Does the New Terror Report Scare You?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
December 5, 2008 12:35am CST
This new report says there will "likely" be a nuclear or biological attack by terrorists somewhere in the world by 2013 and that it will more likely be biological. I must admit it scares the crap out of me! I mean, it's not like we haven't known there is always that danger but somehow when it's put in writing and said out loud like this it seems more real and much more frightening. Here's the article:
On a positive note, President Elect Obama already announced he will have someone in the White House concentrating solely on this issue. What do you think? Former Senator Bob Graham, the chairman of the blue-ribbon panel appointed by Congress said, "The leadership of this country and the world will have to decide how much of a priority ... they place on avoiding the worst weapons in the world getting in the hands of the worst people in the world." He added, "It is not going to be cheap. It is not going to be accomplished without some sacrifices. It won't be accomplished without putting this issue ahead of some other competing national and international goals. But I think our safety and security depend upon doing so."
Any comments?
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10 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Dec 08
I and I think a lot of America has grown numb to these things.It's getting hard to decipher what is real and what is social manipulation and engineering. What better way to get a society to allow a government more power than to scare it under the guise of security. W ehave not seen a single attack on this soil since 9/11 and like him or not, you have Bush to thank. However, I think we already have enough protections in place and indeed probably overkill where that is concerned, we don't need more. In fact we probably don't need half of the freedom encroaching things we have now.
There are people out there who want to kill us, for what ever reason it may be, that fact remains. But now we need to be equaly aware of the things that can happen with in our own borders and with in our own government. While I don't believe in conspiricy theories, the new world order or any of that nonsense, I do believe in the fallibilty of man and government, the greed and power of some people and the decpicable acts they would commit to atain that power, including scaring a population, ie; "the economy is going to colaps! we need this T.A.R.P. bill!" or "were going to be attacked! We need this homegorwn terrorist act!"
And as a last but important note, look up "project northwoods" 1962
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Dec 08
You make a lot of sense but one thing I definitely disagree with you on is that we have Bush to thank for not having an attack on our soil since 9/11. There had never been a 9/11-like attack BEFORE 9/11 either and 9/11 happened under Bush's watch.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Dec 08
The fact will always remain it happened under Bush's and he ignored the warning signs. Hindsight is 20/20 so one can never be sure but I have a feeling Clinton and those in his Administration wouldn't have ignored a memo saying Bin Laden planning attacks within the U.S. or planes would be used as weapons.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Yes it scares me even more than being attacked by military warfare as we have some form of defense in place for this possibility. Biological warfare is an other story all together as it is such an insidious danger. Not knowing when, where or what form it will take. Untold numbers of people dying before medical science can find a cure.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I know, it's like some very terrifying movie coming true! I never had an uncontrollable fear of the Soviet Union back during the Cold War because I knew that despite our differences their leaders were also intelligent and knew destroying us would guarantee their own destruction, more or less. That doesn't matter to terrorists, they have no respect for life, not even their own.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I agree with you there Annie. I was never really scared of the Soviet Union during the cold war. I know an all out war would never really happen. Each country would be hurt to bad for it and neither side wanted that.
But the terrorist. Heck they want to die and take as many of us all possible with us when they do. Terrorist scare me worse than any country ever will.
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
5 Dec 08
It just shows how lax the present administration has been about inspection of incoming cargo ships, after all Bush had his hands full trying to run "his" war in Iraq, he didn't have time to concentrate on other important matters.
Maybe this report will do some good by putting us more on guard. I remember during the "cold war" how the threat from the Soviet Union shook things up. One of my sons, who was in high school was sure the Soviets were going to drop the atomic or hydrogen bomb on the U.S., I guess they had discussed this in class.
I believe there will be a lot more co-operation with the UN and other countries to clear out terrorism after Obama takes office. He hasn't allienated the leaders of the Middle East and will probably make sure that actions are put in place to make friends with those leaders. I remember when I was stationed in Saudi Arabia, we flew into several of those countries and they were always friendly to us. It's time to stop being a "bully" and start using a little diplomacy.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
5 Dec 08
It doesn't really scare me. I can't control what will happen and when it is my time to die, that's life. I think maybe if I grew up in the era of the "Cold War" than maybe I would think differently.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I know quite a few people with that "don't worry about that which you can't control" attitude and I think that's a GOOD way to look at things, you probably have less stress than those who worry 24/7 about every new thing they tell us to worry about! I really didn't worry during the Cold War. I mean, sure we all knew there was always a chance of something horrible happening like the "The Day After" and there were people in the fifties and sixties with bomb shelters and we had drills in school where we had to get under our desks - now THAT made sense, didn't it, getting under a little desk would protect us from a nuclear attack! - but I knew the Soviets weren't stupid and they didn't want to be destroyed any more than we did. I guess there was a mutual, if somewhat grudging, respect there.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Well I just don't worry about terrorist attacks because well honestly if they were to attack here they would just attack our nuclear facilities and we wouldn't live long enough to die of anything other than fallout. I remember after 9/11 boats weren't allow within a certain distance of the plant and the security was so tight you could barely drive by it. I hate to admit but these current times are probably the best time to hit us, most Americans are too worried about the economy to care about what the terrorists are doing. Know what I mean?
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I agree it is a good probability. And it does scare me. Russia and other countries are selling nuclear reactors like candy and small unstable countries that get a hold of them could very easily let them fall into the wrong hands or sell them to terrorist for the huge profits involved. Lets face it.... Al Quida does not have money problems.
Someone does need to keep an eye on it. What we can do to stop it....I do not know. I think the best we can hope for is to put political preasure on other countries who they sell this stuff to and then beef up our own security to make it more difficult for them to get it into this country. But with some countries like Iran out there it that hate us and would love to see us get a another terrorist attack it will be hard.
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@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
5 Dec 08
2013?!? That's 5 long years from now! Okay, 4 long years in about another month, but do you know how many Americans are going to die from heart desease and colon cancer before then?
Rather tna worrying about some nuclear or biological attack that's is "likely" to happen "somewhere in the world", worry about something you can DO something about....such as bettering your health, or at least the health of your children.
Happy MyLotting!

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I'm so sorry to hear that! You'll certainly be in my prayers. You're so right about people getting the tests they should that really do save lives. I had my first colonoscopy a few months ago and I'm fine, except mild diverticulitis which means I'm not supposed to have have things like nuts or popcorn, which I have to admit I cheat now and then, but I have no problems so far. I wish you the best of luck, Hon! Also, ladies, don't forget to get a regular mammogram and pap smear. These tests save millions of lives!
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I remember during the 1960s people were building bomb shelters as they just knew we were going to be in an atomic war with the Soviets. My insurance man even built one in his basement and stocked it with canned goods and water containers with blankets and everything he could think of to survive with. He even said I should do the same, I'm glad I didn't.
I am a colon cancer patient and was given a maximum of 5 years to live, that was 6 years ago. I still take chemo treatments every two weeks and have for the last 6 years. It's not much fun, but beats the alternative. Please get a colonoscopy if you are of the age of 45 or 50. If I had taken my doctor's advice 7 years ago, I wouldn't still be taking chemo, my cancer spread to my lungs and they can't kill it.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Dec 08
It does, I think it brings back the reality that we pass off when we hear nothing about it.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
7 Dec 08
All the terrorist reports scare me. But since I can't see the threat going away, it's become something I've learned to live with on a daily basis.
Every time I visit center city Philadelphia around the historical district in Society Hill and Olde City, I think what a target the birthplace of America would make. I hate that that thought always occurs to me because I think there could be an element of fulfilling prophecy in there but I can't seem to avoid thinking it. I noticed that when Obama met with the governors at Carpenter's Hall there was very little pre meeting publicity. I know that the meeting was organized quickly but I wonder if it wasn't deliberately kept low key.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I think it just may have been deliberately kept low key and I think that's a good idea if it's so. It's hard not to sometimes feel some pangs of worry and fear when we hear and see all the media attention given to certain events. Sometimes it seems like they're announcing to the terrorists, "Hey this would be a great opportunity for you!"
@suresh635 (77)
• India
6 Dec 08
yes it scared me.terroe attack in mumbai is so sad.and they are going to do another attack.definitely we have to eliminate terrorism.we havo to kill terrorism.
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@george85 (17)
• United States
7 Dec 08
personally no. i am so sick of these friggin terror alert things. if you watch the news you can see a pattern of fear and happiness. terrorists are going to do this and that and then hey go buy this nice life insurance policy, global warming this and that, and then hey go buy this hybrid. it's all about fear and happiness. check out farenheit 9-11 by michael moore, it'll explain everything.
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