Do you know any happily married couple who fell in love online in chatroom?

@comfort55 (1574)
December 5, 2008 8:29am CST
I did meet one couple yesterday, to whom one of my son's friend introduced. Boy is from this place where I live and the girl is from Eastern region. Both the partners are gorgeous,well-versed, made for each other you can say. Ofcourse I knew the boy earlier as he is settled here since last many years, I was quie impressed by the girl also. So do you know about any such couple? I think this is the first such couple I've ever met.
5 responses
• New Zealand
7 Dec 08
Yeah I know a couple of peoples. One is my friend and another one is my online friend (whom I haven't met). Its really cool to have someone as your life partner whom you just met in chat rooms like yahoo. One of my friend did so, some 3 years back. He was chatting with a girl for a couple of months in yahoo chat, and both proposed to each other and met in person. And they are in love with each other for almost 1 year and then married and living a happy life right now.
@comfort55 (1574)
• India
9 Dec 08
I am so glad for this couple you mentioned. May they remain like that forever.
@silverpen (125)
• Philippines
6 Dec 08
Yeah I know one, coz Im one of them! Me and my wife met in the chatroom, which we suppose to met that same day but we did not make it. But she get my number though I haven't get her, since we dont know each other nor seen each other we lost contact for 1 year. It is only after a 1 she texted me again and thats were the love story begins. hehehe
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@comfort55 (1574)
• India
9 Dec 08
So that's a real love story. Keep it up!
@riyasam (16556)
• India
9 Dec 08
i donot know of any such couple but then i know of peoplewho have fallen for online friends,but it is not very reliable. happy mylotting.
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
Hi comfort55. Yeah I know several couples who met online, fell in love and got married. One of those was my officemate. The girl was on her 30's and that time she'd been single for a year. Out of curiosity as she narrated it to us, she signed a dating site. A lot of members got interest on her profile since she's pretty, but one guy really caught her attention, a Filipino American and on his 30's too. They exchanged constant emails, been chatmate and talked via phone mostof the days. To her surprise, the guy told her that he will visit her in the Philippines. They got in love so much and decided to get married after a year.
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• United States
5 Dec 08
i have never been on an online dating or chat room but i met my husban at a bar(lol) no i dont dringk i just dance but anyway 4 months later we married and he is AWSOME
@comfort55 (1574)
• India
9 Dec 08
Great to know about your hubby. May you be like that forever.