"Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer"

@YamiKiba (937)
United States
December 13, 2008 12:05am CST
What do you think about this idea? In my experience, some close friends I've known for quite a long time, have gotten on my last nerves with their hurtful words and betrayal, so I now consider them my enemies and want nothing to do with them. Why would anyone want to keep tabs on anyone they considered an enemy? The only thing I can think of is revenge and spreading around bad rumors about them. I don't care enough to do that myself, simply because I am lazy, and my true friends who have stuck with me, have had it with my former friends too and we vent out by talking amongst ourselves. What are your interpretations of this quote?
2 responses
@gmaxxx (142)
• India
17 Dec 08
well it is an old saying but true always keep ur enemies closer coz they will backstab u where as frenz come to the rescue and that is the reason y they are called frenz bcoz no matter how far u r they may sms or call n b in touch with yaa enemies must b kept eye on 24 7 else they may harm ya
@YamiKiba (937)
• United States
19 Dec 08
Hi, thanks for responding. My real question was though, what if one of your closest friends turn out to be an enemy after you know a lot about each other. It can be hard sometimes, but yes your true friends will have your back when you are in trouble.
@yadav8797 (1211)
• India
13 Dec 08
hi friend, i like your discussion very much. i have seen first time this kind of discussion. nice question or thought you are created over here.friend, why your friend turn into enemy.can there any reason for that??i am looking for true friend like you.if you are interested then please accept my friendship. i hope that myself does not depress you and you will enjoy our friendship. tell me about yourself through PM in detail.
@YamiKiba (937)
• United States
19 Dec 08
Let's just say I found them talking behind my back to one of my true friends. My true friend, of course, ratted her out, which is how I found out. .so I am trying to slowly sever the bonds we've built up over the years. I did not do anything to this friend. I know I should talk to her about it, but she's been quite the drama queen and I just can't stand her anymore. I've put up with it with far too long.