Fred Thompson Renting His D.C. Condo For Inauguration!

@anniepa (27955)
United States
December 8, 2008 4:41pm CST
Are you looking for a place to stay in Washington D.C. for the Inauguration? Well, worry no more! Former GOP Presidential contender and Law & Order actor is renting out his apartment for $30,000 for five days! "It has a balcony overlooking the inaugural parade route, the Navy Memorial and the US Capitol, and comes with a reserved parking space," said an insider. The New York Post headline reads "FLEECING DEMS". Does anyone here disagree with that sentiment? Annie
7 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Dec 08
I'm sure that there are more than just Democrats that are planning on attending this event. Obama didn't win this election with just Democrats voting for him, if that were the case than Bush would have never made it into office right? lol I would say that it would be better suited as "Fleecing of the Rich" since average Joe can't afford $6,000 a night for a place to stay.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Well, probably "Joe the Plumber" can now since his book has been! Annie
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Dec 08
LMAO I didn't know that it had....Guess I have no interest on it and it isn't one of the top sellers on Barnes and Nobles website.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Dec 08
LMAO Oh, Terry I really think you are on the wrong side lol You are way too funny to be a conservative
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Dec 08
I say it's a free country and as long as he isn't breaking any laws, he should charge what people are willing to pay. It's like out here in Wisconsin there is a race track called Road America. When they have spectator events, the people around the track divide up their yards to offer as camp sites. They get well over $100 a night for a spot big enough for a tent a campfire and camp chairs. Imagine how much they make each race day with a 1-5 acre yard. Now, if it were property that he was renting out already and evicted the tenants so he could get in on the gravy... we would talk about how wrong that is.. But that happens in almost every city that hosts an olympic games.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Dec 08
Oh btw, yes it is "fleecing the Dems" but it is fleecing the those who have offered their wool up for the sheering. ;~D
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Dec 08
I didn't say I BLAME him, I was just quoting the N.Y. Post. I know just what you're saying, there's a very large state fair in the next town to mine and people that live in the neighborhood make a fortune charging people to park in their yards. They charge, I think this year it was up to $6-7 bucks whether it was for the whole day or for an hour. I have no doubt he'll get what he asks and there will probably be some who consider it a bargain! Annie
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
9 Dec 08
$7? That is a steal! The people who live around Lambeau Field charge $30. Heck, parking in general costs about that in Chicago.
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@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
9 Dec 08
I can't believe anyone would pay that much to stay there.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I can't either but as you may have read there are those who disagree with us! Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Dec 08
How is it Fleecing to offer a high demand luxury for a reasonable price? It's clearly an article by a liberal who is looking for any excuse to attack republicans. To me it sounds like a bargain for 5 days. I'll bet other people are renting out similar spaces for over $100,000 but this "journalist" won't say a word about them because they aren't republican politicians. I also agree that it's not just Dems who would rent it out. Rasmussen polls showed about 44% of the respondents were democrats and roughly 88% of them voted for Obama. Since he won roughly 52 percent of the popular vote, there were obviously republicans and independents voting for him as well.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Dec 08
An article by a liberal on Page 6 of the N.Y. Post? WOW, you're getting much too sensitive, Taskr! Fred Thompson happens to be well known, not only as a politician and former Presidential candidate but also as an actor so of course it would be "news" that he's renting out his condo. I'd bet if there were any other celebrities such as him with a place for rent it would also make headlines regardless of their political party. I wasn't personally attacking Thompson or anyone else. I understand when there's a high demand such as there is for this Inauguration those who can will profit from it and those who can afford it will pay the price. I admit I have a hard time considering it a "bargain" but I live in bitter, small town Pa. so what do I know? Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I think "fleecing" is one of those words that's used a bit incorrectly now and then. I don't think the person who wrote that headline meant to accuse Thompson of fraud or any other illegal activity. Anyway, I don't personally have a problem with it, if there's someone willing and able to pay that price, which I'm sure there will be, who am I to complain? My only "argument" with you is your assertion that this was a "liberal" journalist picking on a Republican. This IS the New York Post we're discussing here, owned by the same person who owns Fox News. If Mudoch's gang is picking on the GOP they'd better hang it! Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Fleece –verb (used with object) 6. to deprive of money or belongings by fraud, hoax, or the like; swindle: He fleeced the stranger of several dollars. There is no fraud, hoax, or swindle going on. He's offering a luxury, something that people don't need, for a reasonable price. I saw Donald Trump on the Apprentice have the teams rent out a place just like that in New York for over $50,000 FOR ONE NIGHT and there wasn't a historical presidential inauguration going on. The kind of person who would rent this place would be a celebrity or millionaire. At $30,000 though, it's actually possible for a group of people who don't mind close quarters to chip in and rent it out together for the week. Frankly I think it's generous of him simply to make his space available. It's not a hotel and he's well within his rights to keep it vacant if he wanted to.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Dec 08
That's choice real estate...but, wow, whatta price tag! This is a consumer driven country so I don't blame anyone who's in a position to make an honest buck out of this for doing it. We used to go to a huge car show in Carlisle, Pa. every spring and parking was a problem. The show's lots filled early so the folks who lived in the nearby area would rent parking spaces in their front yards for $10 or more. People paid.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Dec 08
I'm familiar with that car show, I've never gone myself but I have lots of friends who have and I know what you mean. We also used to go to a dirt track where they'd have a couple big sprint car races every season and their parking lot also filled up quickly so all of the neighbors nearby also rented their yards for parking. It was a long time ago and I'm not sure what they charged because my husband is an early bird so we usually got one of the first parking places in the regular lot! Annie
• United States
9 Dec 08
I figure whatever - if someone wants to pay more than I personally make in a year for five nights in Thompson's condo, why shouldn't he join the long line of hucksters making a buck on Obama's election. You watch Hardball, don't you? . He annoys me sometimes, but I get a pretty good feel for what's actually being said by listening to his misinterpretations and leaps to conclusions. Same with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinski... never ceases to amaze me how people who are intelligent enough to get through college and have high profile careers can make so many illogical leaps to mistaken conclusions.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Chris can be annoying at times but I like him. I like Mika too, most of the time. AS for Joe, he's much more tolerable than most TV! Annie
9 Dec 08
i hope she had her own sentiments.we must respect their sentiments..but only we can do is just guiding them.thats all i can say
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Dec 08
Huh? Annie