
love - love as a child is the best
United States
December 4, 2008 9:33pm CST
Does love have a definate meaning for you? Is love real or does it fade as one gets older. My oldesT son 40ish.....he loved me so much and I in return... yet, as he grew up where did the love go ...was it passed on to his wife and children...does it still exist and I just don't feel it as much? isn't there enough love to pass around and share with all his families...must some be shut out as others are found to love? ...does real love ever leave? it just buried to return another day? this is very confusing to me because I miss love when I can't feel it....ANY one else ever feel this way...?
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3 responses
@tuxirou (16)
• Germany
5 Dec 08
Love means a lot for me...I feel warm when I see your words~I guess because it is a special time for me,a man I love will leave me a month later... But when love did exist,we should appreciate.What do you think?
• United States
7 Dec 08
Yes, thank you for your words
• New Zealand
5 Dec 08
how could you miss love when you have your wonderful son and grandchildren around. I think that love has a definite meaning but the it gets stronger as we get older. I think that there is still love between yourself and your son but you just need to spend some time togerther just to find it again. Good-Luck and happy mylotting helper
• United States
7 Dec 08
My son and his children live 18,000 miles. It is his young love I miss as well as everyday love, seeing him is love to me etc...just talking to him I feel his love and talking to him makes me miss him even more...sad as it seems
• Philippines
10 Feb 09
For me the very wonderful verse of love given in the Bible is found in 1Cor. 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it doe not boast,it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts,always hopes,always perseveres. Love never fails. If you don't feel the love you expect from anyone/anybody trust God and love God more for He cares for you.