Please guys...I need help for my Elgg 1.1 problem!!

Elgg Configuration - This the configuration area where I'm confused on what to write/input.
December 6, 2008 8:32pm CST
Elgg is an open, flexible social networking engine which is very helpful when you want to create your own social network like those of facebook and myspace. You can visit their site at this link: www[dot]elgg[dot]org In order to use this software, you need an apache web server containing MySQL and PHP. In my case, I use XAMMP. You can search this through google. Now my problem is, I followed all the instructions found at this link: and after, I encountered the Elgg Configuration which is I indicated in the attached image. I choose the alternative since I don't have any background yet to MySQL database configuration. Really! I'm a newbie to this problem. So I supplied the box with the database user, password, elgg, (hostname, and table prefix - already given by them). I followed the instruction found at the site given above which is the default database user and database password. I don't really know about this Elgg database so I just entered elggdb which is also instructed at the site given above. After doing all this, I hit save button. The real problem now is, An elgg error will occur saying: "Elgg error: Apache does not have mod_rewrite loaded. Please check your Apache setup." I followed the instruction found at the site given above which is un-commenting line 118. But an error will occur. Maybe someone can help me with the 2 steps found in the image. Where can I find my MySQL database details using XAMMP? or if someone knows or have been using Elgg software in making in their social network site, I will be glad if I will be given a step by step instructions guided with an image so it's easy for me, if this is not asking too much for your part. Hehehe Looking forward for your help and response.
1 response
@70nyh0Ax (177)
• India
16 Jan 09
Well i really don't like where JSP part comes but still i like to help so here are some sites that you can refer for help..