To change or NOT to change..... THAT is the question!
By James72
@James72 (26790)
December 8, 2008 6:28am CST
Yes I am sure that this type of discussion has been done numerous times already, but this is related to me personally so bear with me on this one! I have had the same avatar for almost two and a half years now. I have never changed it and have never intended to either. But now there is this little voice on my head that is questioning whether it might be time for a bit of a mix-up, even if only for a while!
So why do you think I would be so reluctant to do this then? Am I THAT set in my ways?? Part of me says - "But James, people KNOW this avatar and when they see it they realize instantly that it's you!" yet the other side of me thinks about how many friends of mine change theirs constantly and still seem to keep the same people and same activity within their loop regardless...... So what ultimately makes me instantly idenitifiable then? Is it my avatar or not?
I would be interested to know other perspectives on this.....

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20 responses
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
10 Dec 08
James, is that you?
I thought I responded to this discussion. I even had rated it and I can't find my 'earlier' post. Oh well, all I said was:
I will never look at you the same way again.

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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
11 Dec 08
right now, you are getting the just-awakened Saintanne.
If this avatar makes you feel more like yourself... go be it, Papa Panda. Be free!!!

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Dec 08
It's me SaintAnne! It's ME!
Are you and zig tag teaming me here or something? Looking at me in a different way from this point forward may actually be a good kick-start for bigger and better interaction moving forward I reckon! I was a chameleon tail for 2 and a bit years, so it's time to mix things up a little! See , now you're messin' with me and confusin' me about which SaintAnne I'm facing today! lol. Thanks for the comments. (I think) 

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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Dec 08
I've been through your dilemma too
I had an inkling to alter mine but then as you say I wondered whether I would still be recognised.
I compromised when I received a gift through a pm and put my hat on for the holidays
I recognise you for your username. It brings to mind a real gentleman and therefore even if you change your avatar I will recognise you.
Now it's up to you 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Two response in a row attesting to my username being what's noticed more than my avatar is certainly helping me feel better about considering a change for once! Nice hat too by the way!
Thanks for the response and for the compliment also mysdiana. Decisions, decisions..... lol.

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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Dec 08
Wrong person to be responding (I've never changed my avatar)....but here's my two cents worth. I do tend to identify the person and the avatar....and it does take me a while to get adjusted to new avatars especially if it is someone I interact with on a regular basis. But I do have a few friends here who keep changing their avatars often. I've learnt to look at the name and not the avatar.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
14 Dec 08 of the negative effects of having a full time job is missing all the drama!
Though I didn't get to see the mouse in crash helmet....I think I did get a glimpse of the panda....which was a nice avatar...but it did throw me off track a bit and I had to do a double take to make sure it was YOU.
I kinda liked the old avatar (without the black background) better....but's your chameleon can do what you want with it!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
14 Dec 08
The panda kinda threw me off too. I kept having to do a double-take every time I saw it. Personally I do like the dark background better because it makes the tail colours stand out and it's also more noticeable overall. I will stick with it for now and may alternate between the white and black backgrounds inthe future. I will stick with the tail though!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
14 Dec 08
You missed all the dramas Sandhya! lol. I changed to a mouse with a crash helmet..... Then to a panda with KISS make-up on; and then back to a chameleon tail again but this time with a black background! It was a quick fire journey that I eneded up being quite indecisive about but all's well that ends well I guess. Thanks for the response and I am glad to hear that the name will still be recognized even if I go off on some bizarre avatar tangent again! 

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
8 Dec 08
I feel, with initial frowns, rejection, denial, resistance, acceptance, we do accept the NEW. Changes are supposed to be greeted like that. It has been that for always. Everytime I wanted to change mine, I was faced with massive resistance from my friends. They kinda like this one. I feel, it's more in the mind, with time we do get used to visual change. Otherwise things remain the same isn't it? You would still be the same crazy fella! lol...
If you ask me, I would like you to retain this one, even though I have had sleepless nights figuring out what the hell it is! But then, that's some other story altogether. What I do is, change my avatar on special occasions for a day or two. Then back to the same old face.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
8 Dec 08
For No.1 panda spanker, auspicious is when then go ahead and have a plunge. BTW, what if we could change the user name and not the profile pic? We would have been known by the avatars....what am I thinking!!
But, but would you mind telling me what your current avatar means?
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
8 Dec 08
You have just shocked me!! I though someone else has commented on mine! I work with a cardiologist, that doesn't mean that I am not supposed to have heart attacks!!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Ah, mimpi! You are another example of someone who has dared to test the waters, yet has returned to familiarity once more! lol. I have to admit I do like the one you have currently and it was always a bit strange to see something different. I alos had to do a double-take on some of your discussion titles just to confirm it was indeed you hwne you ran with something different. This is what has been concerning me about changing my own! I can always change it back though so I think I may take the plunge, even if it IS only for a short while. Thanks for the response and I shall wait with baited breath for the next auspicious occasion then! 

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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
8 Dec 08
There is so much variety in the world. I think that if your thinking that you would like a change then now is the time to do so... Most folks like to change there avatars.. I think that some it is a few times a month... Why??? I am not sure.. but it works for them!
If you do not like the new one, you can always go back to this one.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Very, very true Louise and yes, I can always change back if I end up feeling funny about it. Variety is supposed to be the spice of life too! lol. I guess that after keepoing something the same way for such a long time, it all becomes so much more dramatic than it really needs to be when we consider a possible change to something new. Thanks for the response. 

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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
8 Dec 08
Hullo. Where is that chamelon's tail. Who is this ? An impostor ?
On second thoughts, it's you alright. Panda spanker.
Frankly i was lost for a few moments. But the words were the same.
I think we all go through an initial reaction of not accepting change. It's our brains and our set ways. i mean if i was to shave my head then i would expect a host of reactions initially. But then we do accept it over a period of time.
The tail i'd love to pull, the panda i'll spank. So either way it's great. I don't see the mouse (jerry) that it seems that you have experimented on, but i think if it was that i would have come after that with my friend "tom",
Go with which ever James, you will not change.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Alok! The prodigal son returns once more yet misses the internal traumas I created for myself regarding something so banal as deciding whether or not to change my avatar!
But it has now been done! I have made the move and there is not turning back! New avatar, new directions ajnd a Panda Spanking plug thrown in to boot! The mouse has actually been flattened to paper thin proportions when the panda placed his big furry butt down on it. The helemet the mouse was wearing was of no use at all it seems! lol. Thanks for the response and the encouragement bhai; and if you ever do decide to shave your head, let me do it, let me do it! 

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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
8 Dec 08
Hi James; well it's a mix up for sure!
When I went through my list I saw a new avatar and so I read the name beneath it and was surprised to see it was you. We've all grown to visualize a certain image for certain people, but mixing up isn't bad. I have never changed my avatar on mylot, perhaps I need to shake op thing aswell
Ultimately, I am on the look out for fun discussion and discussions my friends started. If I can't find them through an image I turn to reading their name. Keeping the same avatar is more like an abreviation or shortcut than a must to recognize people in my opinion.

@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
9 Dec 08
I guess I am very visually orientated; I don't even know some of my friends names that well but I know all their avatars. I remember faces better then names and I would remember words better if I know what they look like. For example: I studied the names of the different parts of the brain by where they are situated in the head. Their was no use other than studying the pictures and a plastic model of brain, this works well for me. If it were just plain text I would learn a lot less.
By all means, I would pass my test (not to sound arrogant), but after the test I wouldn't remember it anymore. If I learn with visual aids (visualizing in my head or clearly in front of me) it helps me store it in my longtime memory for some reason. So I guess I stored your picture faster than your name

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
This is what I was trying to find out really. Was it my username or my picture that made me instantly identifiable? I am even having to look twice myself now whenever I see my OWN new avatar! lol. But this one does stand out more so let's see how things pan out. I really did struggle to make the move to do it, but I am happy that I now have. Thanks for the response and we shall see if you too end up changing avatars one day. For the record, it is your name I have always related to firstly myself. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 Dec 08
Funnily enough cyberfluf, I use this type of knowledge to tailor the way I do presentations and speeches etc at conferences and during meetings. Different people have different triggers that allow them to store information effectively. Some are visually motivated, some by written words, some by spoken words etc. So I always seek to include a combination of all these types of information supply and delivery so I can be sure to keep the attention of as many people as possible. It is highly effective!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Rolling Stones riya? What do 1970's rock bands have to do with any of this?
I have finally made the change and get to promote Panda Spanking in the process! To me this means that everybody wins!
Thanks for the response and I hope you come to like and know the new avatar! (The old one was a chameleon's tail by the way)

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 Dec 08
I remember Aesop's fables as a child, but this is the first time in a long time I have heard Aesop mentioned again! That was a nice flashback for me actually. I did indeed change the avatar dawnald and although I am still not used to seeing this one after all that time with the original, so far I seem to be OK with it. Time will tell I guess and it is silly when you think about how difficult it was for me to make the decision to change, but so be it. Thanks for the response. 

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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I've seen your discussions and might have even responded to a few. I'm not sure what to tell you. I recognize both your username and your avatar, either or really. So if it's not the avatar it's your username.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Good to know SomeCowGirl. Yes, you have indeed interacted with me before and it I am happy to hear that it is a username more than the avatar that is noticed in your opinion, as this is what I am ultimately seeking to find out! Thanks for the response. 

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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
9 Dec 08
Hi there James. I think the name is the safest bet. As long as you won't change that , i will always know it's you. I believe that this new panda avatar is more suited for you anyways, so i suggest you keep this one for now
. I believe that the people that actually care about you will identify you without to much of an effort and for those that don't, i think it doesn't really matter as long as they don't care why should you, right ?

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 Dec 08
Heya elitess. The name will never change, this I can assure you! It caused me a tremendous amount of stress for some ridiculous reason, just to change my avatar after all this tome; so I think that changing my name too might give me a heart attack!
Your last statements are very valid and so far it does seem that no-one I normally interact with is having any issues finding me with the new pic. Based on this I will surely be keeping it as is for the forseeable future. Thanks for the response and don't you stop thinking about that snow panda either! 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Dec 08
I gotcha elitess.
I was just teasing you about the snow panda too by the way. I would love to experience a Christmas in snow one day. It is always the middle of summer in my country at Christmas and the day itself is sometimes one of the hottest days of the summer so it is really uncomfortable.

@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
9 Dec 08
I was referring to the name to be the safest bet for us people to recognize you when seeing a new discussion started by you James.
As for the snow panda, i have not forget but the closest day that has snow announced (at least for now, many things may change in this interval) for my city is next monday. If i don't get any snow here i will try to use some (if i find any) in my girlfriend's parents town this Christmas.
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
8 Dec 08
There are only a few that I see the avatar before the name, yours is not one of them. I always see your name before anything else. So, change it if you like. I have changed mine a couple of times, although it wasn't for long, and I myself got a bit confused, but, that is just me.*L*
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
I have witnessed you changing your own from time to time Bo and then of course witnessed you pining for the old one back as well and then returning to the original! I will more than likely end up doing the same so will take the plunge I think and see how I feel about it all. Thanks for the response and I am happy that you didn't end up getting so confused to the point of not being able to respond to me this time around! 

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Haha. It only confused me because I wasn't myself. I tried to leave myself a comment, but was told that I had to be friends with me to do so. So, I tried to befriend myself and wasn't allowed to do so. I hadto change back, don't you see?
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
it depends on the person I guess
I have had friends that changes avatars and it doesn't do anything to how I relate to them and their discussions
probably because the new avatars are generic, like holidays theme, their pets etc
something that doesn't say anything different about them or a change in personality
but then again because I have known some friends here for 2 years or so
it won't matter to me what avatars they use
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
There is no question that we do get to a point with some people where we instantly recognize their avatar; but as you have rightfully shared, there are many that change theirs constantly yet we STILL manage to keep up so I am sure this will be the same for people wishing to interact with me also. These avatars are nothing but a unique identifier and when you think about it, there are even some seasoned users that have never even HAD an avatar and still use the one mylot gives us by default! SO yes, we come to know our friends most of all by their personalities. Thanks for the response LittleMel. 

@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
8 Dec 08
Hello, James72!
Where is the green? lol Where is your green avatar, my friend? Now you have added some new colors to your avatar. The Panda! I should have guessed this one coming. Changing your avatar does not means you are going to lose anything. I had associated you with the green one, but I think that this Panda really matched your username. It is great, James, I wouldn't change it again. You have already changed, keep it like that and you'll be the coolest Panda Spanker all around.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Hi munhozmib! So you did recognize me still then? lol. Yes, no more green tail avatar and after 2 and a bit years of that one I finally decided on a change! So KISS faced Panda it is! I am glad to hear that you think it is a good one to use and I was concerned about people instantly recognizing me as easily, but you have managed to put my mind at ease in that regard too. Thanks for the response and Panda Spankers unite! 

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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 Dec 08
Yes, that Panda seems pretty evil!
I liked his style. Everybody says she is looking good...

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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Jeez. I am a huge fan of change and doing whatever makes you happy, but man, I LOVED that chameleons tail!!! I will ALWAYS picture it in my mind when I see whatever new avatar you are sporting too.
But I understand about the need for a change and the feeling of adventure and freedom it gives and the new perspective too, even if it is for something so trivial as a new avatar.
And of course your friends will still find you but I will be in mourning for a few days. Sorry. Not only did I love the chameleon - it was somehow comforting and inspiring - and so 'you', but I strongly dislike this panda with the Kiss makeup on! However, I will get used to it, and you should not let my whining sorry a$$ ruin your fun.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 Dec 08
I will ALWAYS be wearing that chameleon tail on the inside zig, don't you worry! You have just gone through a major change yourself too so maybe there is somwething in the air? I notice clemors seems to have done a runner so you must of scared him! lol. Yeah, it definitely IS trivial, but funnily enough it took me some time to change the bloody thing. Go figure! I will try not to let your whining get to me too. It will be hard, but I will dig deep OK. lol. Hopefully you WILL get used to it in time and realize that I am still the tosser that I have always been. Now I'm just a tosser with a KISS Panda is all!
Go and have a couple of special brownies and a few bottles of Cab Sav and I reckon the Panda might start to look like George Clooney! (Or whoever it is that can leave their boots under your bed anytime.)

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 Dec 08
You find it THAT bad zig? Really?? Hmmm. Does this mean that I may have finally found the means to torment you without even having to type anything?
Shame about the boots part too by the way. Keep a space at the end of the bed anyways because you may achieve that transformation sooner than you think and it is always productive to be prepared! 

@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
9 Dec 08
hi james.
i say go for it and get your avatar changed. kiss panda doesn't look to go and he needs to hang up his boots and take off the silly make-up. lol!!!
i know that an avatar is a big part of our on-line identities but it really is the person and our thoughts and actions that make up the avatar and not the other way around. i'll probably change my avatar as well but at this time, i still enjoy it so it'll be awhile before i use a different avatar.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 Dec 08
Hey allen. KISS Panda is the new one mate! lol. I had a chameleon tail for some two and a bit years before. I then changed briefly to a mouse with a crash helmet yesterday for maybe 30 minutes and now the Panda reigns supreme! I am not sure how long I will stick with this one but it is my first ever change so let's see. I like it though and it definitely stands out moreso than the last one did. Thanks for the response and for giving me the opportunity to be looking at a legend. 

@raven66 (335)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
Hi James!
Its quite an original pic.
When it comes to deciding weather you want to keep it on here or not , well you know its all up to you..
I personally have mine for over 2 years.. not on here though..its only a month i m on here..
So if I were you I would probably keep this one.
see you around.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Dec 08
Hi raven. I cut it from a larger picture of several Panda's with different KISS faces painted onto them, so am happy to hear that it is seen as original. I do intend to keep this one for a while and who knows, I may just end up being one of those constant avatar changers! lol. Thanks for the response and I hope to see you around also.