Help! My husband's ENTIRE family is visiting on Dec 20, even his brother's dog!
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
December 8, 2008 7:28am CST
My husband had asked me earlier this week if we could have a "pre-Christmas" party on December 20. Assuming it would only be his one sister and her daughters, I said sure, no problem.
Now, yes, I know what you're thinking, never assume anything, right? Well, you're very correct! Last night, my husband told me that we would be having a "special" visitor on the 20th. I asked him, "Who"? He showed me a picture of his brother's dog, sent to him via his cell phone. The dog is the brother of my youngest Maltese. My older Maltese is their mother.
Okay. Why the dog? Exactly who all will be coming? Now, you have to know that until now, the only person from his family who has EVER visited us has been his youngest sister and her daughters, the only people in his family that he likes. I'm talking over four years now! No one else from his family has ever come over, nor been invited by my husband. I've only met the others one time.
It's going to be both of his sisters and their husbands, three nieces, their fiancés, one grand nephew (born with severe birth defects), his brother and his brother's family (wife and kids), and his dog.
So, if my sons come as well, that will be 18 people in all. Aaaaargh!!!!
I've never hosted such a large party before! We have the room, as well as three bathrooms (ALWAYS a good thing with a large group LOL). But feeding them all! I told my husband that he's going to help me cook. He said sure, no problem. Of course, Stouffer's Frozen Lazagna is the most extravagant thing he's EVER cooked in his life before this.
Should be interesting!
Anyway, because of such a large group, I'm going to need help from you guys. Have you ever prepared a holiday meal for such a large group? If you have, I'm gonna need help such as how many potatoes to boil for mashed potatoes for everyone, how big a turkey to roast, etc. Can you help me?

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24 responses
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I take it you are having a traditional dinner? Are you sure you just don't want to go with sandwiches and snack type things. If you are sure you want to go with the dinner I can help. I worked in a deli for 15 years, and will be glad to help you figure it out. PM me and let me know what you are planning or if you need ideas. It won't be bad either way. Calm down and take it easy. It will all work out.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Thank you thank you thank you!!! I hadn't even thought about that! A buffet sounds like just the thing!
See, I really haven't had experience with a lot of people before. I think that the most I've ever fed at one time was around 10 people.
I've sent you a PM for suggestions. Working in a deli, I'm sure you can give me some great ideas like cheese trays, different sandwichs, etc.

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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I've had about 17 for Thanksgiving years ago. It was my husband and me, my daughter, her husband (before they divorced) and 4 kids, my mother, my son, his wife and 1 child, my youngest brother, his wife, both sons, and the wife of the married one. My brother brought the turkey (probably 15 lbs), and I got a big ham. I cooked 5 lbs of potatoes but made potato salad. We had a large pan of chicken dressing, a large pot of green beans, a large bowl of broccoli and rice casserole, a large bowl of green bean casserole my daughter brought, deviled eggs, 2 sweet potato pies, a coconut cake, chocolate cake my dau-in-law made, a large banana pudding and a special one for my oldest grandson(he hates bananas). That is all I can remember. But there was plenty left. Unless you have lots of big eaters, you are going to have food left! We talked more than we ate. The hardest thing is getting everything done at the right time. I cooked some the day before, but I got up at about 4 o'clock in the morning and put on the ham, went back to bed and got up at 6 and started putting on other things! I was give out by the time everyone got here. But we had fun.
This Thanksgiving,I cooked most everything the night before, got a good night's sleep and finished without any trouble the next morning. I was bathed and rested when the gang got here, although it was only 11 of us this year. We have 3 bathrooms, too, but they never use but 2 of them.
We have one by the laundry room and the kids are in and out of the house so much playing basketball or riding the 3 wheeler and 4 wheeler, they use that one most of the time.

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Thank you for your advice, Barb! It looks like I'll be preparing and freezing a lot of things before the big day. I had forgotten about potato salad! Everyone has always raved about my potato salad. LOL That's my "thing". (Mustard and a dash of Tabasco sauce... gives it a little zing.)
Okay, then. I'm getting great ideas here! Everyone who is coming lives at least 2 hours away so bringing food that may spoil is out of the question. I'm anal about food safety! Having had food poisoning once will do that to a person.
There are quite a few big eaters in this bunch. I HOPE I won't have much left over! I've decided to make this more of a party-type thing than a pre-Christmas dinner thing and not roast a turkey. I will bake a ham, though. I'll do what you did and get up early to put it in the oven, then go back to bed! I LOVE that idea!
You made me understand why my husband has spent the last two days cleaning up the basement, though! I was wondering why he wasn't concerned about the first floor. We have a lot of things to "play" with in the basement... TV, computer, internet, DVD player, etc.
We also have an ATV. I guess I should dust that off and make sure it's full of gas, huh?

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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Yes, dust off the ATV, fill it with gas and make sure you have a helmet handy - not that our grandkids ever put their own on, half the time! Oh, we also have a big pool table in the basement and they love to play pool. My grandson will probably bring his girlfriend on Christmas Day. He did last year and they'll play pool and play on the computers. Heck, they just come in and make themselves at home in the Den on my laptop or in the computer room on our PC's. Or, they'll watch TV. Of course, time we get through eating and opening gifts, there isn't much time left since my daughter lives over an hour away and the kids are always wanting to see friends. I doubt that my granddaughter's boyfriend will come over, but I could be wrong.
Yes, get most of your food done early - buy an already-cooked spiral ham like I did, and it doesn't take much time to cook and it's cut! My husband was the Daddy of that one! I bought the regular uncooked ham last time we had a get together, and there was lots of time cooking and cutting! So I got smart this Thanksgiving.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Took me many years to get smart. Perhaps one day I'll get as smart as some friends that just have cold cuts for Christmas and desserts. They do their big cooking for Thanksgiving and then only have a good time with their family and friends on Christmas. It is just hard to give up your tradition. But we can cut down on the time in the kitchen for ourselves! Hope yours goes well this year.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Thank you, sunnflr. Twelve is still a pretty hefty number of people!
I think I'm going to go with a buffet-style, finger-food type thing. I'll be making plates of meats, cheeses, veggies, etc. beforehand and have them at the ready.
For the hot foods, I have warming trays and chafing dishes. For the cold foods, I'm thinking of buying some of those large, disposable aluminum pans, like the ones for turkeys, and filling the bottom with crushed ice, then putting the plates or bowls of cold foods on top of that. I won't have to worry about the food spoiling then. Of course, with so many people, chances are the food won't be around long enough to spoil anyway.
I'm going to cook a ham for this dinner but save the turkey for our Christmas dinner. My best friend and her family always come over for Christmas. That makes it around 7 or 8 people which I can handle easily.
Hmmm, now that I think about it, my husband's family are big drinkers so I'll only have to make the food look and taste good until they're pretty well plastered. Then, I can just throw food at them and they'll be happy. 

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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Like someone else here said, cook and freeze things ahead of time. When I've hosted large groups before I did all my holiday cookie baking ahead of time and laid them all out on decorated trays, covered them with foil and froze each tray. Whenever I needed one I'd bring it out. I also use Schwans appetizers as well if you want munchie type things. I have a large hot plate that has a warming setting (if needed) and I bake everything on a cookie sheet and then toss it on the warming plate. Appetizers at the ready. Pies, cakes and salads are also easy to make ahead of time as well. The most important thing is to have fun and remember they are coming to see family, not the food.
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I am sorry honey I can not help you with this one. The largest I have fed is 5 people. I have never hosted a large number of people. If I had to do this someone some where would have to come to my rescue.
I know it will a very interesting and joyous dinner. And the family dog will also have a guest.
Are these guest staying over night?
And will you be having another Christmas dinner on the 25th?
All I can say is WOW, and I know you will not be MyLotting at all for a while until this dinner is over.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Yeah, you're right about me not being on myLot much until this is over!
It should be interesting when my husband's dog, Joey, meets his sister and mother again after almost 2 years! His and my youngest dog's birthday is December 15th. They will be two years old.
There's one saving grace among all this... my husband's youngest sister LOVES to cook and feed people. She also has the energy of a freight train! I know she'll be helping tremendously, once she gets here.
They're coming from so far away that they've decided to get rooms in a hotel not far from us. (Yippee!!!) We couldn't possibly have that many sleep here!
My immediate family and a good friend and her family will be having Christmas dinner on the 25th. There will only be 7 or 8 of us, thank goodness! THAT I can handle! 

@j47lee (740)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
hmmm... well... we did have huge family gatherings before.. y dont u organise the dinner where everyone has to bring somethign... so less cooking for u.... wen we have our family gatherings.. we all come early and help out with the dinner... in cutting , cooking etc... that way is faster and less work for the host.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Thanks, j47lee. These people are coming from at least 2 hours away so they will be bringing breads, fruit and desserts.
My husband's youngest sister loves to cook and feed people. AND she has the energy of a young kid! (I wish I had half her energy!!!) So, she'll be helping in the kitchen once she gets here.
I've decided to go with buffet-style finger-food type stuff. I can make the plates well ahead of time and keep them covered in the fridge or freezer. All of the great ideas I'm receiving here have helped me to formulate my strategy for this event and I truly appreciate every bit of advice and suggestions I'm receiving.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
8 Dec 08
Can you ask his relatives to bring something with them? Or that is considered to be rude? If someone bring mashed potatoes, another brings vegetables and another brings sweets or fruits, you have less work to do. I really hope that you motivate your husband to help you in this party to lessen your work.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Dec 08
That would be wonderful, ronaldinu, except that for some of these relatives, the drive here will be 2 hours long and for others, the drive will be 5 hours long!
They could bring fruits or desserts, of course. That's a great suggestion! I'll tell my husband right now and let him get in touch with his family about this.
His sister has asked if she could help, but she asked my husband, not me! Anyway, she's one who will have a 2-hour drive. As far as I know, she is the only one who has volunteered to help! (Maybe that's why my husband doesn't really care for his other siblings!)
I asked my husband where all these folks will be staying because there's certainly not enough room for everyone to sleep here unless they don't mind the floor (we have one guest bedroom with one bed), and he said they're staying at a hotel in town. Whew!
Thank you for your idea, ronaldinu! I'll talk with my husband right now about that! 

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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
It does take a lot of potatoes and especially mashing. It'll take the best part if not all of a 20 pound bag. I'd be lookimg for a 25 pound turkey at least. I can't help but think the word mentalward will describe where you'll be ready for by time all these nice people finally go home. Good Luck, keep us in the loop.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Dec 08
A word might not be able to describe it, but how about a picture?
I'll probably be somewhere between this and a zombie.

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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
I see that you are up early, just stressin! The very first thought that crossed my mind, my dear, is the date. 4 days b4 Christmas! (Shoot me in the foot if you want to!) But I would be getting a big (bone-in ham)and making two (lasagna sized pans)of scalloped potatoes, a green been casserole, a sweet potatoe casserole, all that can be pre-made! Day of intrusion! Make a lovely salad, fill trays with condiments...have some lovely buns! I would pre-cook & freeze everything! Except the ham! The reason I buy bone-in hams is that they are infused with way less salt & water (can't do it because of bone) so you are getting virtually what you pay for! If you see the first pan of scalloped potatoes disappearing fast, the other can be in the oven heating! All these foods freeze well, even for after when you are "turkeyed" out! If this will be your Christmas dinner, the rule of thumb is 6 oz. of meat per person, that's edible meat, so your turkey bones weigh approx. 1/3 of the total turkey weight! For dessert, how about a nice Pear Belle Helene! Nice simple dessert that looks/tastes wonderful! Don't envy you my friend, but I do think it is wonderful that you are finally meeting the entire family! Cheers!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Awesome advice, pergammano! Thank you sooooo much! Okay, preparing and freezing things in advance is definitely the way to go!
Actually, though, the only thing I am stressing about IS the food. I have my bedroom to escape to if I feel overwhelmed on the big day! LOL Someone will most likely be occupying my office, as my computer is here. There always seems to be SOMEONE who wants to be on the internet at family gatherings. (Maybe I should make a new, umm, what do you call it? account? just for people who might want to use my computer? Hmmm, that's a thought.
Anyway, yep, it's the food. I'm just going to set everything out, buffet-style, and let folks eat what and when they wish. I have plenty of hot plates and warming dishes so the hot food won't spoil and will only put out enough cold foods that will be eaten within 2 hours. I had food poisoning once and that's NO FUN! I'm very cautious with food.
But, anyway, thank you for those great ideas! The ham sounds wonderful, too. I can have my turkey on Christmas day and the ham for this dinner. My husband LOVES ham with cloves and I usually prepare it with the turkey on Christmas day. I'll do it for this party, instead. He'll get his ham. (Oh, I always buy the bone-in ham, anyway.)
(I'm copying and pasting your response in MS Word so I won't forget all your great ideas! Again, thank you!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Thank you again, Barb! I'm going to do that tomorrow morning so I don't forget before the 20th. Right now, my husband and son are in the kitchen getting drunk.
My husband JUST finished up an extremely stressful and frustrating job he's been working on for weeks now so he's celebrating. My son is just going along for the ride. Since they are the more computer literate around here, and I don't really trust their judgment at the moment, I'll wait to ask one of them to help me with this in the morning.
Hubby is taking tomorrow off, partly because he's so relieved this job is finished (computer program written by someone else that he had to "fix" which would have taken less time if he had been allowed to trash it and start from scratch) and partly to help me around here since he's kinda been grumpy and neglectful for the past few weeks. My son doesn't work tomorrow, either, so he's spending the night to help out around here tomorrow. That is, assuming they don't both have massive hangovers in the morning! 

@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
8 Dec 08
Mentalward, I just saw this:
"Someone will most likely be occupying my office, as my computer is here. There always seems to be SOMEONE who wants to be on the internet at family gatherings. (Maybe I should make a new, umm, what do you call it? account? just for people who might want to use my computer? Hmmm, that's a thought."
Indeed, set your login with a password, and make another account for guests. My husband has the grandsons an account on his computer and his is password protected. That way he always knows where they have been and, if something goes wrong, he will know what to do to fix it without worrying. And it keeps all your personal stuff free of peepers. 

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@littleowl (7157)
9 Dec 08
OMG that is a lot!! Am glad my family isn't that big infact it is only about 6 of us! a third of how many you will be cooking, rather you than littleowl

@littleowl (7157)
9 Dec 08
Well at least you more or less have it all sorted..that's brilliant, 10 out 10 to you hun!! I hope you all have a really good Christmas...but will probably hear from you before then...hugs littleowl
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Hahahaha! I don't blame you for feeling that way, littleowl! Not at all!!!
I'm definitely a social person and love parties but one this large... geesh! We have the room and I've made sure that the kids (both younger and older) have plenty to do so they won't get bored.
The older relatives will most likely be oohing and aahing at my hubby's entertainment 'monster' in the living room. At least the females will. The guys will probably be grunting their approval.
One entire wall is covered in hubby's electronic stuff! He'll be in Heaven showing off his toys! Only his one sister has seen it to date.
She is also one I can count on to take over in the food department. She loves to cook and feed people! I'll just show here where everything is and then go hide somewhere, probably playing with the dogs.
Nope, I'm not gonna let this stress me out! I plan to enjoy it, even if it means going to my bedroom and watching a movie by myself... and the dogs.
As for the food, it's going to be buffet-style finger foods, for the most part. His family is bringing breads, fresh fruits and desserts. I'll do the rest like meat, cheese and veggie platters, dips, chips and some side-dishes.
Hubby gets clean-up duty! Yeah!!! 

@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
8 Dec 08
My advice to you is to keep it simple. Sandwiches, chips, dip, and veggie trays. Paper plates and plastic cups. I certainly wouldn't try to cook a full meal for that many people if you have never done it before...

@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Well mylot is a great place to get advice for stuff like this when you need it. I am glad we were able to help out. It sounds like you have a pretty good game plan. You just have to make sure the food doesn't run out, but most of the stuff you have to prepare is pretty easy. This way will be much easier than trying to cook a full meal big enough to serve everyone. With all the paper plates and stuff, and the drink bottles, trash will likely pile up pretty quickly, so one thing you don't want to run out of is garbage bags. Make sure you have a good supply of those.

@merstar1 (76)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Ummm it all sounds delicious! I think it would be a great idea to have different kinds of bread as well: garlic bread, cheese bread, regular bread, with cheese sauces or something like that. Just a thought. I know that would be adding more to what you have to do, but it would be very impressive as well. It sounds like his side of the family is really trying to get together like they ought to (i.e. something about some of them not talking, I think?) OH, and anything not eaten can be used for the 25th. Have a great Christmas!!!
@hildas (3031)
8 Dec 08
Oh I feel for you Mentalward. I have been lumbered with extra guests on Christmas day and I am ready to leave the country worring about how to feed them all also.
I got no help at all last year and they all know I am not in the best of health. I feel like going to a restaurant this year.
If you want my advice and if you can get away with it just do cold finger foods as you can make it all before hand.
Another good thing if your husband has told them they are coming for a meal is Lasagne like you said. Homemade lasagne goes down well and can be frozen. Coleslaw and salad is easy to to with this also.
I really feel sorry for you. If you are like me, I do not even get to enjoy my company as I am stuck in the kitchen most of the time.
I hope your hubby does help you though. My husband does not know what an oven is these days.
I really wish your night well and let me know of your ourcome. Good luck and take care.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Ok...first..breathe can do will be perfect. As for the turkey..figure 1 pound per guest..potatoes...2 per guest for for your husband..tie him and beat jk...easliy say...well..everyone will be bringing a side or dessert huh? That way he might mention something to the nature in his next conversation with them and you'll find they'll be contributing.If not..just make a few other sides like a huge bowel of green beans and dressing. About 30 rolls. Get a nice couple pies from the bakery and set your table nicely. As for the bathrooms..I would only direct them to can do it! good luck
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Hahahaha! Thanks, Jen! Breathing deeply here!
Regarding my husband, I'll probably be ready to tie him and beat him by the time everyone leaves!
This was HIS idea, after all! He's definitely getting clean-up duty!
Every one of his relatives lives at least 2 hours away so side-dishes are out of the question. I'm anal about food safety and you just never know. I got food poisoning once from some macaroni salad that a woman had brought to a Christening party. She had left it in her car during the ceremony and we're talking August heat here! No one knew about this until after 5 people (that we knew of) had gotten food poisoning.
They will be bringing breads, fresh fruits and desserts, though. Being cold this time of year, they should be fine.
I've also decided to go with a buffet-style, finger food type thing. Food platters like meats, cheeses and veggies, dips, chips, and some side dishes that I will prepare. I'm going to buy a pre-cooked, spiral-cut ham to make it easier, make mini-weiners in barbeque sauce and Swedish meatballs in crockpots and cole slaw and potato salad. I'll also buy about 2 dozen rolls, just in case his family doesn't bring enough.
As for the bathrooms, one is off the master bedroom and that will pretty much be hands-off for the guests unless there is a sudden, mass bathroom emergency.
Thanks for the tips and vote of confidence, Jen. MUCH appreciated!!!

@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Dec 08
you are going to have to ask for help from the family that is too much work for you to do alone,
at least 10 pounds of potatoes I would say,
a 5 pound package of carrots
a large turnip if you eat that, we do,
two full stolks of brocolli,
at least a 22 or 24 pound turkey
a second dish, maybe a casserole, we have tortiere which is hamburger meat pie
they are home made
two cans of cranberry
several desserts
a large cake, a couple of pies, and jello and cream should do it.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Dec 08
You're not expected to do the whole thing are you??? If so...what a load of freeloaders. In Australia, everyone brings something to the table....everyone chips in to help.
My 2 daughters are coming... plus one partner, and a total of 4 grandchildren ranging in age from 10 to 19. And my younger daughter's dog. That will make 3 dogs, one cat, 2 goats and 8 people....I have a small house with 1 bathroom and they are staying 6 It's also a first for me....have youself a Happy Christmas.

@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
12 Dec 08
Well, if you are gonna be having a lot of dishes, the typical gage would be 1KG of what ever you are cooking, would serve about 6-8 people depending on the appetitie of the guests.
but if you have more than 5 dishes, the better gauge would be 1KG to about 8-10 people. Cos with a combination of foods from different platter, there is a tendancy to eat less of each item.
Of course, you also have to take into consideration whether that food you are cooking is a staple or not. It also matters if it is a popular food or not.
For example, potatoes is a staple. So going with 1KG to 6 people would be just about right.
But if you are talking about dessert like pudding, then 1KG to about 10 people would be about right.
So unless I know what is on your menu, it is hard to really suggest. The only general guide I can give you are the abovementioned.
Hope it is helpful! 

@baileycows (3665)
• United States
8 Dec 08

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Hahaha! It's ALWAYS fun when you're not doing the cooking!
I'm going to make this as easy and informal as I can. Finger-foods, appetizers, meat, cheese and veggie trays, stuff like that. I'll have some hot foods that I'll make in crock pots, plus bake a ham.
I do thank you for the two rolls per person comment, though. That will help a lot in determining how many to buy.
I'm like your mom in that I'd rather have leftovers. If there are too many of them, I can always send some people home with them or give them to my sons.

@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
8 Dec 08
Oh my God! you have real problem at hand. it woudol have been ok if it was 18 friends, but 18 relatives is a difficult proposition. i did have some 45 relatives stayig over for 3 days for my daughter's marriage, but then i had hired a house and a cook party to cook all the meals. My wife coudel not have handled it alone. I can help you. Call us over an dyou will have 20 guests, but two additional helping hands. done? We are landing up on 19th. Ok?
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Hahaha! Wonderful! I'll take all the help I can get!
Thankfully, though, one of my sisters-in-law loves to take over in the kitchen. Once she arrives, there really will be very little for me to do other than to let her know where everything is. My part will be to see that everything is ready on that day.
With all the wonderful ideas and suggestions I'm receiving in this discussion, I'm feeling ever so much less stressed! I'm forming a general idea of how this will be set up and what to make. It will be a buffet-style meal with lots of plates of food, made beforehand so all I have to do is pull them out of the refrigerator or freezer.
At least my husband gave me 2 week's warning!