I hate being bossed by a woman/(Women please skip this post!
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
December 6, 2008 5:33am CST
I hate being bossed by a woman/(Women please skip this post! I do fear of being rated negatively)
I know that modern society is in favour of women's emancipation in society. I don't have a problem with that but I do prefer having a man than a female boss. My experience working with a woman as a head, it was either a love or a hate relationship. Either she takes fancy of you and you'll be in her good books or else you ll end up in her black book. A good head always asks nicely when there are things to be done. Others do ask firmly and in authoritative way! Anyway I do hate being bossed by a woman. Do you?© ronaldinu 2008
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45 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Dec 08
I have had as many female bosses as male ones Ronaldinu. I have to say that I have met good and bad in both. Generally I get on well with women and maybe that is reflected in the management relationships that I have experienced. What I would say is that women can be more emotional and that men can find that hard to deal with.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
6 Dec 08
Well I couldnt resist you say skip and well i get more interested lol. Anyways you may want to hear what i have to say other women wont but i agree with you. Every female boss i have had was a bit to emotion based. She had her favorite emplyees and didnt hide that fact from anyone. Now im not saying woman cant be a boss just saying i prefer a male boss myself.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
6 Dec 08
When I worked in a school every member of staff was female! I was in the deep minority and my boss was a female and believe me I think I would have got on much much better if it had been a male boss. In honesty, over my working career I have worked much better with male bosses than female, that is not to say that all male bosses are great because they are not, but it's more often the case, women do get bossy at times and sometimes power goes to people's head but that is the case for both sexes.
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@kaka135 (14931)
• Malaysia
9 Dec 08
I think not every woman boss is not good, but sometimes I do prefer to have man boss too. My previous boss is a woman, sometimes she's fine, she's caring, but sometimes she is too emotional. I don't know if this is the nature of women, or just some women don't control their emotions well.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
6 Dec 08
I am not going to skip your post my dear. I was a boss and what you declared I didn't do. You see some ladies when they become an authorative figure they tends to overlook were she is coming from. Some of them have to work to prove theirselves or either have a relationship with a director of the company so just try to sympathise. We the ladies can say the same about man bosses. But you know I always has good relationships with all my male bosses.
The two female bosses I have was a disappointment but know I see why the hatred towards me. You see when you have potential and they see that you can make it better than them if given the opportunity. The hatred sweep right in.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
6 Dec 08
LOL @ I am not going to skip your post my dear.
Well it shows one thing that women never listen :)
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
7 Dec 08
Hello there! I am a woman but I think I prefer not to skip this one! LOL Don't worry, I am not biased against men. What I think is that gender is not the problem here but rather the attitude of the person in question. There are a lot of male and female bosses who are overbearing and have atttiude problems. I think that you just have the misfortune of working under some of the bad ones.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 08
You are right about lady bosses. I never worked under one before. Women are always women even when they are the CEO of a company they always have that female character in them strongly embedded in their veins. On the professional front they can be very firm but when faced with tough problems they cannot withstand pressure unlike men bosses. They can easily give away their prized signature when flattered. That is women, unlike men who doesn't give in to words of comfort. Women bosses can be annoyingly fussy and repetitive. Even as a woman I don't think I would like to work under a lady boss but I am experiencing it myself as a proprietor of a business entity where I have a small number of employees under my charge and I don't deny that I can be drawn into my motherly instinct when discharging my duties as the lady boss of my business.
@gtdonna (1738)
9 Dec 08
Hell hath no fury than a woman scron holds so true in the corporate world. It is worst when the woman feels that a man seems to be coming in to take over her job.
In all honestly as a woman, I have found I work better with a male boss than a female boss who thinks because she is head she can do and say as she please.
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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
7 Dec 08
HAHA.(Women skip) Right that is like asking us to give back your money we sometimes find in wash. Or in your pants before you even get to check them. OK right. No I have had a female boss three times and twice was to many. The first one was oh my. The second was Holy crap. The third was really cool. And she didn't last long as she wasn't taken serious by the other bosses. But I would sooner have a man as a boss any day of the week. You have a nice day onlydia
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
7 Dec 08
What's with this,(women please skip this post) you know you just waved a red flag.
I've been a woman boss and I've had a women boss. I've also had many male bosses. When I was boss I used the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do onto you. I think I was a good boss, I know i had a winning part of the company, and I couldn't have had that without my great employees, both men and woman. As for my own bosses I had both good and terrible ones, it didn't seem to matter which gender. I think it's just the basic insecurity of males that make them react more to women bosses then men.
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@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
8 Dec 08
Hello my dear ronaldinu Ji,
During my teaching profession, my boss was a woman, and I never felt bad, as i bieng woman. When we go for a job other tahn my own bussiness, it is clearly understood, that I have to be bossed, for me it never matters, I would do my work whole heartedly, without bieng biased by gender element. Let's be frank. Why do you under-estimate the. i do not say, that you are not in-correct in your analysis. Imagine, if your wife happen to be your boss in your office. She is already boss at home, then why not be out-side. Ladies, basically require to be attended, so they always prefer tpo adopt some means to divert other's attention. In case if you neglect them as their Juniors, your name would be listed in some other place. may god bless you and have graet time here at myLot.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
6 Dec 08
I am a woman and I would rather have a male boss. Women who are bosses seem to overdo it, exception being Queen Elizabeth the First and Margaret Thatcher, and they are either goody two shoes or the witch from h*ll. Besides men have that way with them that they can ask you do something nicely and you will. With women they have to stomp their feet and make a big noise.
Just watch those nanny shows and when the father comes in, the kids all take notice, but when the mom's at home, they run around the house.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 Dec 08
Hi ronaldinu, Wow! I hope the women aren't too rough on you for this one lol. There are a lot of men out there like you and it stems from thought conditioning. Our fathers and grandfathers and for thousands of years before that lived in a male dominated society, and to a certain extent the world remains male dominated even today. Women only started coming into positions of authority in the last twenty-five years of my working life but I don't have a problem with it. A good boss, whether male or female, is someone who is able to get along well with employees and create a good work environment. I've seen men and women who excel and fail miserably in such a position. I've only worked under one woman supervisor but I've observed many. Blessings.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Wow, you're kidding right? No, you're not kidding? This is to be taken seriously, oh ok.
I am not going to rate you negatively for you attitude. That would be silly of me. I am going to give you my thoughts on your attitude though.
I am a woman
I have been in management for over 20 years
I have only ever had two men who did not like working for me. Both were from India. Both felt it demeaned them to take direction from a woman, despite the fact that I had a better education, more experience in the field, and longer work history with both the client and the employer.
Then on to your other comment, that women bosses either "fancy" you; does this mean want you? My experience with other English speakers says that this is what Fancy means, that there is some sort of physcial attraction. You are kidding on this one, please tell me that you are kidding. Do you honestly believe that the only time a woman boss can provide pragmatic and good direction to a male subordinate is if she "fancies" him? Geesh that is asinine.
So let me give you a few clues, women are -
1. Better at delegation
2. Better at mulit-tasking
3. Better at the details
4. More compassionate and emathetic
5. Better at building cross functional teams of diverse resources
6. Better at building bridges (see 4)
The above is not my opinion. It is the opinion of many different experts in the field of business analytics.
Over the years I have had both male and female bosses. Some have been great and some have not. Their gender has not ever been the deciding factor of what made them good bosses. Certainly my attitude was part of what determined how I got along with them. Perhaps you should check yours?
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
7 Dec 08
Hi ronaldinu,
I am a womean and I am responding, I think that some men are afraid of women and can only think of one thing, but they are afraid and thy know it that women can be better bosses the and man and they don't only all have one track mind like men do. There are many succesful women in this world that can do things better then theen a man.
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
6 Dec 08
It can go both ways. Men bosses have a tendency to be more easier on a female with a pretty face and a nice body. Those females seems to be able to get away with more than an older female who has seen most of her good days in life. On the other hand a female boss is very moody. In most cases you can't win for losing. Be it Male or Female. Just my opinion..
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@Polly289 (269)
• New Zealand
6 Dec 08
Actually honey, (I'm a woman). But in my experience, and I've had several, women can be very good bosses. I've had some excellent ones and some not so excellent ones. Just like men. I've had the odd male boss or co-worker, hit on me so I think your reasoning is a little awry. It's your prerogative though. You don't need to
work in environment where you are not comfortable. If being around a female boss makes you feel edgy, quit. Or don't start. Simple
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