What is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve?
By Ind3p3nd3nt
@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
United States
December 7, 2008 3:04pm CST
Omg, I absolutely HATE bad drivers! And by "bad" I mean "slow", lol. For whatever reason, I am somewhat of a speed demon...I like to get where I'm going in the least amount of time as possible, no matter where I'm going. It's weird, I know, but it's impossible for me to do this when I'm trapped behind some idiot who drives BELOW the freakin' speed limit! And what pisses me off even more...this just happened to me like an hour ago...is when the slow driver in front of you decides to be a wise guy and only speeds up when you try to pass him! WTF! Or when you're on the highway and there are, not one but TWO slow drivers in front of you taking up both your lane and the passing lane, so you're just stuck going 60mph in a freakin' 65 or 70. UGH!!
Lol, sorry. I didn't mean to vent, but that really ticks me off. What about you? What gets on your very last nerve to the point where you have seriously fantasized about leaving your own celestial body and just beating the crap out of someone?
9 responses
@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Ooh bad drivers make me so mad too! But something that really gets on my nerves is when someone says "alls". I know that seems weird, but it just irritates me when they say it. Its not even a word really.
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@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Lmao! I used to say that! "Alls I'm sayin' is...", lol. I haven't said it since I was in school, though. I guess it was one of thoses phases you go through. You know, there's the "Ewww...boys have cooties" phase, the "I hate my parents" phase, and then there's the "I compulsively use words that don't make sense" phase, lol. Don't worry, though. I'm over it.
Thanks for sharing your pet peeve.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
"you know what I'm sayin'"
"you know"
those meaningless phrases that are repeated over and over and sometimes those mispronounciations like aks for ask.
@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Lol @ "aks". I have friends who say that. It doesn't really bother me, though. It's just kinda funny.
@alyssakenzie (462)
• United States
7 Dec 08
I hate when people think they need to touch you!! I hate when people walk up behind me and pat my back, rub my back, or anything else that involves thems touching me. I learned when I was about 4 what a persons personal space was but it seems most people have forgot. If I don't know someone well than I don't want them touching me and being all close. If I have known you for a long time than it might be alright but I just wish people would stop assuming that they need to touch me!!
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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
Sometimes that touch touch touch is a cultural thing. People's private space "bubble" is smaller in some cultures and some people. You get one with a small "bubble" and one with a large "bubble" and the small one is trying to get closer and the large one is backing up. They can move several feet in one conversation as each incrementally advance and back up. I am of the no touch as I was brought up but I am trying to change that, but only with loved ones. Strangers I am still not a big toucher.
@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Lol, awww! I think it's sweet when people touch you like that. It's kinda soothing...depending on who it is, of course. I agree about the strangers, though. That's kinda weird.
I'm a bit curious as to what your reaction is when someone does that to you. Do you give 'em the "evil eye" or do you just smile and pretend it doesn't bother you?
Thank you for sharing!
@alyssakenzie (462)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I just try to smile and act like it doesn't bother me but the first chance I get I will get away from them!!! I don't know why but it has just always bothered me.

@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Fake people. I hate when people try to make small talk just to talk. Asking how your family's doing and things like that when it is so obvious that they don't really care. Pretending to be friends with people and then talking sh*t as soon as they leave the room. Giving compliments in such a way to be rude. Things like that-fake. I hate it. Why cant people just be real and honest?
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@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Ah, the age-old question. A question that will never be answered and a prophecy that can never be truly fulfilled. As long as real people are in existence, fake people will be right behind them *pretending* to be real. That's just the way the world works. Somebody's gotta keep us on our toes. That's the way I look at it, anyway.
But I don't really thing small talk is being fake. I think it's more like being cordial than being fake or phony. With that said, I hate small talk, too...mainly because I am so incredibly horrible at it. That whole, "So how about this weather we're having?" thing does not sit well with me, lol. But if some people didn't partake in "small talk", there would always be just like this awkward silence...
... ... ...
And nobody wants that, right?
@dwickham (107)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
As far as drivers go, I hate it when people tail gate me. It's frustrating because if something happens at 100kph and the person is stuck right behind you they will have no chance of stopping in time. They even do it when it's raining which frustrates me even more!
Another pet peeve I have is when people talk simply for the sake of talking, and continue talking to me even when I've made it clear that I have no interest in what they are talking about. Like there is this guy at my work who continuously talks to me about football and I've made it clear to him that I don't follow the football. The other annoying thing about it is that he is a close talker, so he is right in your face when he is talking. Also every second word he says is a swear word. Argh! lol
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@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Awww, lol. Well it looks like you're gonna have to speak this guy's language and tell him to back the "f" off, lol. I can't say that I've ever really had this problem before, but I know that I would find it extrememly annoying as well.
And I, too, hate the tailgaters. I try hard not to be one, but these people drive so damn slooooooooww...it's kinda hard not to be. I get where you're coming from, though. It does pose a serious threat in case cars ahead have to come to a sudden stop.
Anyway, thanks for commenting.
@Diodeg (4)
• United States
8 Dec 08
People on cell phones. Most of them are so rude. Like for example I work cashier/walk around helping people at a wal-mart and then a ticket seller at the local theater.
Today I had to deal with two customers at the wal-mart who just "had to take this call" while they were being checked out. I couldn't skip them and move to the next because they were at the point where they had to sign the receipt. So I sat there for 10 MINUTES while this person talked on the phone about how "sexy" someone was and what they'd do to them.
The other person was in automotive and they needed help getting something off the top shelf, so I was up there on the ladder, now I'm terrified of heights so I am almost at the point where I am pissing my pants from fear. While they sat on their phone talking for 20 MINUTES, if I attempted to get down they said "wait I haven't shown you want I needed". Needless to say, those 20 minutes seemed like FOREVER to me.
The movie theater I had a horrible experience. There was a guy on his cell phone at the front of the line he was just about to say what movie when he got interrupted on my phone, instead of letting his voice mail take it he answered it. After 5 minutes of it, I had enough I signaled for the people behind him to come ahead, thats when all hell broke loose. He yelled "WHY ARE YOU LETTING THEM AHEAD, YOU SHOULD HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR PEOPLE ON CELL PHONES". I told him "Maybe you should have more respect on not taking calls while you are at the head of a line", at this point he threw every word of curse in the book at me. I called for the manager he told the person to "get off the phone or get out". He flipped the manager off and said "You people are rude, people talking on cell phones should have your greatest respect".
And when you are driving and there is this person in another lane swerving around and when you get to a stop light and you see they are texting or talking on a phone. Its like, GET OFF THE PHONE YOU ARE DRIVING.
Its stuff like this why I see cell phones more as a distraction than a "convenience".
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@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Wow, you had some stuff to get off your chest there, lol. I agree, though. Some people treat their cell phones like their favorite pet or significant other. It is annoying. And those people talking on their phones while driving are the worst. I'm guessing they've never heard of a little thing called "Bluetooth". I bet those are the very same people driving like my grandma on the freeway!
Thanks for sharing!
@esme0284 (7)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I biggest and most annoying pet peeve is when people talk with their mouth full or they smack their food when chewing it. Uh i hate it and the saddest thing is that my father in law is one of those persons that talks with his mouth full i cant stand it, so i just don't eat when he eats i wait. To me is like, you're aware of what you're doing and you know is disgusting, so why do you do it? And people that smack when they are chewing oh is so annoying is unbelievable you just want to turn to them and slap them across the face and tell them to stop. I don't mean to offend anyone out there, but seriously is really annoying.
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@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I agree. People who talk with their mouths full tend to spit out little masticated pieces of food when the say words that start with an 's' or a 't' or a 'b'. If they were to say something like, "Did you see the basketball game on tv last night?", you'd have enough wet food on your face for your next meal.
Thanks for sharing your pet peeve. Bon apetite! Lol.
@rjbass (1422)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Oh, I hate that (your pet peeve) but my biggest pet peeve is when people lag. It's that person who is always late to everything or isn't ready on time (my wife is an exception). They're the same people who are driving in all lanes on the freeway going 60 side by side :)
@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Lol, I second that. Actually, I "third" that. Refer back to response #7 posted by satisfier23.
Thanks for sharing your pet peeve.
@baldie (74)
• India
7 Dec 08
I absolutely detest people who make up abbreviations for anything they have to speak of. Seriously why do they make a laptop a "lappy" and a calculator a "calci". Is it that hard to say the full thing?
And if I hear one more person refer to McDonald's as McD I swear I'll rip out their tongue!
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@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Lol. Wow, you myLotters are vicious today. I love it. Lol, "lappy". I don't think I've ever run across anyone to this extreme, but if I do, I'm sure I'd share your sentiments.
Thanks for posting!
@ShortyAkbar (384)
• United States
7 Dec 08
My pet peeve is sighing. Ever since I can remember I've been annoyed by people sighing. My mom sighs a lot for no reason, and it drives me crazy. I also hate when people say "I know, right?". There's a group of girls in my psychology class who do it and I just want to hit all four of 'em with cinder blocks.
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@Ind3p3nd3nt (182)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Lmao! Cinder blocks? Ouch.
I have to confess that I am one of those sighers you hate so much, lol. I don't know why I do it, but my mom has gotten on to me about it ever since I was a kid. Lol, "I know, right?" I've probably said that, too.
Thanks for sharing your pet peeves. Those are two very good ones.