My Dog has been Shot!
By fasttalker
@fasttalker (2796)
United States
December 4, 2008 5:13pm CST
OMG I am so mad right now I'm going to go postal on somebody!!!
I was outside today putting up Christmas decorations in my yard and I let my dog loose to run (we have a 60 acre piece of ground that he runs on)while I decorated. And yes that is him in the picture you see.
While I was decorating I heard a shot and I heard my dog screaming. My heart fell to the ground! I dropped poor santa on his head and took off running to the back part of out property to find my dog lying in a pool of blood screaming and fighting for his life. I had to run back to the house and get the 4 wheeler and go get him (I got bit too because he was in so much pain) and I loaded him up and called the vet on my way.
He was in surgery for 2 hours and the surgery went well. He has lost so much blood they aren't giving him a really good outcome but he is alive for now.
Anyway I had to go get my hand stitchd up (5 stitches) where he bit me and I came home to find a note on my door that said "Please call ****** I accidentally shot your dog today while deer hunting and wanted to make sure he is ok. OK??? @#@##@ I know he probably doesn't give a crap but I have a fortune in these dogs ( I have his mother too)not to mentionthey are like my kids!
Now what kind of crap is that? It took me at least 45 minutes to try to get him loaded and I know this idiot had to have been close by. Why the heck didn't he come to help? I can't even call the number because I am too mad. I want to call the police and my husband keeps saying "calm down and think before you do something you'll regret".
I am so sick right now. It would not be safe for this person to call or come to my house. My husband laughs at me because every time a vehicle even sounds like it is coming our way I jump to my feet ranting and raving.
There is no way this dog was mistaken for a deer! GEESH
OK I am at least paused on ranting on here. Maybe my pain medicine is kicking in! LOL
What would you do? Would you just call the police and have this freakin' idiot arrested or call him. And if I call him just exactly what am I going to say?
Maybe somethng like "Oh that's ok you moron He's just probably going to die and my hand is infected from dragging it through mud and crap with a dirty dish towell wrapped around it, but no problem." GEESH
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47 responses
@kkthom3 (279)
• United States
4 Dec 08
If this happened to me I would definitely take your husbands advice and wait until you calm down before you make any important decisions. But I don't think that you should just let this guy get away with shooting your dog.
If I were you I would call him, maybe tomorrow, and see if he really is sorry. If he sounds cooperative I would try to get him to pay for your dog's surgery expenses and maybe even your hand if you can help it.
If he doesn't want to cooperate then I think you might have a real case for calling the police. I'm not sure what charges you could press against him, but I think that you could definitely sue them in a civil case.
Personally, I'm surprised that this guy left you a note and gave you a way to contact him. If I shot a dog I might panic a little bit and be too scared to go help, but the fact that he left you that note probably means that he feels genuinely sorry and may be willing to make it up to you.
I really hope your dog, and your hand, gets better. He looks gorgeous in the picture.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Yeah I did wonder about him leaving the note. I'm not doing anything right now. Hubby says take anther pain pill and lay down! LOL I'm going to call vet first thing in the morning and hope he is doing ok. Then I may settle down a bit. If he doesn't make it then heaven help this poor man! LOL
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
5 Dec 08
I agree. If it was my dog I would want to kill him for this crime so I would not be in a fit state to talk calmly to anyone. But he should definitely be held accountable for his actions.
He had no right to be shooting so close to your property and it could have been a human. I have heard of women hanging out washing being shot by hunters who claimed she looked like a deer. I thought they were lying at the time but who knows.
@Valadynx123 (278)
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
How heartbreaking!!!!! But I was thankful the dog survived. Did the dog survived? I'm sleepy and my mind is slowing. I think I forgot what I read. Anyway, What will I do? Um, I will probably shoot one of the shooter's loved one too. It may be a pet or his wife hahahaha lols....just joking!!!!! Calm down.. I think it's better to talk to him about this to settle everything for good or you will not stop thinking about it and it will haunt you forever. And don't forget to at least let him help you pay the expenses incurred in the situation.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I am so terribly sad to hear this, fast. I hope your dog makes it through this ordeal!
What I want to say is that it is against the law to shoot a domestic animal, especially if it is on your own property!
I hope by now that you have calmed down some and can think a bit more rationally.
What I would do if I were you would be to talk to the neighbor AFTER calming down. I wouldn't face him... not yet... but call on the phone. Tell him what has happened, what it has already cost your dog and yourself; not only the physical damage and pain, but also the cost of the vet and the hospital. Let your neighbor have his say then. If he will assume responsibility and offer payment, let him know what all this has cost, plus emphasize the emotional damages.
He should pay you not only what it has cost, but for the emotional pain and time it took for you to handle the situation.
It is obvious that he is trying to make amends by leaving you that note. He didn't have to, you know. He's admitting guilt. I think what he may have meant by wanting to know if the dog was okay or not was if he is alive or not because he already knew that the dog had been shot. He's probably as upset as you are and didn't know what to do initially, which is why he didn't come running. He was scared, plain and simple. That's no excuse, of course, but I can see why he did what he did, or didn't do.
Let him do the talking to see where he stands on paying you for the pain, suffering and expense this has cost you and your dog.
If he offers nothing in restitution, or offers only the financial costs, I would say your next step would be to call the police and tell them what happened. Let them know that you got the note from the neighbor, admitting to the accidental shooting. Ask them what you should do first. They can advise you about the legal ramifications of this situation.
I truly hope that your dog has pulled through. If he has by this time, I'm sure he'll make it. I also hope that your hand heals without infection setting in. This has to be truly horrible for you!
Please take care of yourself and do what you feel is right. This dog shooter should be made to pay and the law is on your side. My heart goes out to you and your dog.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I'm glad you've calmed down. You're right, strange things do happen and we've all been known to fly off the handle at times! I can certainly understand where you were coming from!
It's always good to hear the other side of the story before doing anything we'll regret because you just never know. This guy just may offer to pay much more than the vet bill! Say, the vet bill PLUS a great, big 12-point buck, maybe?
I'm glad you're taking care of that hand and even MORE glad to hear about your dog!!! That poor fella! I hope you can take him home tomorrow!
(Sorry for responding so late but I was without the internet most of the day today. It sucks!)
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Well the dog did make it through the night. I went and visited him this morning at the hospital. He is doing better and I think he's going to make it. They are letting the sedation wear off and see how he does. I may get to bring him home tomorrow. As for my hand..well the Dr. called in some stronger anti-biotics this morning but that was due to me not thinking and grabbing a dirty dish towell to wrap it in, wrestling with dog and getting it dirty and oh well no one wants all of those gorey details! LOL It will be ok eventually!
Now that I have settled down my plan is this. I am going to call the game warden to get a few laws straight (just in case I need to know) and then I am going to call the moron and see what he plans to do.
I have insurance on myself so I am not concerned about that but I do think he should cover the vet bill which is probably not going to be pretty. And maybe the whole thing will be a little clearer after I get his side of the story. Right now it makes no sense to me but strange things happen sometimes.

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@the_dutchess (2610)
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
a siberian husky... i love siberian huskies, they're such cute dogs. anyway, poor little doggie. yeah, i know that situation's gonna raise your blood pressure up but i agree to your husband, calm down first, don't let your temper overcome you. when you calm down, you can think better and think of the right thing to do. i guess, you should call that person and ask for financial assistant for anything that it caused you and your dog, in the first place, it's all his fault. if he refuses to do anything that could help, i guess that's the right time to call the authorities. if things can be resolved in an orderly manner, everything will all be alright. i hope your dog gets to live. he's so cute and he don't deserve it. God bless to your doggie. Hope he's okay now.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
He is doing better today. He made it throguh the night and they are allowing the sedation to wear off and hoping he doesn't pull anything loose. I'm going to go see him this evening again and if he does ok I'll be bringing him home tomorrow.
I'm going to call moron later this evening and see what develops from there! Thanks for responding
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@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
5 Dec 08
LOL! Your discussion made me laugh, not because your hand was bitten or your dog was shot, but because he shot your dog while out hunting for DEER? I mean WHAT THE ...? If he'd have wrote wolf on that piece of paper, i could have understood, and the fact he then didnt help you...
God, what a true moron.
I think i would have called him and ranted, calling him a f**king idiot etc. And i'd just love to call the cops on his a*s!!
I hope your dog... (and your hand) are okay... huskeys are beautiful.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Well it wasn't intended to amuse you! LOL But I agree with you, what an idiot and it is kind of funny. And the clincher for me is....if he was close enough to see that he shot a dog he had to have been close enough to see me running around like an idiot out there for 45 minutes so why not just yell out and say let me help you.
Wait until I leave and then come to my door so he had to have seen me leave because there was no one around when I left.....coward! Oh my! Here I go again starting to rant! LOL
Thanks for responding!
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@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I am so sorry this happened to you. I am hoping your dog will be okay. I absolutely understand how you feel. My animals are family to me as well, I would be so angry. First off I have to say, hey the guy did leave you a note and he didn't have to do that. Give him a chance to explain. I don't know all of the circumstances. Are you in the country? Is there a blind or something behind where he could have been shooting at something else? I agree, no way you can mistake the dog for a deer, but maybe the shot wasn't meant for the dog? I would talk to him first if that is possible, that he wasn't there illegally and could have made a mistake. When you call make him explain exactly what happened. Tell him (if he doesn't offer) he is responsible for the doctor bills (yours and his). I think you will be able to tell if this person really does feel bad (by his voice and attitude) or if he is just trying to get out of being arrested. Good luck to you and please let us know how your dog is doing. My heart is breaking for you.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
He is doing better this morning and I am going to see him this evening at 5. He was so glad to see a familiar fac this morning. He just laid his head in my lap and went back to sleep. I do live in the country and I am going to call this moron this evening after I visit the dog. I just hope he don't flare me up again! LOL Thanks for responding!
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Oh wow, how scary and sad. I sincerely hope your dog recovers from this. I think what I would do is call the police. I mean if they can shoot your dog whats to stop them from hitting a family member? If their aim is that bad why are they hunting? And, why on YOUR land? Yep, I think I'd be calling the police on this one, and have them advise this person they should pay the vet bill and never hunt on your property again. Since they admitted shooting your dog in the note, I think they should pay the costs. Good luck, and let us know how your dog does please?
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
The dog is doing better this morning. I am going to be on the phone this evninng ater I go check on the dog at 5 this evening. If he does ok I'll get to bring him home tomorrow. Only thing is I have to bring him in the house and he is no little fella! LOL So I'm cleaning out the utility room for him and making him a bed. Thanks for responding
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@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I would not call this man. You could go ballistic and so could he. As far as your husband laughing, I feel really sorry for him not appreciating how you feel. I say, call the police. Let them deal with it. Depending on the laws in your state something might or might not happen. I had a dog, once who got into our neighbors yard and he had set a cougar trap for her. Because she had gotten into his yard, all they could do was give him a warning. Even though cougar traps are illegal in the city. He had kids playing in his yard all the time, too. What if one of them had got caught in the trap? Some people are just absolutely crazy. I hope your dog makes it and I hoep the shooter gets his, too. Sorry for your pain. Hang in there. Don't be a door mat. Go through the right channels and try to get this person to understand and pay for what he has done.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
A cougar trap? Good Grief! People are nuts! Thanks for responding
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
hi fasttalker!
oh that is ridiculous! i mean, the nerve of the guy!!! oh poor dog! he didn't deserve that! and you don't deserve the ordeal too.
oh but yeah do calm down first. you can think better on what to do.
couldn't you sue the guy for trespassing private property? it is your property right?
take care and God bless you!
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
The dog is doing better this morning and I am a little calmer now. So I am calling the man this evening so we'll see what develops from there. Thanks for responding
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@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
Oh dear! How could he? I mean a deer is a deer and a dog is a dog. Can't he even tell the difference? And why on earth didn't he do something to help you when he learned that he shot your dog in the first place? The least that he could have done is to help you take the dog to the vet. I think that you should never let that person get away with what he did to your dog. What he did was very irresponsible.
@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
5 Dec 08
O M G !!!
First of all I am very very happy that surgery went well!!And after that i just realized that it could have been you too !
He should be careful , i am very against of hunting too so it is not an excuse to me! I would call the police and maybe next time when he is hunting he thinks again!
Again wish u guys get well soon!
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
My thought exactly. What if I had been out there in the field would he have mistaken me for a deer or turkey maybe? Thanks for responding!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I am so sorry that your dog has been shot. People can be so stupid. My fiance and I and his parents have two chihuahua's and one got bit by another bigger dog. When my fiance and I heard his mom coming in yelling about one of the dog's being bit, my fiance got upset, and I hurried to the bathroom to grab a towel, and then to the phonebook to get the number to the nearest emergency hospital. He's fine now, thank the lord...
I sure hope your dog will be fine to, I know your mad and you have every reason to be. Good luck with everything!
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Glad your worked out well! Thanks for the response!
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@halynn (1809)
• United States
5 Dec 08
OMG, that is so horrible. Someone shot my dog not long ago too. They shot him right above his tail & the bullet came out his side. Thankfully he dind't die. He got some stitches & he's doing just fine now. I have no idea who did it either. I was so mad & upset. i don't know how people could do that to an animal. that is so mean.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
So glad he was ok. Thanks for responding
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@hildas (3031)
5 Dec 08
I am so sorry you lovely dog got shot today. Your property sounds very similar to my Mothers. Why was he shooting into your property. He must know that area if he knew deer where there or in the woods.
Well I think you should call the police. He could of shot you. It is strange he did not come running as he saw the whole thing because he knew he had shot your dog. He would of had to been very close to see that. Why also leave a note when you left.
This all sounds strange. Please phone the Police. I do not think this was an accident. He would of came straight away to help the dog and you also. I think something is not right here.
Sorry for the downer but Please get the Police. How to you mistake a dog for a deer?
I will pray your beautiful dog pulls through tonight. Please keep us updated on her fasttalker. I hope your pain eases also.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Ahhh finally someone seeing things the way I do! LOL
See I find it kind of eerie that he was close enough to know he shot a dog and I'm not even addressing the stupidity of mistaken for a deer. And yet what did he do..sit there and watch me be attacked and then load him up (and he aint no skinny dog either! LOL) and wait until I left and come to my door an leave a note on a napkin!
My main concern is the dog right now. I'm calling first thing in the morning and then deciding what to do. Maybe that's not the right thing to do but whatever! If he makes it through the night then he may survive according to the vet. I called about an hour ago and he is still alive anyway.
Thanks for responding
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@hblpradeep (33)
• India
5 Dec 08
i am very very sorry ..! pretty dog...! who killed your dog? is there any such law regarding dog killing ..? i think he is a mad who killed your dog...! anyway past is past ..! we can not get it back...! take care of your helath friend..! god bless you ..! god help you to get another pretty dog..! keep in touch ...bye bye
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Well the dog didn't die so far. He is doing much better this morning.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I am so sorry to hear this. I had a similar experience with my cat ( posted the story on here ) but haven't found the culprit. They didn't leave a note or anything. Had they done this to one of my DOGS....I'd probably still be patrolling my property s border with a rifle. Were they on your property when this happened? Find everything you can possibly charge them with & make them pay for the vets bill too. These people knew what they were doing & should pay for their cruelty.
I hope he recovers.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I like the previous response.
BLAM... "Sorry, I thought you were a deer!" If you lived nearby I'd offer you a reindeer hat to put on the jerks head after the fact. " Seriously officer , he had antlers & looked more like a deer than my dog did!"
Besides just hunting laws call the police too. He damaged your property, there has to be something for that.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Thanks for the tips. I think I have some of those light up antlers that are on a headband! hmmmm...LOL
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
He is doing better this morning. I just went and visitied him. He is still sedated but they are letting thatwear off through the day and seeing how he does. I haven't called the freak yet but the dog was on my property. I'm realatively sure th hunter wasn't on my property but I wonder about the laws of shooting onto my property. Anyway I'm going to call the game warden today and check it out before I call this idiot! Thanks for responding!
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
can you report this to the police or someone in authority?
because as you said he can't mistake it as a deer
or at least he should pay your vet cost because it's his mistake
that's what I will do and I will show the note to them
even if they won't arrest him, they should at least make him pay for it like take off his license for a year or something
so he won't shoot a cat next time thinking it's a deer

@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
LOL yeah, I guess to him a deer can look like anything
dogs, cats, probably even pigeons :)
I wonder who his optometrist is...
by the way hope this doesn't happen to any of your pets again
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Seriously..Better lock up the cats during deer season I guess! LOL
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
LOL now that's an interesting question. I'll have to ask him this evening when I call him if he wears glasses! LOL
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Wow that is terrible. I'm so sorry. You are right, I don't see how they could think your dog was a deer. I think I would call the police so that there is a record of what happened. I would make that guy pay for all your vet and hospital bills. Did he shoot the dog on your land? If he did you could also nail him for hunting on your property without your permission. at least he made a lame effort by leaving his number, but you are right he had to have been close he should have helped your dog.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Yes the dog was on my property and I am assuming that the hunter was not. Our property is surrounded by woods. That is exactly what makes me mad. I know if he seen that he shot the dog he had to have seen the commotion of me trying to help him plus him attacking me and all that commotion of the 4 wheeler and all. And even if he was at a distance it took me close to an hour to get him loaded and all. There is no way he was that far away.
Anyway I'm not doing anything until morning when I can call and check on my dog and hope he makes it through the night. If not this man will probably wish he never left a number.LOL
Thanks for the response
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
Think about it this way.....He didn't have to call you and own up to it, did he?
You never would have known who it was or how or why it happened, but he owned up to it and gave you his contact info. So he is honest and obviously willing to do something about it as he has taken responsibility for his actions. Personally, I am proud of him.
I get that you are hurting right now, therefore irrational. Calm down before talking to him. I would ask him to pay for all the costs incurred by you and your dog. Since he has been a decent human being and owned up to it.
Accidents happen.
Put yourself in his shoes....what if you hit a dog while driving, but the owner was freaking out and calling you names and saying you were irresponsible, when in fact, the dog ran out in front of you so fast you didn't have enough time to stop safely without injuring yourself. Accidents happen.
Breathe, take a breath and be reasonable with the guy. He sounds like he is genuinely sorry or why would he own up to it.
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
But if you want to be mean about it, then call the cops.
Personally, I wouldn't call them unless he wasn't willing to pay some restitution for the damage he caused. You can use that as a threat to him if he becomes unreasonable.
Maybe you could ask the advice of a policeman first and see what he says. Just because you tell them doesn't mean you have to file a report, I don't think. I don't know if there is a limitation of time to report it. But really, you would likely have called the cops if you didn't know who had done it in an effort to find the offending party. Since you already know who it is, why bother?
If you are to upset to call, maybe let your spouse do it to see what his intentions are and go from there.
Basically, all that will happen anyway, is that just before it goes to court, there will be plea bargaining, and you as the victim, can influence the outcome. The Crown Attorney, can lessen his sentence based on victim restitution. Basically, they can drop the charges if he pays all your costs and maybe some pain and suffering money, too. Or, you can just take him to Civil Claims Court to get your costs and pain and suffering money. This all takes money on your part and time away from work.
Better to try and work something out with him first. If he is reasonable, and it sounds like he is, then you would get restitution money alot faster.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
Do you know if he was on your land when he shot the dog?
A Rifle shot (22 calibre) will travel for a mile or more, so he could easily have not been on your land.
He could have been shooting at a deer, but it missed and accidentally hit your dog, much further away.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
Do you realize that your dog, a husky, looks like a wolf? He could have thought that he had mistakenly hit a wolf, until you rushed out to get him and take him to the vet.
Plus, once he realized that he had hit your dog, you are testatment to the fact that you would have been too emotional towards him at that point in time. So he was wise of him to leave you a note instead of rushing out to help you. You were obviously closer to the dog to be able to reach him and load him and it was probably only that action that actually made him aware (maybe via binoculars) that maybe it wasn't a wild animal he had hit.
I still stick with my first impression. He left you contact information and took responsibility. Very few would do that. He should get lots of credit for that.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Wow, I would be upset too. I would have to calm down before I could talk to him..I am very sorry that you got bit. I know that had to hurt like crazy.
* About the shooter * He was honest and came to your home and left the note. Lots of people nowadays would not even do that. Sounds like he is trying to take responsibility for what happened.
Not sure how he could have thought the dog was a deer though...
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Well I am not doing anything until morning when I have had time to "cool down" and hopefully the dog will make it and that would help me calm down more than anything. To be honest I knew why the dog was attacking me due to his injury and I think it was an adrenaline rush or something because I sat at the vets office for 2 hours before I even went and had my hand looked at and the reason I did (it had stopped bleeding) was because I was concerned about the towell I grabbed to wrap it in being dirty and getting my hand infected. But they cleaned it good and gave me some pain medicine so it should be fine.
Thanks for responding!
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@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I hope your dog makes it okay.
This guy probably didn't help you because he wasn't sure what to do and it probalby took a lot of soul searching and back-and-forth for him to leave the note.
How could your dog have been mistaken for a deer? Well, this guy was in the wood, saw movement, and thought it was a deer. Some of these hunters will shoot at anything, which is why it's best to stay out of the woods during deer season.
It also sounds like this is a young, inexperienced hunter that just barely passed the hunting/safety test. This guy needs to go through another hunter safety course at the very least. If this IS a young guy, talk to his dad. If his dad is any kind of respectable sportsman, he'll lay into his son pretty hard.
I do hope your dog makes it. Keep us posted.
Happy MyLotting!

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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Well the note said "Please call ******* I accidentally shot your dog while deer hunting" so I don't even know if he is claiming he mistook it for a deer. But on the other hand if he told me that he mistakenly thought it was a deer I would really be mad. And if he just shot at movement he needs to be out of the woods PERIOD. No safety course eliminates pure stupidity!
Anyway I'm not calling him or the police until morning after I check on my dog. Thanks for your response.
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@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
5 Dec 08
"No safety course eliminates pure stupidity"
Good point.
And your right, he does need to be out of the wood. End of story.
Hope he makes it through the night.
Happy MyLotting!

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@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I read your other responses and I'm so glad to hear that your dog is doing better today!!!
Please keep us updated on his progress!Oh, and the picture of the deer I posted was supposed to be captioned "Intended Victim" but for some reason, it didn't work.
Happy MyLotting!

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