What's Wrong with this GM Picture?

United States
December 9, 2008 12:49am CST
Now what is wrong with this picture? General Motors: A company that has lost 80% of its stock value over the last year. A company that has laid off thousands of US workers over the last year. A company that has lost $23 million over the last year. A company that is in jeopardy of going bankrupt now. A company whose CEO was paid $16 million over the last year. Hmmmmmmmm.
1 response
• United States
10 Dec 08
I have a better one for you: Citi Group Made 3.6 Billion in net income in 2007 Net Income is down 83% from 2006 Stock price is down 75% over the last year Company took $40 Billion in Taxpayer dollars, and will need more next year Vikram Pandit (CEO) made $3.16 million in 2007 (but the board awarded him $102 million in January because he has done such a good job) putting him as $105.16 million over the last actual year. And congress didn't make him come before them and present a business plan. They just give the CEO's tens of billions without any idea what they are going to do with it. Who thinks this is a good idea?