Advice please....

@messageme (2821)
United States
December 10, 2008 10:51am CST
I'm not asking for judgements (no negativity please) Im just asking for advice on what would you do, so if you just want to judge and not give advice please pass this by. I have been with my man for 2yrs now. I would consider it one of the most perfect relationships. We have only had one fight and maybe 2 arguements. All solve and they don't cause problems between us. I love him with all my heart and don't want to be without him. I would be stupid to let such a perfect man go....but MY problem (not his. He has three kids and I have two then we have one together. Mind you I am a very high spirited, very positive person. Usually nothing makes me mad. Before him my life was very layed back. my oldest child was very well behaved, thoughtful, caring. I never had any problems with him. His kids on the other hand, don't think of others, no respect for adults, constantly go, go, go ( the go, go I think is normal for kids), but Im not use to that, they are extremely LOUD! To the point where they don't talk ever, they always shout even if they are "talking" to someone. At first I thought they had hearing problems but they don't. They break everything they touch. They don't listen at ALL! I could keep going and going. My house is constantly chaos and not in a good way. When we first got together I thought the difference was just because there was so many kids and I had to get use to the loudness, but everything else is driving me nuts!! I must add too that his kids are very negative too. They can not play normal, they would rather fight and try to hurt each other. One of them never says anything nice, everytime he opens his mouth (which is all the time) he is always saying something mean to someone. I have tried and tried to get them to be nice. Treat others the way you want to be treated. I have tried to get them to listen to adults and respect them. I have tried to teach them so many things, but it seems they just don't care! For me being such a positive person it's very hard to deal with all this negative and I feel I have changed completely. Im always mad at the kids, it's hard to be positive and Im always in a bad mood. Lately I have seriously been thinking about leaving, but like I said I would be stupid to let such a perfect man go. But I feel my kids need a more positive life and I hate my kids to see me so crummpy all the time. It's very hard because I don't want to leave, but I don't know if I can put up with the kids anymore. My man knows how I feel and he just says he don't know either how to get the kids to listen and behave. I personally think its too late, the kids are who they are. Sorry so long, but please give me your advice...what would you do?
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22 responses
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Hi me, I hate to say this but it sounds like your man is copping out of his responsibilities as a father. If he doesn't know how to control his kids then he needs to get help to learn how. You both need to go to family counseling. If you don't these children will rip you both apart and it won't be pretty. If you both don't take action immediately, then you may as well give up right now. You never mentioned their ages but if they can walk and talk, they can understand RULES and RESPECT! Good luck sweetie. Hold on to your man. Children from broken homes are in pain. So they take that pain out on you. You and your man need to have a united front and the children need to learn their place in the family. With strong consistent parents, they will be so much happier. A good counselor will help you achieve that.xoxoxo leenie
@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I have tried talking to the kids about their feelings or about mom and dad not being together and if they have problems at school. I always reassure them they can always come to us if they ever need to talk. But they never have nothing to say. I have tried with the oldest his place in the family, but he acts like he is the adult and all the kids need to listen to him. He is almost 8 going on 30! I try telling him he is a kid enjoy life, play. He will even mouth off to us, try to have last word. Sad thing is all the kids are following his footsteps and starting to mouth off or have last word or try to discipline all the other kids. Im stuck on what to do. I really appreciate everyones advice though. I had a counselor lined up once then I found out he was a college student doing and intern and he didn't even have kids. I believe you can't counsel someone if you don't even have kids and know what they are like so I cancelled that meeting.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
oh yeah, the kids are 11 months (not a problem), 3,4,6,6,and 7. The 3 yr old I don't have much problem with either, he just picking up on the hitting, shouting instead of talking and the whinning. Which I hate because to me that means there is not much hope for the 11 month old. he is going to pick up on all the bad things too. Mine are the 11 month, 3, and 6 yr. old. His are 4,6,and 7 yr.old. the 4yr old will be 5 in jan. and he still poops his pants all the time. the 6 yr old pees her bed all the time. I really think it's an attention thing, but I have tried to explain to them they can have all the attention they want but I would rather it be good attention not bad. I just don't think they care.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Listen Sweetie, The kids are acting out. In mixed families like yours, the kids don't know what to think. They are too young to know why mommy and daddy aren't together anymore. All they want is to have it the way it used to be. The eight year old will really lead the others down the wrong path is not helped soon. I agree with you about the young counsellor. I would definately look for someone with mixed family experience. As a baby boomer, it was our generation that I believe started the break ups in marriages. Our kids really suffered and we didn't know how to help them. We thought it would work itself out. When we did seek counselors, I don't think they were qualified due to not enough experience. Find someone you can rely on and trust. Good luck. leenie
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
10 Dec 08
hi i read your story and iam so sorry you have to go through this.i have two children and he have three children. you didn,t say if they live with you guys all the time or partime.even if it part time it,s hard.because there is 2 sets of rules mom rules and dads rules.but whatever the case you are going to be more forceiful at your rules and what you expect from them it,s going to be hard but you can do it.set them all down and have a family meeting on what is expected of the children and what will happen if they break the rules.i watched a show called the nanny,she used a game to reach the children it took about a week and it worked.the kids was very unruly and disrespectiful but having some sort of game to reach them will work.i hope you can reach the child so you can have peace in your house soon
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
10 Dec 08
nanny 911 is on abc the show is online go too maybe something there can help you good lucky
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
thank you very much
@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Oh yes I didn't mention that. We do have them all the time. And there mom has them every other weekend. Her rules she has non. They run her! Im interested in this game you are referring to, do you remember the details of it? I have heard alot of Nanny 911, do you know what channel it is on and what day and time?
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
10 Dec 08
You certainly are in a position in which I do not envy. It sounds like you have quite a bit of time invested in this relationship and you are not ready to let go. Two years is a pretty long time to bond with someone and have strong feelings for. However when children enter the picture it can become nothing less than interesting. You have to be prepared sometimes for the unknown in my opinion. I believe that your man may really want you to accept his children well behaved or not. Not all children are going to be perfect. It does sound like a handful for you to deal with and this man maybe needs to spend more attention to this matter if he really cares about you. These situations sometimes can feel like a no win. You want to be happy and you want your own children to be happy. To tell you the truth I really think you need to think about your own happiness. You are right when you say that you don't want your kids to see you in a miserable light. They need you and you need to be there for them first. I wish you luck. Take care.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Yes but when I think of how much my kids need a more positive life I then start thinking of his kids too and they need the same thing. Thats what makes me stay, but then I don't feel I am giving them that because everytime I try they push and push until I yell. AND I HATE YELLING! But I'm to the point I can't help it. I also do feel I have put this much time into why not keep going. His family is also no help they treat his kids like they are babies and shouldn't have to do anything at all! If they whine they get their way. My man just ignores it all. He says I need to learn to ignore. Yeah right you can't ignore this!
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I am with you on this one in a big way. There is not going to be any ignoring this. To tell you the truth the way things are going right now things might not get better. You want to be happy. Love is important but it might not be worth all of the frustration and stress. Things could just get harder in your situation. I know that you probably feel alone right now. I still wish you much luck.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Yes that is what I told him the other day. He told me he loved me and I said yes I love you very much too, but sometimes love is just not enough. Thank you very much for your help.
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@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
10 Dec 08
Hello my dear, I feel sorry for your sitution right now, im sure your intention of keeping the man you love is not bad at all. But, in my opinion i would re-considered the side of your child. They need someone that they can grow with love and feel comfortable life and family that lead them in a better future. Im sure they already felt the feeling of longingness in their father and happy family. as what you said if your already crump of the sitution and your not married yet how comes in the future. You've done already axtreme move to keep it settle yet it doesn't happen. Sometimes bad behavior occur because their something inside them that thier trying to cover up or maybe they are born like that. If this would happen to me, i will try to give them a break, i will try to let him know how much i love him but my kids future is my first priority and i will need time to think, if it is possible for us to have a happy and calm family together. I know it would be hard to find such a perfect man but thier is always something somewhere that is right for us. Good luck and hope you will find a good answer. Happy mylotting.
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@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
10 Dec 08
You shouldn't. What happen right now is that your feed up for the sitution that you in. You just being honest to your feeling and emotion, everyone has a moment of saying i have enough. Im sure your man understand you for he knows better what kind of kids he has. it may not be a good thing but that's the fact that your in. and if he kind enough he should help you carry the burden that your facing trying to straigthen up the kids if this still could be fix.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I feel bad though because Im putting all the blame on his kids, should I be? I don't see no other reason for the way things are though.
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@tklich (391)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Wow that is a very tough situation to be in. Relationships can be hard enough, but when you add kids into the mixture, it makes it even harder. I know it's never a good idea to stay together just for kids sake, but do keep in mind that you do have a kid together, aside from the kids you had in a previous relationship(s). It's obvious that you do love him very much, and that you would be leaving only because of his kids. I honestly don't know what I would do in this situation! I know I wouldn't want my own kids picking up on his kids bad habits, which could very easily happen. But I do believe that there has got to be a way to teach his kids to behave more properly. It's going to be very hard, especially if they've been acting this way for so long now. I think the number one key to it though is discipline. It doesn't take much at all for kids to learn that if they can do something naughty w/o being punished for it, they will repeatedly do it, and it will only get worse. As a parent, it definitely adds pressure on me knowing my childs behavior fully lies in my hands, and that my upbringing of my children can truly affect who they become as a person. My only advice I can give is to not give up. No one ever succeeds by giving up. Always fight for what it is that you want. I'm afraid you might have too many regrets if you leave the man you love. And who knows, maybe love can over rule this dilemma of yours. If your boyfriend knows about the situation and is completely fine with you trying to get his kids into order, do everything you can to discipline them and teach them right from wrong. I would also insist that your man help out with this too. If he can get stern with them, they might listen to him more because he is the father, they may see you as something a lot smaller with you not being their mother and all. Good luck, and just remember, follow your heart and have NO REGRETS!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Sadly yes my kids did pick up alot of the bad habits. I have discplined, but like I said they just don't seem they care. I had one child sit in time out for breaking something (he is almost 8) I made him give me a reason why he broke it and then he could get up. I think he sat there for about 10 mins then gave me a reason so I let him get up. Guess what he went right back to what he was doing and broke something else. How am I supose to react to that? They are worse when they are just with dad because they get away with alot more things. He tends to ignore things more. I told him that confuses the kids. Then they don't know when something is ok or when it is not. Then theres those things we dont agree on. He thinks its ok and I dont. It's a tough desicion and even with everyones advice it sill boggles my mind. I don't want to give up, but I dont want to deal with it anymore either. No matter what I say they don't listen.
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• Poland
10 Dec 08
Kids are the way, they were risen and I don't think, you can do anything without support from their father. Maybe he feels guilty because of splitting up with their mother and ignores their behavior. Thats only speculations. I also advice some professional help. Maybe some of your friends knows someone good and experienced. You can also try to find some opinion in the Internet. There should be sites for parents with your problem. Good luck.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I will have to look into that thank you.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
11 Dec 08
Hello, messageme. It is never too late to put the kids in line. You have tried your best to talking to them and all, but it didn't work. Now, it is time to play the army. You will be STRICTLY rigid with the kids. All of them. There is no being nice with one and being strict with the other. You will put rules in your house. Be cold, do not be mad. Do not yell, tell it in a good way. Do not show love, though. Do not say: "Hey, darling, could you please get out of the window?". Nah. You will say, in a cold way and with a firm voice: "I will give you two options: you can get out of the window and be without videogame for a week or you can stay there and be without videogame for a month". The children will probably say: "What the f...! I'm already going to be without videogame!". And then he will understand that you are being strict. And really do take the videogame away from that one. He will understand that, if he does something wrong, there will be no "I'm sorry mom". He will be punished without having chances of saying sorry. He will learn not to do the wrong things instead of doing it and apologizing. Treat them like that. They will have to respect for your power, since they do not respect you for your authority. You tried to be nice. Now, you will have to have a cold mind and never yell at them, but be completely strict. Any little wrong step they do they will be locked in their rooms for an hour to think about it, or locked somewhere in where they cannot have fun. And I'm sure, within two months those kids will be kissing your feet. And then it will be the time to start being nice with them. Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Pascha I do see your point completely on that,but also there may be good to what he has said also. If they get something taken away either way at least they will not do that thing again. And in most cases my kids are doing things they know they should not be doing. And it is still giving them a choice just of how long they want to loose it for. Because they already know not to do it. Thanks you both for sharing. I greatly appreciate it.
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@Pascha (65)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Please, don't misunderstand me. I am not saying not to discipline the children. Children need, and actually CRAVE discipline. Just make sure you think through the consequences of any disciplinary method that you choose, both short term and long term. Also think through the consequences of no discipline. The difference here though is in discipline and in control. The above respondent seems to be in favor of control. Now when you take three kids that have had zero discipline their entire lives, and suddenly go in the total opposite direction of trying to control them, guess what happens? Rebellion, power struggles, all that icky stuffs! When you have kids that lack discipline, you introduce it to them slowly, a piece at a time. You pick your battles one at a time. My boy went to go live with his dad for two years. things here were financially unstable, and I was afraid we'd be homeless again, so I sent him to his father. WORST mistake I ever made, I'll tell you that much With his dad, he had no discipline what so ever. He could do just about anything he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted. he had no supervision, and was often left in the care of those that would do much more harm than good. When he returned home, I knew that if I just threw him into a strict household, because I am a strict mother, that it would do more harm than good. I had to slowly ease him into the rules and into disciplinary measures. Imagine if you will a frog. If you take a frog and throw it into boiling water, it will scream and fight and do all it can to get back out. But, if you take a frog, and place it in room temperature water, he will get nice and comfortable. If you start turning that water on to slowly come to a boil, the frog has no clue, and he's happily swimming around in his own private little pond. No, I'm not saying to boil the kid alive! lol But think of the kid as the frog, and the water as discipline. If you throw the kid into it, they will scream and fight and do all they can to get back out of it. If you ease the child into it though, slowly, they are happy as little clams and don't even know what's going on. I find that mother nature often has a lot of lessons to teach us. :)
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@Pascha (65)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Great answer! Let's think a moment about what these steps will lead to, shall we? First, there will be a power struggle between the mother and the children, all of the children. This is going to create more stress on her, and the rest of the family. The children will not trust her to be rational and reasonable. This will destroy every single bit of trust that she has built up with these children from day one. This will lead to more fighting within the family unit. And let's face it, families don't fight enough these days, right? And finally, this will ultimately destroy her marriage. Her and her husband will fight more when it comes to the kids, and every bit of the parenting style she had that he so loved before they got married will be gone. There is such a thing as being overly strict. You can't go from one extreme to the other like that. It's hard on the kids, and on the parents. The idea is to have a nice even keel there. Discipline all of the time, but punish only as a last resort! Kids learn to control their behavior by giving the chance to control it and by failing. They do not learn to control their behavior by having a parent that controls it for them, which is exactly what you are proposing. There will be so many power struggles with this method and her family dynamic will be completely destroyed. Children do NOT respect or respond to "power". Authority with the children is earned, not automatic. Kids need to be given the opportunity to fail, because if they aren't, they are not given the opportunity to learn, and they are not given the opportunity to succeed.
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@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
11 Dec 08
This is indeed a trick situation to be in. You have not mentioned how old the children are. If they are small, you can always whack them or punish them. If they are grown up, then its pretty hard, for you can olny do so much and not more. Your man has to be more assertive in bringing his children under control. If he does not support you, nobody can. Is he such an uncaring father that he does not care how his children are brought up ? I have seen meek men in my life, but never when it comes to children. Your man is taking the easy way out, shrugging off his responsibilities in the hope that so long as his comforts are taken care of and his c hildrens, you can suffer. No, your children too need your love and support. Who is to say, their bad behaviour may rub off on your children as they grow up and you will have nobody but yourself to blame. Two years is a long time to bring some sort of order in their lives, but without his help, you are nowhere. Think twice before you take any step, but keep your kids in mind too.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Thanks for sharing. His kids are 4 (almost 5, in less than a month), 6 and 7 (8 in less than month. I don't think he is shrugging off the responsibility he just don't want to be a bad dad. He always says he wants to be the fun loving dad. I told him thats fine but that dont teach them nothing. They think life is all about horsing around and not doing anything! He cares but he also says he just don't know what to do.
@ketybhagat (4123)
• India
11 Dec 08
There is one more thing you could do. Emotional blackmail. Tell his kids you love their father and he loves you, but for them, you are forced to think of quitting. Tell them if they love their father even a little bit and want him to be happy, then they better mend their ways in your line of thinking, or let them feel guilty for breaking up their fathers marriage. Good luck friend, you are going to need it.
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• Canada
11 Dec 08
It is not that they don't care it is the fact that they KNOW dad won't do it. One thing neither of you should do is threaten them with something you cannot follow through with. If he says they are going to have to live else where then he should have something lined up before saying to them. Right there he has told them nothing will happen because dad won't make us move out. I dunno hwo you discipline but if you spank for instance then if you say you are going to when they do something wrong and then they repeat it you have to follow through.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Thanks very much! He has told the kids that if they didn't start to listen and follow the rules then they would have to go find another place to live and he didn't want to do that because he also loves me very much. Kids started talking about where they wanted to move too!! But they were saying places that were not even possible, but the fact was they didn't care.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Oh yes I do follow through with what I say (well most of the time, I will admit there has been a few times I haven't, but for the most part I do.) They know dad don't follow through. We have been having a problem with his 6 yr old to eat her meal at night and he keeps telling her that if she dont eat then she isnt going to her girl scouts no more. Guess what she keeps going. She did something the other day so I told her she wont get the privilege of going to her after school program. Guess what she went because dad said she could go if she didnt do what she did the rest of the week. I told him I already took it away from her and he said I thought we said if she didnt do it again. I said No you told her that after I had already told her. So why would she listen to me. When she is in trouble by either him or me she just sits there and smiles about it. I told him thats because she knows your not serious. SEE what Im putting up with here and he don't see it! How can he not!
• India
11 Dec 08
I have got one good suggestion for you. I was same as your man's negative kids. I used to disobey a lot. in my childhood i was very obedient but as my mom say's i was very naughty in my early school days. I wont listen and was very negative and used to say crump words and misbehave with elders and everyone. my mother was always tensed. The one day i was admitted to a baording school. I dont know whether it was intentionally or necessary decision. But my life changed. It was a partial baording school where i used to go school early in morning at 7 and return home at 8 pm. So that is what taught me a lot of things. Later on i completed graduation and that too staying away from home. some 1800 kms away. With extreme environment. But this taught me a lot of things about life. respect towards others and dont forget your parents. So my advise to you is please find some good boarding school with military disciplines and look your kids rocking in life. And dont forget to call them atleast twice in a week. That makes them feel that you really care for them. And dont call everyday often as that would make them dependent. I hope you would like doing this.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I have said it many of times, but I can't even tell myself if Im serious or not. His family would hate me if I talked him into sending the kids to boarding school. After talking to him this evening he made it sound like nothing was wrong and the kids are just being kids. Him and I obviously don't see things the same way, but I do understand because they are his kids we are talking about. But if we dont agree on things it doesn't look good for the future. Thank you for that interesting story. I honestly wasn't sure if there really was boarding schools still around.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Since you all live in the same house, I think that it is very important to set the entire family down and have a long talk. In this talk, you and your man should set down a set of house rules along with consequences for breaking the rules. Then, you BOTH need to stick to them. Change does not happen over night, but I think that once all of the kids seen that you are serious, and the rules apply to all, they will behave better. It is also important for the kids to know that they are all loved equally. Sometimes, kids act out because they are merely seeking attention, and are unsure of how to go about getting it any other way. I know that my own kids often act out, especially when my husband's son is here for a weekend visit. The only way I have found to change the behavior that has actually worked is to do the things I mentioned above. One more thing I do with the kids is to spend a few minutes each day with each child alone just to ask how their day was. To my kids, this special time shows them that they are equally important to me, as is what happens in each of their lives. I really hope that you and your man can pull together on this.It can prove to be a very rewarding thing, you just have to stick together.
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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
11 Dec 08
He has got to understand that if he does not stand by you and help show the kids a untied front from the two of you, those kids will begin to play you against each other. They will go to you for something and if they do not like your answer, they will go to him. Wouldn't we all like to be able to be the fun-lovng, no rules parent? Unfortunately, parenting does not work that way. In order for the kids to understand, he has to actively participate and support you.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
oh yeah they already do that. He says its normal all kids play their parents that way.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
yes I agree with you and I made a list today of two things that were really important to me of what I expect of the kids and I made consequences. I asked my man the question tonight of what he thought were important things and what he thought should be consequences for not obeying them. He only came up with getting them to listen. Fine that was one of my main ones too. Then he proceeded to say kids will be kids and they are no different and I expect too much. Thats not true I just expect them to listen like kids should and respect other people and adults. Is that asking to much? I also like them not to shout when talking, but to just talk. Looks like we dont see eye to eye on this and that could be a big problem. I told him he needed to help parent them too then and not just me. He said he don't like to h just wants to play with them. Be the fun loving dad. Well they don't learn nothing that way.
• Philippines
11 Dec 08
hi! i am sad to know that your into this situation. to start with i believe there will be solution to that problem and i am hoping that ideas shared by mylotters will help you and your partner decide on what actions to take. here are my thoughts about your situation. 1. You and your partner should talk about the issue about the kids behavior. you should not take this for granted because in here lies the future of the kids not only his kids but yours also. you and your partner should go into the grass root of the problem so that you can come up with the best solution. 2. Seek help of a guidance counselor or a behavior psychologist or anybody who is in the right position to fix this mess. the children are maybe taking revenge because they might not like you or your relationship with their dad. 3. for the meantime, communicate with his kids. let them know that inspite of their being like that is they are being loved by you and by their dad. 4. pray for your family and for your situation. it is said that in difficult times all we have to do is to pray be blessed and keep smiling!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Thank you very mcuh and I do hope things come out for the good. To me this is my family, my only family and I would hate to lose it because I am not strong enough to deal with it.
• Philippines
12 Dec 08
thank you for choosing my post as best response. hope in some way i able to help you at your situation right now. all of us who have posted on your discussion are pretty sure that you can overcome whatever you are feeling right now. thanks also for another mylotter who appreciated my post and recommended it to be a best response. be blessed and keep smiling! remember this our challenges in life are bearable because the Lord God will not allow us to suffer beyond our capacity to endure.
@Pascha (65)
• United States
11 Dec 08
*hugs you quietly* You aren't alone. I can promise you that. :) and I think Roselynm should get the best response of the day. *grins*
@Pascha (65)
• United States
11 Dec 08
First, I'm tired. If I ramble, please forgive me. Second, this is in no way, shape or form, directed at you messageme. :) Third, *sighs* I'm disappointed in some of these replies. Some of them come across as "they're HIS kids, let HIM deal with it!" Tell me please, at what point and time did society decide that step parents shouldn't take an active parenting role? When a parent with kids marries somebody else, they have hopefully, spent enough time with the person to know what kind of a parent they would be to their children. I know I lived with my husband for two years before marriage to make sure he'd be good for my kids! Tell me, where to you see the word "step" in the word "family"? You don't. It was added in by society in general. I remember when I got married, the first thing the judge did was talk to the kids and make it very clear to them that once the "I do's" were done, they had another father. I am sorry for ranting here, but half of what's wrong with today's society comes down to parents, biological and otherwise, not taking responsibility for their children. Instead, they pass that responsibility off on somebody else. And it needs to stop. In this day and age, it's perfectly normal for a kid to have more than one mom, and more than one dad. One mom and dad by nature, and one (or more!) by nurture. And once a kid calls you "mom" or "dad" guess what? You are now their mom or their dad! It's what the heart tells them, and tells YOU. If you don't want the responsibility for kids that aren't biologically yours, do not marry somebody that has children already. (again, not directed at you, messageme. There is no "his kids" or "her kids" when it comes to a family. There is only OUR KIDS. Messageme, these are your kids now too. The only difference is, you haven't been around since they were born to form that maternal bond with them. That bond is what is used for discipline. Without it, kids won't learn all of the things that you have to teach them. Without it, they won't trust you or accept your discipline. It is likely that you aren't the only woman that daddy has had in their lives. Add onto this the natural distrust of females that they will have because of their mom not being a steady part of the picture also. Even if you are the one he married, that may not trust that you'll be sticking around. The things that I outlined in my previous response are things that need to be done to form that bond with the kids. Now, you may be thinking "oh, we did bond already and we love each other very much!" But it's evident by your topic, and your responses, that there is no bond what so ever. Work on building that bond now. You can't do anything else with those kids until that bond is formed. It's not going to happen over night, but it will happen. Shift your focus to the entire family, and pulling the family together. You are the matriarch of that family. So this is your job. It's the job you signed on for the very second that you said "I do." And remember, every kid is different. What works for one kid is not gonna work for another in the family. You have to be patient, and find what works for each child in the family. It isn't blood that makes a family. It's love. Love really IS enough, if you allow it to be. Love really CAN fix this, if you allow it to. Allow your heart, and allow LOVE to guide you on this path. Keep love in your heart, not anger or frustration, when you're interacting with the kids. Keep love in your heart when you're having to discipline the kids. And form that bond that needs to be formed!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Don't worry I won't take it personal. for the simple fact that we are not married yet. That is my reasoning on being so confused on wether to stay and continue this relationship or leave now. Most are calling him my husband, but that is my fault I did not state it. I guess I just assumed people would know since I was considering leaving. But I guess not everyone sees it the same as me. I wouldn't leave so easily if we were married. I proabably wouldn't even consider it a choice. I use to consider all the kids my kids. But lately I have been noticing more and more when I am talking to him I have reffered to them as your kids and my kids. I think that is due to the bond being broken. I do know love will do so much if I could just start giving it to them again. But I do also feel I am doing this alone and he is not helping much. I dont think he needs to "deal with it" but I do think he needs to step up and start helping. Thank you for all your advice you have been very helpful.
@RebelPwn (25)
• Serbia And Montenegro
10 Dec 08
NO,NO and NO!Don't give up the HOPE!Don't let your family fail =/. Only two things are coming to my mind. First opinion (which I highly recommend) is to search for someone which has spiritual gift as they main skill in their life(they are not same like other people),try to tell him/her your problem and pray it will do wonders!I dunno which religion you belong,but it doesn't matter as its positive!I am from Serbia,so I am an Christian. (This has helped me a lot.I was in the same position as the children you mention) Second opinion (which I don't recommend at all)is to visit a psychologist ,but its only ending with drinking pills which will not really make them happy. Your Family is in my prayers! Don't give up the hope please!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I am Catholic, but Im not really all that religious. I believe I just don't go to church. We did bring the oldest to a psych. and they said he has ADHD and yes they put him on meds. ::( but it seemed to have helped him in school at least. Thank you for your encouraging advice.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
10 Dec 08
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• Serbia And Montenegro
10 Dec 08
Just to let you know I wasn't very religious at the time I was doing stupid things (like not going in the school and so on..),till my mom(she wasn't religious also) found someone who could help me.Now that man who helped me is my Brother over the Church.That was my thanks to him and I really I love him more then a brother for what he done for me. Just don't give up yet!I know you will make it.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
11 Dec 08
Actually you are right in saying that they are what they are already. What you have to do right now is just enjoy your life with you partner who you said is the perfect partner to be. I think it is more of the responsibility of the father to tend to this kind of problem. I think growing in an environment without a mother to guide them might cause them to be like this in their behavior. I also suspect this that this kids are doing this to make you uncomfortable in living together with their dad. By doing this mischiefs they attract attention either from you or from their father. I guess this is their way to express their disapproval of you or resistance to accept you in their family. If you really want them to change it would not take overnight to really reform them to what you want. Patience and understanding is the only key to solving them and you not to allow yourself in what they want to get from you, being a victim of them. Being disgusted and crumpy all the time is just what they wanted from you then reverse the situation and live the life you want with your man and his kids. Hopefully they would understand the and appreciate you in their life.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
12 Dec 08
Well you just allowed yourself from getting what they wanted. How does it feel has it relieved you from your burden with them. I think they are the ones that were satisfied with what they want. Do not allow them to have it and getting mad at them would just make it worse for the both of you. Remain clam and continue loving those people that really cares for you and soon and hopefully very soon they would appreciate your effort. If they did not its their lost and not yours. If you win then it would be good for you and your stepsons. You only have two choices in there that is you allow yourself be victimized by them or you choose to do what is right for you and them.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Yes I have tried that and wouldn't get mad. It lasted 2 days and then they just kept pushing and pushing. And finally I yelled at them. I didn't want to but I couldn't help it. I felt like that is exactly what they wanted me to do and after two days it worked they finally pushed me far enough. I even asked them if they enjoyed getting yelled at. Of course, the answer was no, but they couldn't answer why then. Thanks for sharing.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
11 Dec 08
[i]Hi messageme, I agree with the point that your kids need to have a healthy and positive environment or else, they will grow up absorbing the negativity and bad habit of the other kids, how about the mother of your bf's kids? I can imagine how hard it is....If I were in your situation, I will just tell my bf to give some punishment to those kids if ever they will continue those bad habits, it's hard to change them but at least, he can try to minimize it by establishing some rules! I hope someone here can give you more valid and more experienced advices! [/i]
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
It may not be experienced advice, but your advice is just as much appreciated as everyone elses. Thank you very much.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
11 Dec 08
Go as your heart and your mind desire. It's always difficult when your heart and your mind are in conflict. Your heart is telling you to stay whereas your mind is telling you to leave. It takes a lot of love, time and patience to reform such kids. There are definitely reasons behind their actions. They may be trying to seek for attention. If they are left alone, they may turn out to be gangsters in the future. I'm sure both you and your man do not want to see that happening. Either way, the kids need to be reformed. I hope your heart and your mind will come to a consensus soon and you will make a decision you will not regret.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Yes my heart and mind are doing exactly what you stated. I think thats what is making it so hard. I am to the point that it is very hard to give them all the attention when I am so frustrated with them all the time. Its hard to be positive when the negative out ways all. Thank you for sharing.
• India
11 Dec 08
I have a thing for kids. Same case is in my close relation. I trained the kids mom for this. Whenever a kid commit mistake, he get embarrassed for a while and then forget. Also when the kids need your assistance, they urge to you. The trick here was interesting. The mom never fulfilled the kids, untill they say sorry. It was difficult but she managed though keeping him crying. Meantime this time she continuously kept telling about his last mistake. After about 2 hours the keed itself agreed the mistake and promised not to do it again. Yet he forgot after few moments. Then she started remembering his promise. But she done a good thing when the kid did agreed mistake, she loved him more than his expectation. After six months the kid got learnt, if I get good love after being wise, why should I go wrath? Result was positive but it was only possible due to her strong stand, not to fulfill kid's need untill he agree at any cost.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Sounds like a good plan. Thanks for sharing.
@Pascha (65)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Welcome my friend, to life as a step mother! *grins* Ain't it grand? His kids sound just like every other child I have ever met that was raised by a single father! They sound like they have learned all of the very basic male traits. Guess what? They HAVE! That's cause their parental figure is male, and he was likely doing it mostly on his own without a maternal figure around. Kids learn the calm, and the positivity, and do unto others from their maternal figures. They learn the aggressiveness, the go go go, etc, from their paternal figures. It is the combination of both a maternal figure and a paternal figure that produces well rounded individuals. But that doesn't help you much, does it? First, take a very deep breath. Take some YOU time. You need to rest, relax, and recharge. It is hard to be the positive one when you are filled with so much negativity! Now, onto the children! Remember with your kids, when they were little, how much time you spent with them? Dads tend to not spend as much time as moms do. Your kids got to benefit from your wisdom and your guidance, and they got that time to bond with you. The step kids didn't though. In this society, parents forget the importance of 'mommy and me' time. So here is my advice. Six kids, right? Each kid gets their own special you time one day a week. Make sure it's a different day each week, or you'll wear yourself out. Take the teen out to lunch. Take the younger ones for a walk. go to a park and actually PLAY with the kid. do puzzles with them. Invest in legos and do a lego project with them! When my kids are acting out the most, we do chores together. For example, just last week my teen and I cleaned out the back shed. It is a bonding moment whenever you two have to do something TOGETHER. Dinner time is a time for family. Everyone gathers around the table to eat dinner. Every kid has a job to do to prepare the family for dinner. Even the littlest ones can help by putting the napkins on the table. Everyone sits down to eat and the parents do not get up from the table until every child has finished dinner. It's a great time to talk! When the children are being loud and noisy, very calmly sit down and tell them, in a quiet inside voice, "I'm very sorry to ask this of you, but the extra noise really hurts my ears very badly. Can you please talk a little quieter for me?" and for heaven's sakes, turn the tv down! They learn to be loud by how loud they hear others talking. The tv being too loud teaches them to talk very loudly. After dinner, it's family time together. Maybe you all watch tv, or even just read a book. But whatever you do, it's done together as a family. That whole family bonding thing. Take them all for a walk. go invade McDonald's for ice cream. Whatever. A half hour or hour before each child's bedtime, they go to their own rooms for quiet time before bed. This is their unwind time, and YOUR unwind time. As a parent, you don't go to sleep until al the kids are asleep. So the quicker they fall asleep, the quicker you do too! One day a week, Saturday or Sunday, is for the entire family. This is the day that is not already occupied by a kid. :) This is when you all go out and do something together. Go to a movie. Rent a movie. Go clean a park. Go volunteer at the animal shelter. Walk around the mall for no good reason. go be silly! Our family once made a big deal of going out in public, and acting as though we were martians! We even went so far as to make up our own language for it. *grins* Even my teenager got into the act. And every night, after the kids are in bed, that is your time with your husband. Even if they aren't all asleep yet. If they come out of their rooms, you remind them politely, 'family time is over for tonight. Now it is quiet time. Daddy and I are having our time together, but I promise, we'll all have time together again tomorrow.' Lastly, remember, treat the kids as you want them to treat you. Be respectful towards them, even when you're getting onto them. They aren't dogs, so they don't respond well to commands, but they will respond much better to requests. Know when it is time to give a reason, and when it is time to just say "because I said so!" And remember, they are kids. They are meant to be loud, disruptive, and inconsiderate of everyone else around them. If they weren't, they wouldn't be kids, they'd be adults! :) You'll make it. You aren't a bad parent at all. You're a step parent. And being a step parent is often even harder than being a biological parent. Bonding is the key. It's always the key.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I really appreciate what you have said. It makes perfect sense. I have even thought about the special day for each child, just never done it because by that time I feel so tired, so frustrated that I just want me. I feel I use to have that bond with the kids when me and my bf first got together and slowly it jut slipped away. I wish I know what caused it to slip, I thik part of me does know. I should have just caught it then and not now when Im at my wits end. Thank you I know now I have to do something and something needs to be done. And I honestly believe nothing more positive is going to happen until that bond is put back together.
• United States
11 Dec 08
Indeed a difficult predicament. First of all I would not put yourself down for considering leaving. It is not stupid to consider your options when something is having such a heavy impact on your life. Thinking about what affect this is having/ is going to have on your own children is very prudent. In the end I would suggest that you put your own kids first and make a decision that will protect their own interest. Now about his kids - first of all there must be a considerable degree of separation between your parenting skills and his since his kids behave nothing like your own (kudos to you). Perhaps you can offer some advice to him; however, this probably will end up going beyond the casual "hey maybe you should try this". It sounds like you are preparing to either make a major commitment or move on. Usually I would say that you should not make other people's problems your own but if you are going to stay with him then it will be your problem. I think you should make this clear to him that this is the case and something must be done. I would not expect that this would be an easy conversation to have but probably is a necessary one for your health, your children's health, and the health of the relationship. Exactly how do you do something about the kids? Well actually watching Nanny911 or SuperNanny might not be a bad idea but I really doubt that they are too old and that you should just give up. I think the bottom line is that you must convince him that he is not looking out for his own kids best interests by allowing them to behave in such a way. Then you can find out what may turn things around whether it be family counseling, the techniques of the shows, or whatever else.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Yes it was a very hard conversation to have with him tonight. It ended with me feeling guilty for putting all the blame on his kids. It's hard to tell someone how you feel about their kids especially when you love that person. He thinks I expect to much, I really don't think Im asking for much. To me it's normal for kids to have to listen to their elders and respect. It's just really hard :( I want to stay because I love him and I have also been told it takes about 3 yrs for kids to adjust to the new situation of parents combining families. But on the other hand I don't know if I can take it another year. I have heard so much about Nanny911 and supernanny. Can you tell me what day and time they are on and also the channel. Im really interested in watching some shows to see if I can learn from it. Thanks so much for the advice