I am losing faith in God what should I do?
By ajithlal
@ajithlal (14716)
23 responses
@mylesnarvaez (5450)
• Philippines
13 Dec 08
some things happen in our life for a reason. good or bad, happy or sad. from a quote in the bible (i don't know which passage), for which we should always remember that "this too shall pass" or something to that effect.
for every bad thing that has happened in your life, reflect on the good ones. when you feel sad or down, think of happier moments. i'm not a religious person and i have my share of bad experiences in my life. and sometimes i find that it's difficult to hang on to faith. but believe that you can.
people say that God will not give you trials you can't overcome. so when you are faced with one, believe that you can surpass it, because that bad phase in your life... that too shall pass. those challenges in life will help us be a stronger and a better person.
if there are times that you need to cry, go ahead and do so. but afterwards, make sure that you move on. learn from mistakes and never wallow in misery.
having faith in God is also having faith in yourself and to the goodness of people and believing that life is blessed.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 Mar 12
God has created miracles in my life. Yes, now I have full faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord. I also agree everything happens for the reason and most times we will not be able to understand what is going on God's mind. God always does it for the good of us. Thank you for one of the most encouraging discussion replies. I am happy to reply this discussion the way I am feeling now. Happy and peace.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
24 Mar 12
I also think it is good to have everything that is well.
Yes most times we wait for miracles to happen and only then we believe it. I think I also changed a lot when good things began to happen. I think all condition is never permanent and the bad things changes and good things do happen and Miracles do happen in our life.
@mylesnarvaez (5450)
• Philippines
9 Mar 12
miracles happen everyday. and i'm glad you're able to have some in your life.
thanks for the BR. it's appreciated.
i almost didn't recognize my own response in your discussion 4 years ago. because i always respond in the moment. but the story of the passage from the bible still lingers.
just keep the faith.
to borrow a line from a bollywood movie i thoroughly enjoyed before... whatever it is that we are facing in life, let's be thankful. God is good. "ALL IS WELL."
have a great day! 

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@sajujohn (1004)
• India
7 Nov 12
Honestly I am also going through the same situation as yours. I prayed a lot to God and still he is giving me only pains in my life. Till now I have prayed only for onething for me to God and even he can't do that for me. This is the most sadest thing that I ever had and have. I always think that why God always behave to like this to me. Even if he didn't give any other things to me I want only one thing in my life, but he is reluctant to give that also. But I will not stop praying to him as I am so sure about the fact that definitely on one day he will hear my prayers and will help me because he have to. Still I believe in my God beacuse My lord is a living God.

@sajujohn (1004)
• India
13 Nov 12
you all said that our prayers should not be of selfishness. I agree to it. But my doubt is that what do you mean by this selfishness while praying. It would be better if someone clears my doubt with some examples if possible so that I can understand that I am doing it in the right way or not.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
13 Dec 08
It sounds kind of strange, but pray to God for faith or try to learn about other religions and see if there is one that is more right for you.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
24 Mar 12
I think God has helped me to build the faith more. This discussion has been started around three years before. Lots of changes have come to my life after that. I think the more and more we see life we becomes to know life is beautiful and God loves us like his own children.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
25 Mar 12
True, that makes it a timeless discussion.
Glad things are going better for you.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
26 Mar 12
I found it true when I cross the road of my life. The first half we have to work hard and we have to do it on all the things and problems the second half God will help and he will do it. For example when we cross the road the first half we have to look for traffic and other vehicles and wait and cross it and the second half of the road there will be no traffic and we can easily cross it. Same thing is life.
@anitajayakumar (1202)
• India
13 Dec 08
faith comes from within . . .you have to believe for yourself . . if you want to you can find it again . . .there a multitude of books about god . . but their is no right or wrong you have to do what is right for you and as long as you have spirituality in your life it'll all work out

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@anitajayakumar (1202)
• India
13 Dec 08
Because if God made the earth like it was before the rebellion came in the Garden of Eden, then people could go around thinking that everything was fine and that they didn't need some supernatural being to take care of them. They would be wrong since God would still be sustaining the creation by his power and providing for their needs, but since they were unaware of it they could think that was just how things were.
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@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
16 Apr 13
If you are losing faith in God, you have not worked very well at the principles in your life. Did you think you state, "I love you God", and you go on doing the same things over and over and make no changes? We are too quick to express our surface feelings and then don't pay our dues. And can faith be so weak that you just give in to it? You say you do not know what to do. Here is something you can do right now. Go and have a shower and stand in clean clothes on a clean spot on a small mat and talk to God. Did you find something to say? Did you thank him for waking up another day, for living another day, for not taking those days for granted but doing something worth while with it? It is when we are scared and homeless and ill that we pray; the rest of the time we forget about God.
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@extremefun4fun (2908)
• India
31 Mar 13
there was a time in my life, I get to close to him. I used to see and understand to many things in the life.. they could hurt me why I feel them. why I understand those... then once, I promised myself that again I will not pray and I will stop those feeling..... I was near to reach to a valuable point in my life, if I could have little more patient but I lost in the last step, I removed God from my heart, I said to myself bad ones, are happier ... while you disturb good ones... after that... what I did I know better.... so let me to keep quiet in that... but I really felt something went out of my body and soul... form that time I felt so alone.. many times I came to talk to God again and ask forgiveness but I could not feel that friendship like before... that feeling again did not appear and I lost that and I came between evils.. and later I recognise I choose this way the moments that I get angry to God and I said I do not want to be with you anymore... thanks God .. I have received my punishment but at least these days I feel that feeling of friendship with him again and that is my hope to come over from these bad mometns of life... he is the only one who is able to make things from nothing... if we keep faith... it will work ... in the most difficult moments of our life, if we keep faith and hope and call him... then brightness will appear in wonderful and amazing ways...
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
20 Feb 13
Dear friend,
Hope and faith is something we all have to face, if we have hope and trust in God I feel most things could turn better. Moreover being positive in ourself could get more of positive, thinking on negative is sure to be in the negative side. Hence I feel be positive in life. Lead the life that is needed to be with God. Losing faith in God could be the entering of negative or may be santan to our body, if we allows to enter it the rest will be worser. I feel faith in God is sure to help one lot. God bless you...

@pratyushtamhankar (859)
• India
13 Dec 08
I read this in a book and i'm writing the same words now...
Tell me,if u had a son,a very young son, would you let him ride a cycle ? I guess your answer is yes and you'd warn him of all the dangers on the road and stuff like those. But you wouldn't always run after him ensuring his safety, would you ?
Its the same way with us. We are all god's sons and daughters. God takes care of us when we are very young and he warns us of all the dangers. But he doesn't come after us all the time caring. He expects us to take care of ourselves.
Some bad things might have happened to you in your life. But that doesn't mean you should stop believing in god. He might have warned you in some or the other way before all this had happened...
God does care about us all. But we are the one's responsible for what goes in our lives.
So never stop believing in god....
I hope you got your answer...
Happy mylloting.
@mawone (1)
• United States
9 Oct 09
ALL things work together for Good in those who believe. My life has been an unbearable walk to an outsider. Remember our destiny is the Kingdom and His Righteousness, Look for a strong return to your faith. Throw out your hands, call out to GOD for forgiveness first then keep searching and studying untill you understand. Do not let go of your faith, as the time is near for your homecoming, you(your way of life and desires, lust of this world) must decreasein this world, He must increase in your life.
Bad things are going to happen to everyone, We are to praise GOD in all things, bad or Good. GOD answers faith in Christ, through the Holy Spirit. On his time. Always in time though.
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@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
7 Nov 12
God is in no way responsible for things we face, whether good or bad, it is we we are responsible; so have faith, all will be fine..
Thank you so much , keep sharing,
Professor 'Bhuwan'
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@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
18 Dec 12
I know it is difficult, don't lose faith no matter what.
These are trials in your life, they are happening for a certain purpose. They make you stronger and God is also testing your strength and faith. If you fail, then that proves you are not strong enough and you make God your fair weathered friend.
You need God more than ever, if you lose faith, what good will it do? You might have lost many things, but at least don't lose one very important thing, your faith.
These are happening to help you stronger in spirit.
Besides this is more of self pity. And that is very horrible to look at.
Self pity won't take you anywhere and it certainly won't help you.
and you are not the only one suffering in this world. If you focus too much on your misfortune look at others too. They are also suffering. you are blessed in areas where others are not. So don't focus on the negative things, focus on the positive!
Don't be self-centered. Don't self pity. Don't forsake God.
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@MHernandez (218)
• South Korea
20 Feb 13
Sorry to hear the ajithal,,, but don't lose hope and more importantly don't lose your faith in God.... everyone goes through some hard times in life... each one of us is being tested!! but keep holding on to your faith!! He must be the source of your strength!! just come to think of those unfortunate people compare to your problems??? ( are they really that big?),,,My family and I had gone through some heavy problems but here we are we can still smile, after the storm, ,,, we can still count bunch of belssing than the bad things that had happenned to our life. What you're going through right now is just a test of faith....happy or sad we must always turn to HIM...and just remember that everything happens for a reason....that there is something better waiting out there!!!
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@nkc432 (2)
• India
6 Mar 13
Never become disheartened. Never loose faith in yourself. When you realize something needs to change in your life then then transformation can begin from that instant. When you receive the method for change, then consider that God is there to help you, and you will be able to do it. Take one step of courage and God will walk thousand feet towards you. Have courage and trust! Be clear and honest! And you will practically see the result.
@angeljaimez1 (24)
• United States
31 Mar 13
U should still pray to god for a better life if you dont do so. U should go to church and just keep in mind that life will get better no matter how bad it is right now. Believe me there are always peaks and downs to life thats just how life works it sucks but its true. Things will get better cheer up :)
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@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
14 Apr 13
Be angry, but never say life sucks. If you know the real meaning of life sucks you will be sorry you have said it. Words are powerful. When you speak like there is a little pain that goes over your heart. We want God to love us, to listen to us, and to guide us. Saying that life sucks is telling God that he created a poor place for us to live in. What kind of Christian dweller would say that? We must be careful what we say and what we attribute to God. Luckily, God knows his flock and know what is in your heart.
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@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
13 Dec 08
I think God is not responsible for the all bad things happened i your life.We have to work hard to achieve success in our life.
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
25 Apr 13
Because you see God as the one make only good things in life.
God is the one who created you, and God has explained what human supposed to do and he had released user manuals and role models for that.
We may feel many things as bad, but it may not be. Sometime what we feel bad, God is examining us, are we adhering to his direction even in hardships?
So don't worry.
God says in Quran, "Don't feel disappointed with God's mercy".
What human supposed to do is to worship only our creator, follow our creators guidance and do good deeds.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
13 Dec 08
It is hard to not lose faith when one feels their world is crashing down around them. It's hard to pick yourself back up as well without a firm belief in god, one has nothing to support themselves on then people whom they may have clawed down with them. The best thing for you to do is to pick up a bible and read, look at inspirational things on the internet or in magazines, and respond here as much as possible. Lose your aggressions or sadness within the words here. Not only will you find yourself feeling better (hopefully) but also with a bigger wallet for the money you've made just letting everything out, whether you truly do so or whether you just type away mindlessly in responses and other discussions.
Good luck to you!
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@krishnarjun003 (228)
• India
13 Dec 08
Hey..don't loose faith in GOD,coz if you are facing problems in your life,it is all the test of GOD that you have the ability to overcome those things. Just pray GOD to give you strength to face all problems. Everyone's life contains both good and bad things,if you are facing problems today,believe that happiness is waiting you.. thus,you can overcome from those problems..May GOD bless you.
Happy mylotting!!!!!!!!
@saichandtalluri (1486)
• India
13 Dec 08
Having faith in god is very good but if you are losing a faith try to get it up read your religious books they help to gain confidence go to a holy place that helps to gain confidence
@rajesha20 (209)
• India
13 Dec 08
god is no where else he is with in you so dont worry try to be ahppy and try to analysis the problem rather than jump into the problem straight away and try to accept if the mistake from yourside rather than defending the problem at last believe u everything solves there