'll blame her and not you. Either way it's her loss not theirs.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
3 Dec 08
Wow!! Your mother in law almost sounds like my father in law, and even though my husband never stated to him he was upset with him, he did listen to me when his dad was trying to get him to come out and visit him. He will never come and visit us, and complained about me one time on the phone as well. Personally, maybe you intimidate her, or your husband does is why she is this way?
All I can say, is if you are a Praying person, even though it might be hard to do, Pray for her, and try to be there for her, and if she will never accept it then time to move on. It will be her loss not yours.
@walkthetalk (1307)
• United States
3 Dec 08
I think that I'd be glad if my mother in law never came around. But if you really want the kids to see there grandma, take them to her once a month. It would be a great reason for a road trip for your family.