terrorism should be handled by the military!! what do you say?

indian army - army/military rule in the country
@shonali (1286)
December 7, 2008 11:28pm CST
the way the mumbai blasts were handled by the police of mumbai was so embarrassing .... im from mumbai but wasnt in mumbai when the blasts happened and was watching all the happenings on tv for 3 days constant..... the police were not able to catch 4 terrorists in the taj hotel? how shameful and during their so called bravery .... which some policemen showed (which i thought was utter stupidity).... and got killed..which proved the police force a hero finally...what happened to so many people who died while these police people were showing off their bravery.....? no one thought of that did they? just because some police died the police became a hero but i dont think so.... i feel that the poice should be around only for petty thieves, burglars and local offenses.... not to fight terrorism.... once there is a terrorist attack on the country there should be a rule that the security of the country should autimatically be passed to the military of the country as they are more equipped and trained for such things than the police of the country..... i feel that if the situation was given immediately to the military... we wouldnt have had to see so many dead bodies.... and i guess the count still goes on as some are still fighting for life in many hospitals in mumbai.... whats your opinion on all this?
1 response
• India
10 Dec 08
Military action is the only to counter terrorism. The organizations which preach religion makes use of its supporters and in the name of religion they persuade people to act against people or country causing mass destruction. They can never be taught by advises as their mind is totally brainwashed. So tough actions against them is the only way to save world.
@shonali (1286)
• India
10 Dec 08
well i think so too.... after the mumbai blasts i wonder why india is not replying to them with the same means they have? they should also know that terror only brings in more terror.... nothing else
• India
17 Dec 08
You are right..but unfortunately in our country it is not possible because of the ugly politics being played by parties here. There is going to be no action nor implementation of a strong law to withstand terrorism. For example recently a similar or more strong law like POTA was being introduced in parliament by congress but other political parties opposed it stating it is so strong. So how can we expect our country to progress or advance if the same kind of attitude is shown by the so called ruling and non ruling political parties. In my view if the parties inside India is well enough then most of the issues will be solved. Lets hope and pray that sometime in future at least all will be well..