Do you find the fashion industry fascinating? Or is it pure air?

December 8, 2008 9:34am CST
I have always found the fashion industry very fascinating. There is a saying that it's not the clothes that make a man or woman. And yet, the fashion industry seems to be driven and inspired by the opposite dictum, that fashion is indeed a statement, a source of power, like wearing the purple in the olden days or the ermine up to this day. And the fashion industry takes itself very seriously. Textiles, for example, have AT LEAST 9 career opportunities. Production/Manufacturing has at least 21 career opportunities. Retail has 13 career opportunities. Media has 5, while promotions has 8. Education and other careers have 3 and 6 career opportunities, respectively. How about you, what do you think of the fashion industry? Do you find it useful? In what way? Or is it just air and gossamer?
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5 responses
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
20 Dec 08
I have never been a fan of the fashion industry as I have always thought it to be like soda very sweet and effervescent, sweet but lacking much substance. Or I should say the commercial aspect of it the skinny models ,the unrealistic attire and the over paid ,over rated fashionavistas(if such a word exists).Might I say that there are other persons involved in the fashion industry apart from these "over hyped", "inflated" ,"think too much of themselves " ,so called designers" My first grouse with the commercial designers is that the clothes aren’t practical so much of what you see on runway cannot be worn on the street .Well not if you want to be taken seriously. How many times can you wear some of these flimsy clothes or there went supposed to be worn more than once, disposable clothes right, worn once and thrown away the other day. Secondly the clothes seems to be designed for these skinny models and cannot be worn by the averaged Joe or Jill ,which makes me wonder at time who buys these clothes. I suppose when you have self indulgent actresses and "wanna be actresses and actors" who are willing to carve out big bucks these designer will always survive even if they are only semi talented . Thirdly and I mention this in part above ,some of these clothes are grossly overpriced .When you consider the resources that goes into making some of these clothes much of which is imported cheaply from third world countries including the labor only to be sold for big buck in the developed world. This is downright exploitation in many instances these clothes are made in sweat shops in Asia. I know this is a matter of taste an when you have a following you can get away with anything but I really think some of these designs lack taste. A designer may toss together some strings and cloth and because he has a popular Italian name, it is a hit and I personally fail to see the creativity but then I am not a student of fashion. I personally think there is more talent in the little know dress maker and tailor who operates a shop in a third world country with half the resources of these designer but churning out quality clothes. I think it is a hot balloon kept afloat by those who have the requisite resource, hot air
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
Thank you for the very enlightening comments. You touched some tender nerves there. Anyone from the fashion industry who may want to speak up, please???
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
21 Dec 08
Well said. I think the starving models are a nightmare and I would love to see them more normal weight so they look like normal people. The clothes are also designed to be worn only once. As you say they have big names on them but they are made in china and they come apart to easily. I used to shop at a boutique when I was working and some of the clothes were coming apart in the shop. They are only designed to last a season so you are supposed to buy a new wardrobe every year. Most people cannot afford to spend thousands on their clothes every year. It is such a waste of money that is better spent else where.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
21 Dec 08
The fashion industry only exists for the rich, no one else can afford their clothes. Besides no one wears that crap. I have watched fashion parades of the so called high end designers and it is crap. Only the very wealthy can afford to buy it and they have to be starving to wear it. The media keep it alive. Most fashion designers work for mass production companies that produce clothes for large retail stores like target. They are governed by price and the designs are limited because of the need to be able to mass produce them. I have never followed fashion and am not about to start. Even if I had the money I would not buy clothes like that. I wear clothing that I like within my budget which at the moment is quite small and that makes it hard. When I did have money I bought clothes from boutiques but it was not that expensive and the clothes were all made in china and they were badly made so the price I paid for them was a rip off as they were not designed to last more than one or two seasons.
• Philippines
26 Dec 08
We are the same. I buy clothes to last.
• Philippines
9 Dec 08
Well for me, fashion industry is both fascinating and useful. Useful because this is one of the aspects that helps us in marketability like for example applying a job or something. In today's trend, fashion is one of the top priorities. Fashion is fast changing and always comes with new interesting ones.
@aakay4u (799)
• India
26 Dec 08
For me its not at all useful,but for people from glamour and elite classes this is very useful.Personally i dont like from whatever insight i have got from few friends of mine who are related with fashion industry.
• Philippines
12 Jan 09
i find the fashion industry fascinating. in fact, i wanted to be a fashion designer since i was a child. i think fashion is a form of self-expression. we dress according to our personality. i personally prefer the classic look - it never goes out of style. but it's also fun to follow trends. Before there were rules in fashion. But now, anything goes. It's best to find your own personal style.