Body modification/Scarification-What do you think of it? I think it's INSANE!!!
By wyykidd
@wyykidd (1459)
November 8, 2006 9:09am CST
I just saw a tv program about body modification. There is this very unusual group of people who are displeased with their body, they modify their body! This lady in Brazil actually didn't like being a human, she had her whole body tatooed with cow-like patches!!! She also had this piece of metal stuffed into her chest and studs screwed on! Then there's a guy who had his tongue split in the centre & when it healed, he went to have it split again!!! You see these people with metals & protrusions all over the face & body, & then those who sort of have designs carved on their flesh! I just feel that this is ABOSULETLY INSANE! I just can't accept this!
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10 responses
@meeoww (1174)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Hey wyykidd! My 2nd response in this post. I just felt that I needed to respond to wickedgame89 who apparently thinks that anyone who is offended by anything in this world is an "effin" a-hole.
Can we be adults and make a counterpoint without profanity?(oh, wait, your 17. nonetheless, you seem to be reasonably intelligent, except for the debate & discussion skills, so you should be able to understand what I'm saying). I never judged anyone. I just questioned why? I saw the guy I mentioned on tv...couldn't ask him. I see kids stretching their ears...small stuff. I don't care. Actually I don't care if these people want to sew a second head onto their shoulders. Just because some people think that it's gross or unattractive doesn't mean that they're attacking anyone. Some people are grossed out by spiders. I relocate them. SO?
And if it's cultural, it is cultural for people of those regions and ethnic background. Anyone outside of that is just copying. Notice, I didn't say that they're stupid, just that they're copying. I'm of Asian & Pacific Island descent, so if I'm gonna go sticking rings around my neck, it doesn't make it cultural. NON-ISSUE. I may be getting a tattoo, an owl. It's my Aumakua (family guardian). That's cultural, and no one's concern but my own. If people don't like it, tough. I'm not going to scream at anyone and demand that they accept it.
Some of the things that some people do to their body DOES look painful, not to mention that it's distracting trying to speak to someone while your eyes keep getting drawn to these spikes sticking out of someone's head flashing for attention (not the person, it's a scientific fact that light attracts the eyes). This is your jewelry, jewelry attracts the eyes.
And do these people get extreme modifications done expecting that no one will say a thing? Oh, seriously now. That's like the superstar actor that doesn't want his picture taken in public.
It would be much more becoming and helpful of you if you were to simply explain your reasonings. You said that it was addictive. Hey, guess what? I UNDERSTAND THAT. Tattooing is the same way, I'm told. And I'm sure that alot of people are NOT aware of that fact. Instead of lashing out at people and telling them to educate themselves, why don't you just politely EDUCATE US and lead the way! Besides, they probably don't know where to start. If you don't run into someone with these modifications, what the heck am I supposed to look up? Spiked foreheads? Alligator bumps? Big things hanging out of people's noses? We don't even know what these things are called! You can't make someone like something. But you can help them to understand the reasonings so that it's not such a mysterious creepy thing to them (well, not AS much, anyways).
Another thing, if the people with extreme modifications are all as angry as you seem to be, why would I want to approach someone to ask why they do it & how they feel about it if they're gonna bite my head off and curse and call me names?
Now, if you are mature enough to give us more information, I think that some people would find it very interesting, myself included. If you can't be mature, then I'm sure that we can manage to ignore you. Aloha!
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@meeoww (1174)
• United States
14 Nov 06
You're so very welcome, my dear! And don't be hard on yourself for your reactions. The public in general is squeamish, so these mods are kinda creepy to alot of us. How could they possible expect us not to react, or act as if it's not there? And when we have people agreeing with us, it's easier to talk about it cuz we can be grossed out together! Hee! And they're such a minority that when people do see them, it's hard not to stare if we think it's gross. Interesting, but gross. Aloha! See you in the posts!
@wyykidd (1459)
• Singapore
14 Nov 06
Hi there! Thank you so much for taking the effort to respond with such a wonderful post!
I too must admit that I have been rather insensitive there with my use of words. I shall be more mindful in future that what I post here might cause upset to some readers.
Thanks again, and you have a great day! (^_^)

@tekn0wledg (44)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I personally would never modify my body in such a fashion. However, I believe it is a form of art, and as such people should be able to express themselves in whatever way they choose.
Because of that, I think that we should not scrutinize people who choose to modify their bodies in any way.
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@amsharma (1860)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I think its nasty to be honest. Its amazing what some people in different cultures find attractive. Just like the people who think youre beautiful if you have all of your teeth filed to a point. Thats not beautiful! Thats just plain scary. lol Reminds me of the clown from the movie IT.

@wickedgame89 (113)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Yah..they do the whole ring around the neck, and they can never remove it again otherwise there neck will break. Most of body modifications are somewhat cultural. They came from other places...that have different cultures..therefore...there not our your wrong..they are somewhat up on it before you open your mouth.
@wyykidd (1459)
• Singapore
10 Nov 06
But this isn't really culture! Anyway, your mention of culture reminds me of yet again another form of 'beauty'. Can't remember which country this group of women belong to-Have you seen those women who puts ring around their neck? The more rings they have around their neck, the are supposed to be like sexier, and some have VERY long neck! I thought it looks painful...

@meeoww (1174)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I saw one where they guy put these sort of large (maybe 1/4" diameter) ball bearings & set them in a line under his skin to make those little bumply things like an alligator. Heavens, why!?!?
@wickedgame89 (113)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Stop being ignorant little a**holes. I myself am modified...
and it's not that we aren't happy with our bodies...We accept our bodies just fine. We like to change certain things, and watch the change occur, and once you get into it, it is rather addicting. I can't stop stretching my ears. My left ear is almost at 2 inches....I have 14 piercings alltogether and plan on getting about 16 more.
You don't understand why people do it b/c you don't take the time to ask people why. You just say its unacceptable and yuo would never do it. Well, stop judging people for there outside appearance and be a bit more open minded! Maybe you should research some things instead of being so effin ignorant...
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@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
13 Nov 06
i cant accept this! we should be thankful that we are have a perfect figure with both hands and arms, why is there a need to change anything???
@Galena (9110)
2 Jun 07
but why not accept it in other people.
you choose not to, that's fine. they choose to do it, that's fine too.
if someone does it to you against your will, then you can be justified in saying that you don't accept it.
but how does someone else choosing to change things about their appearence harm you.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
10 Nov 06
That is insane. I don't object to a couple of small tatoos but some do get a bit carried away.
@dssamusaran (55)
21 Feb 07
Ok that you don't like it, I'm ok with you for some things, you're right.
Like the men with the tongue split... It's really strange...
But personnaly I don't ban it, it's the choice of everyone !
I have a little scarification on my arm. And when I did it, it was because I was really going bad.
So, I think that it's maybe to call help they do that...
@Galena (9110)
2 Jun 07
I don't see anything wrong with it.
it seems strange to me that some forms of body modification are considered more socially acceptable than others.
people who object to tattoos or scarification, or even to something as commonplace as facial piercing are more than happy to see even small children with their ears peirced.
one very clever person designed a set of glasses that attach by magnet to a peircing at the top of the nose.
even the victorians used a number of varieties of body modification. women reduced their waists with corsets, and nipple and prince albert peircings were far more common than you would think (one to create an impression of perkiness through heavy undergarments, and one to allow strapping to a leg to create a smoother line beneath clothing)
the thing is you see, it's their flesh. their body. they aren't doing it to you. some people want peirced ears, some people want tattoos, some people want horn implants, split tongues or ballbearing implants.
it doesn't hurt anyone, and variety is the spice of life.
I waist train with a corset, and have one tattoo, and plan to have more.
anyone who objects to someone choosing to change their body in any way they want, well they should just mind their own business really. it doesn't hurt anyone and it makes for a more colourful, varied and interesting life.
I like to see other peoples body modding. even if it's something I wouldn't choose to do to my own body, I still like to see it.
we're all different. some people choose to express themselves in different ways to others.
I wouldn't tell you what to wear any more than I'd tell someone not to have ballbearing implants.