Which Do You Prefer..?

@vanonas (949)
United States
December 10, 2008 4:48pm CST
Do you like answering discussions that have a lot of responses, or looking through the discussions that haven't been responded to yet? Sometimes I don't like answering the discussions that have had a lot of responses because I feel the user who started the discussion won't even read what I had to say.
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11 responses
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Well for me it dosent matter if a discussion has or hasn't been answered yet, as longs as the topic is interesting, and by the way I usually read most if not all my responses I love to see what people have to say, thats part of the fun of mylot. Happy posting.
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@hessyen (176)
• Romania
10 Dec 08
i like the ones that have a lot of responses you can engage in a nice discusion. maybe not who started the discusion but those who answered
@hessyen (176)
• Romania
10 Dec 08
well i made an exception in this case :)
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Dec 08
I don't have any preference at all since I start with my email notifications in my inbox and I respond to any discussions that suits my preference and if there's something that I can contribute.
@djonghs (560)
• Indonesia
11 Dec 08
First of all, I will response to the discussion started by friends but if the discussion already full with responses, I just skip it. Then I will look for a discussion that had no response but still in the scope of my interest. BR
@nadec23 (63)
• Philippines
11 Dec 08
It depends on the topic of the discussion. If the discussion is so interesting, then most likely I would love to engage into such discussions.
@amitj020 (124)
• India
11 Dec 08
i like to respond to discussions my frn hv started & discussions dat appeal to me.........
• Philippines
10 Dec 08
i prefer discussion of my interest whether it's has been responded too many times or not as long as I'm interested in the topic and express what I had to say, i respond to it. i don't think that the one who posted the discussion won't read your comment just because there has been so many, i would read all the responses in my discussion 'cause i'm interested in everyone's opinion. maybe some won't but i guess many would have so just feel free to respond on discussions that you'd like. every comment counts.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I try to respond to all the discussions that I feel that I can contribute to in some way. I don't choose by how many responses they already have although I do read those responses to see what others are saying.
@hildas (3031)
10 Dec 08
I always answer every single person that replys to my discussions. I see some have over 100 replys to them so it must be hard to answer them all. We are not meant to give the same replies as others also, so it would take a while to read them all as well. I have went onto the no replys a few times and tried to answer them as best I could because sometimes these are very awkward discussions. Take care vanonas.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
10 Dec 08
The truth is I dont think I have a preference ,it had depends on what I have to say about the discussion. I will admit though that there has been times when I have passed over a discussion that has too many responses and gone for a less popular one,just because I want to give everyone a fair chance.
@Zezloler (497)
• United Arab Emirates
10 Dec 08
For me, it depends on what the discussion is about. If I feel that I have a lot to say about a particular topic, I will post on it regardless of whether it has many posts or not. I don't really take that into consideration when it comes to expressing my opinion. =P It's true that discussions with less responses are easier to get recognized on, but that doesn't bother me that much. I'm replying to the question posed by the starter, and it doesn't matter to me which page I'm on. If I have a discussion with many responses, I'll read all of them because the responders took their time and effort in writing an answer, and I feel that other people could read my response in their discussion to do the same for me - although there's no way of telling whether they do or not. =P For me, like I said before, the most important part is what the discussion is about and if I think I'm able to make a worthwhie contribution to it. If not, I will just read a couple of people's responses and move on.