Oppositional defiant disorder - is it real?
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
United States
December 8, 2008 9:19pm CST
i had to look it up because even with me being a psychology junkie i had NEVER heard of this one before!! i read it and im sorry but it sounds like ANYONE or just some one bratty.. here are the symptoms -
* Actively does not follow adults' requests
* Angry and resentful of others
* Argues with adults
* Blames others for own mistakes
* Has few or no friends or has lost friends
* Is in constant trouble in school
* Loses temper
* Spiteful or seeks revenge
* Touchy or easily annoyed
ok like HALF of those are normal teenage things.. the others not really but could be off and on.. am i wrong in thinking that this may just be some fancy name for a person just not being disciplined enough growing up?? i mean i OBVIOUSLY know there will be extreme cases that ARE something medical but i think most cases are probably an attitude problem than anything..
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12 responses
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
11 Dec 08
My personal opinion is this disorder is crap. It explains most teenagers in the world, and even me when i was a teenager. If a child is that way its probably because he is not being disciplined right or getting the proper attention from his parents. The parents are complaining and are trying to find an excuse instead taking responsibilities for there actions.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
11 Dec 08
sociopaths? schizophrenia? psychopaths? umm i cant think of any others that are typically serial killers
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I want to say sociopath but i just can't remember.
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@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Yeah but if they added those it would be another disorder that i freakin can not think of at the moment. Ugh what is it, all i can think of about it is that they are the ones that usually grow up to be serial killers.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Dec 08
a psycological disorder is very real,
anybody that truly loves to study psychology would not ask if it is real,
it is like saying is cancer real?
yes it is a disorder, when we too much of anything it becomes a problem and when it tells with the mind is is a psychological disorder.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
10 Dec 08
if you study psychology this is something you should know, please understand that illnesses are extremes of human behavior, for a child to be diagnosed with this disorder it is because the anger and rebellion etc is out of control, the trouble is most parents don't take their kids to a doctor when this happens so they never get diagnosed.
I think it would be helpful for you to take a course in abnormal psychology if you haven't already done so, you will a better idea of the medical illnesses and how they work and they they are different from average behaviour which can have these symptoms,
just an example of what I am saying
every one can be angry that is normal,
but if you are angry every day of your life then it is not that is when you are diagnosed with an illness,
the good thing about conduct disorder is that teenagers can grow out of it, and they can learn better coping skills, so there really is good help out there for them
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
10 Dec 08
i do study a lot of psychology but have never heard of this one before. if it was coupled with bipolar or adhd etc then i would think of it as more credible but unless they are saying all of the symptoms listed are all extraordinarily extreme i dont know of anyone that hasnt had half of those symptoms frequently through out their lives.. if not through out their entire childhood/adult years
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@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
11 Dec 08
With any disorder you are going to have people wondering if its real. There are a lot of medical professionals who do not believe fibro is real, yet there are lord knows how many people, me and the poster of this discussion are two examples, who are diagnosed with it. Would you tell the doctors who don't believe in it to go take a class to learn about it??
Okay my question would be who is to say when to much is to much and reaches the point of a disorder?? And my personal opinion, this disorder is a load of crap and stems from parents no longer disciplining there child properly and want to place blame anywhere but themselves.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
11 Dec 08
That is a disorder defined medically?!?
Wow... that would mean almost the whole teenage population!
Or the whole children population!
Heck, thinking back, I too went thru a period of defiance! Do I need medical help too?
What would they come up with next? 

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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
11 Dec 08
i know i went through it but im bipolar so i figured it was norm or part of that.. but the sanest people i know have gone through it which is why it just doesnt seem right.. im thinking if they have worded it better to where it showed it was more extreme that it sounds then it might not sound um weird.. or normal..
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Dec 08
This is really hitting home right now....my daughter in Arizona has two teens...and she calls and is about ready to pull her hair out! LOL....I said honey you were the same way...what the article describes is a typical teen...I have never seen a teen that doesn't argue....who can take responsibility for their own mistakes! LOL...loses temper? Well girls turn into the "b" word in sixth grade and don't straighten out until their twenties....amazing that they now have a disorder that reflects the same thing most teens go through....of course in a couple of years they'll reconsider and say well ....they are just being teens.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
10 Dec 08
i know.. unless its like so extreme there is violence and etc i dont see much difference from that and regular life/growing up but i think if they may have given better examples it may have been easier to see the difference..
@chobby3037 (170)
• United States
10 Dec 08
There's a difference between normal kid behavior and ODD. ODD is never ending ODD isn't about displine. I resent anyone saying that it comes down to bad parenting skills. My daughter has special needs. I think she's developing ODD. She is nine. To say that it's because of a lack of discipline make me furious i say come into my house and do my job for 48 hours and then you'll see how "fake " this is. AND I do DISPLINE my children.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
10 Dec 08
i have just never heard of this before.. im not saying all cases are bad parenting like i said above unless its non stop then i have seen every one having the same symptoms as listed.. now if its like non stop and more extreme than what they are just listing then ok i get it.. i think what they listed is either too vague or seems too simple to make it stand out so much different than normal behavior..
but if you daughter has it and its non stop then that makes sense and i believe it..
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
10 Dec 08
yep and im sure those pills will be like other ones but different names lol
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
11 Dec 08
yeah i have been on good stuff and bad stuff and the bad stuff just seems to suck out your soul on a good day..
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
13 Dec 08
No, you are wrong. ODD is very real. As my 8 yr old daughter has ADHD and ODD. Trust me when you are around her you will know something is wrong and it is not just a bratty kid. I really hate it when people have never heard of something or never seen it and than say things like this that it isn't true. That is why people with disiblities get picked on and put down because people like you who say it doesn't exist. I am sick and tired of people saying I don't discipline my kid. You don't know me or my kid to make a judement call like that. Because if you did. You would know I have my daughter on a daily routine. When changes happen she is not aware of that disrupts her routine is when things get bad. But I take all the steps I am aware of to miniamize these.

@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
13 Dec 08
Reading tons of books does not make you quailfied in saying a disorder is not real. Obviously you have not been reading the right books. I think you need to go to the library and do a search on this disorder and see exactly what it is about.
I do not think they need to reword it because not everyone threatens with a steak knife. That is a little extreme. Those people are a danger to themseleves and others and need locked up to control their behaviors. If you have questions about a disorder, than ask someone that knows about or has experienced it. But don't say it isn't true or make rumors up about it. All that does is cause more problems for those who have the disorders.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
13 Dec 08
well im familiar with adhd and everything but i have read tons of books and just now heard of odd and was wondering wtf.. i could see odd going along with something else like being a side thing with adhd, bipolar since it sounded like something that would accompany another illness.. i think if they reworded the list of examples they had that i had pasted to where it sounded more extreme or emphasized on it being a constant thing i wouldnt have questioned it since when ever you hear about any other mental disorders they always emphasize on how its constantly an issue..
the examples they give are worded to where they sound like how every one is as they are growing up

@Ithink (9980)
• United States
9 Dec 08
This is my take on something like this, for some reason everything has to be named for some reason by a doctor! I cant agree on the not being disciplined as a child or something like that thou. My reason is we have 7 kids and 2 have been told they have these, but they both are also bi-polar and one has a list of things she is said to have.
Even with my own kids, truthfully, I dont buy into it. For whatever reason they act up and do what they want to do. To the point one is in jail and the other in a girls home. I still love them and talk to them, I just wont feed into all that bull anymore. I have others that act normal and do what is needed in life, to grow and be healthy.
SO yes I agree I think that most is just an attitude problem and doctors had to put a name to it.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
9 Dec 08
I think parents have to be stronger than the kids! Stand their ground, and do not accept this sort of behavior right from the start. That doesn't mean we beat our kids or lock them in closets we simply have to make it priority to respect authority, others and themselves!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
9 Dec 08
yep.. and then after trying to raise them right and do everything possible if there are probs then get them checked out.. but most just get meds and told they have something then the parents write it off that they cant do anything about it because its medical so why try
@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
9 Dec 08
With anything involving the human brain there are always degrees or levels that a person has any aliment. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)sounds like every person on the face of this planet when they are angry enough! Seriously, for those sort of "symptoms" to be considered a part of (ODD) they have to be on the high end of the spectrum when it comes to degree or levels that a person is afflicted by it. Then and only then would i consider it to be some sort of psychological problem. Otherwise it could be a phoney insanity defense in my opinion.
Yes it seems like a justification for someone having an attitude problem more than anything else. Anyone could be considered having this if confronted with a situation that upsets them on a personal level. But if it is all the time... then it would be a disorder IF the above described symptoms you mentioned are extreme. Otherwise just someone that needs an attitude adjustment.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
10 Dec 08
yeah if its extreme i would buy into it but like you said almost anyone would fit that profile once in awhile!!