UN banned three organizations in Pakistan. what if i say...
By 060157
@060157 (1059)
December 12, 2008 7:50am CST
the UN banned 3 organizations in Pakistan for being involved in terrorism or supporting it. one of them is jamat al'dawa. i do not have much knowledge of the other two organisations and what their activities were. but i am totally baffled that they put jamat al'dawa on the list as well.
i know this group and i have been involved in this group as well. they have been labelled as terrorists as well, and i don't have the slightest of idea where they gathered their intelligence for it? i am sure that some Pakistanis must also be involved in providing the information but since my government is corrupt (sadly has been this way ever since the creation of Pakistan), they must have just up their name just to make an impression that they have control over the ones who are 'responsible'.
jamat al'dawa is the most respected religious organization that has been working for the welfare of the people. when there was earthquake in the northern areas, this was the leading organization helping restore the area. even the government accepted their efforts that they indeed performed even better than the Pakistan army in the relief effort.
moreover, this organization helps out the poor by providing shelter, arranging for money for marriages in poor family and they have countless camps for free check-ups of patients.
and such an organization to be labelled as terrorists... it is simply unbelievable. if it were an organization like that, we would not have been urged by the same organization to NOT to join such militants. on one friday sermon, they urged us to be careful of such militants who were recruiting in our area and even report them to the police. the most he told to the people was to join the Pakistan army, if they want to serve the community...
i guess people are just looking to somehow blame the religious group. and jamat al'dawa is just a victim...
what do you think of my post?
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5 responses
@saichandtalluri (1486)
• India
12 Dec 08
I think the UN has taken the decission to wipe out terroist organisation it may a good decission but they should also think what had made those groups act like that and even listen to their words also but i am not the person who support terroists but feel those terroists are not really mad people to kill those many people but they are doing out of anger so they should think what made them do all these thing.
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
13 Dec 08
whoever the terrorists are, certainly they are banning the wrong group. and i guess you are right too, the world has never had talks with them wither to ask whatever they want, but instead have used force against them which in turn has resulted in more and even fierce retaliation from them.
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@aakay4u (799)
• India
13 Dec 08
well maybe that they were a victim,since you have some knowledge about them which outside people or people not involved cant have you are in a better position to know the reality.yes your government is corrupt and so is ours.in all these things the real terrorists might be partying.what about lashkar-e-toiba?whats the role of ISI in all these.ok buddy tell me one thing,from what i know if any political head in your country makes an effort to resolve differences with India,he wont survive for long there,is that true?
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@Indrajeet (39)
• India
15 Dec 08
Sweety darling, now you show your true colors. You like your religion, your nation and your organization, are a sham.
To put the record straight Pakistan was not created on the basis of cultural differences. Pakistan was created on the basis of religion with the the ideology that Hindus and Muslims could not live together. But you could not hold on to Bangladesh since you were culturally different. You have failed as a nation in all respects. India on the other had is a successful nation. Pakistanis always try to match Indians, but honestly you are no match at all, which you know. Thus began your quest to destabilize India in all possible manners. You have failed till now. Your organization is only a front for lashkar-e-toiba. The money collected in the name of charity is used for terrorism. Immediately after announcement of the UN ban money from the banks were removed. Why? where? Your Govt. is feeling the heat and acting but putting up a brave face. Just because you have nuclear bombs don't feel invincible. Your time shall come if you don't mend your ways. As far as Kashmir is concerned, Pakistan does not have any right over it. The lop sided UN resolution was passed because we gave in to pressure only for the purpose of peace. Now we now better. Now we know that even your master the US of A is angry with you. Pakistan is now a hub of international terrorism and no one really believes you.
I would not be surprised if you yourself is a terrorist and only trying to cover up and dispensing your propaganda as usual.
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
14 Dec 08
well, to be honest, i do not know about lashkaretaiba, and do not think that i am avoiding the issue, cause seriously i don't. they maybe involved in activities. and as for the ISI, who knows what they are up to, they don't release information in the public do they. similarly with RAW, i suppose. both ISI and RAW must be involved in dirty works in both the countries.
and i haven't seen any political leader being deposed or killed for resolving the differences with india either. but just to tell you, i just find it funny that how can the pakistani and indian leaders keep aside kashmir and settle the differences. that's what or leaders have been doing.
and as for Kashmir, we just want the UN-promised plebiscite (referendum) in Kashmir and then i don't care if the people there vote to join india or pakistan or just declare independence from both the countries. but we just want a fair, neutral, plebiscite. but i doubt it will ever happen. cause UN has failed to keep its promise for over 50 years now, and it all seems biased against Muslims, because there had been problems for christian settlements in indonesia (or malaysia) against Muslims and UN was swift to react, there were problems for christians against Muslims in some african country, and they were swift to react. and for Kashmir, they just offered a promise... which has yet to be fulfilled. just see how quick was the UN to ban organizations in Pakistan on the request of india.
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@aakay4u (799)
• India
14 Dec 08
You see the one terrorist kasab who has been caught alive has admitted he is a pakistani citizen,his father on camera has admitted he is his son,but the pakistani government is denying that kasab is a son of their soil.ya i agree RAW might also be involved in dirty games,but i am sure they are not as dirty as ISI who are on a killing spree through terrorists.
As far as problem of Kashmir,its all because of our then PM,the people had in a referendum then had wanted to be a part of India,but our government after the attacks by tribals from pakistan had gone to UN.Its the area that they had captured by force which is still under Pakistan and known as POK to us.
Well people from Pakistan will say that kashmir is theirs but i feel Pakistan is ours.The British created the boundary lines and our leaders fell prey to that.Even after so many years we are still enemies despite so much similarity.
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
12 Dec 08
Well I don't know really about this because I'm not from Pakistan, I'm from Philippines.... But I am aware of what happening especially the last terrorist attacks from news and internet only.... I have lots of online friends in India but not in Pakistan and I'm glad that I met you here so I can have more additional information of what happening.... Do you have really some nuclear armaments? If that so OMG, I think its too very dangerous to have those in your country coz you have these situations of corruptions or tainted security within the government....
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
12 Dec 08
corruption is only in the government and some army people who are involved in the politics. but i have complete faith in the security of the nuclear arms. and there has never been a threat from the terrorists over the nuclear arms. we have had nuclear arms for over a decade now.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
13 Dec 08
I can understand how you are feeling here, just like being branded as the culprit which another in your group has been responsible where there is no real fault of yours and doings.
I hope that you will need to realize that just because your quarter is law abiding and no relations with any terrorism activities and groups, does not mean that the other quarter is not. I suppose if your group truly does not support or involve with these extreme factions then I am sure your group's highest authority will be speaking out and making an effort to clear such accusations. It is simply not your full say and fight here, if you know what I mean.
You need to understand that intelligence gathering of such nowadays involves quite a lot of international bodies and I am sure no one will dare to intentionally err in this declaration. Not when the government however erroneous it can be will still need the majority's support for its existence and continuity.
Take care.
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
14 Dec 08
your response makes a lot of logical sense but just to start my reply, i would like to remind you of the iraq war and president bush admitting that it was started on false reports from the intelligence. so i do not really trust the capabilities of these 'intelligence agencies'.
to add to this, we have had corrupt governments. the last president was accused of literally handing out people to fill afghan jails with 'suspects' and in turn receive money from america. towards the end of his presidency, many of his accomplices admitted that they had sold people who didn't even had a case against them just for the money. and since the terrorists base their actions on religion, so naturally the aim is on the religious organizations. and believe me, if you were in my country, you would find that it is not hard to make truth a lie, and make lie a truth.
the leaders of jamat have been arrested, and they cannot make any statements for their defence openly. over here it goes like this, you are guilty till you are proven innocent. and with all the international involvement in the issue, and with all the effort they are doing to create the 'hoax' that they are getting somewhere against terrorism, i don't think expect that they will be looking into this case more honestly.
thanks for your response.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
14 Dec 08
In the first place, if we look at the 10 fingers of our hands I am sure you will notice none of them are the same, so like us we are never perfect. I do and can recall what had happened but I can assure you that had Iraq not first invaded Kuwait none of what has happened would have taken place. If there wasn't 911 then there would not have been the Afghan issue. However, if you look at the other side of all that has happened Iraq had been liberated from Saddam and Afghan from the Al Queda and the extremism of Islam.
I hope that you do not see that I am defending anyone, here. As much as what you would want to say about the bad side, we just should not loose our sight on the good. There is just so much a human can do and expected of him/her. I can understand your side of it but let us not forget that politics indeed is a dirty game. It can be manipulative and unscrupulous, however, there is and will be some good that will come out of it at the end of it. We just cannot keep looking at the past and carry it to tomorrow. It is just not fair and will never progress.
I am a firm believer that justice will prevail and so, if your group is innocent I am sure that it will be given a redress. It will just be a matter of time, so please do not be overwhelmed with what is happening for the moment and never loose faith in the truth. I will just leave you with a wise word from Tolstoy: “Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.”
Take care and never stop believing that justice will prevail.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
15 Dec 08
What has started here as a discussion about how your organization has been mistakenly accused has now led to a personal attack on one's belief and prerogative. I do not wish to remind you that this is simply a discussion and everyone does have one's prerogative.
I do not pick a joke and I bet you have a pair of eyes to see what has already happened from the media. You may not see that light at the end of the tunnel now and I do not wish to change yours. I just hope that you will evolve and that you will have that foresight eventually.
In the spirit of truth, and as much as what you may want to blame on the media for bringing falsehood to cover the truth however, the truth will always surface eventually. No? Then, I have no further words for your discussion here!
@piya84 (2580)
• India
13 Dec 08
i am from india..n i want to say dont trust them blindly i mean jammat al dawa...here is why..do u know RSS -rashtriya swayansevak sangha??u must know as a pakistani...at the begining this was a group doing welfare activities for poor poeple..everything same as above..education for poor..help for poeple who got lost fortune in natural disaster..n still they are doing...but this group is centre of controversy for few years..being involve in religious riots against muslims in india...and recently there were few terrorist attacks in malegav muslim dominated area near mumbai..n pulice are claiming these guys are involve...i know many frends and few family member who use to work as a voluntere in this group..
dude its same...these groups may have two faces,there can b good and evil poeple at a same time..esp when these groups get motivated politically this can happen...
@aakay4u (799)
• India
13 Dec 08
hello piya,have you ever been with RSS or you just follow what you hear or see from media.i have been involved with RSS and i have seen many responsible people in very high positions doing selfless service through RSS.please let me inform you that its a fashion in our country and pseudo-secularism that is fed to us which forces us to build our opinions without having an iota of knowledge about the ground realities.agreed that few people from VHP etc conspirated for the malegaon blasts.killings for killings cant and should not be justified.they were a group of people who were fed up with our governments inaction and apathy towards the majority community here.do you know the supreme court convicted afzal guru whom our SC has directed to be hanged is still free.why so?why our government is afraid to take action on SC's judgement,wont such actions from an eunuch government,force people to take action.there have been 70 terrorist blasts in our country,what has our government done?and just for your kind information,RSS is the only organisation which has the following statement:Rashtra Sarvopari hai(Nation comes first) the other things including religion come afterwards.
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@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
14 Dec 08
dear piya,
i have been involved, if not very deeply, with this organization. and my cousin still works for them. he still travels to the northern areas to look over the proceedings of the relief effort. it is unfortunate that you have had such a body which portrayed a good picture from the outside but was dark from the inside. i know you must be thinking that since i have been with this body, so that is why i am unwilling to accept what has happened.
this group is has no political interest whatsoever. they are just a religious group. and what more, they had been warning people of militant groups who were trying to recruit from our area and other areas. their own very senior leader told this in the friday prayer gathering, and it's a big gathering of over thousand people. they have always told, like other true Muslims, that killing is forbidden. they even had people arrested for such recruitment. and there is no such wing in this body that has anything to do with support of the militants.
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