Have you become lost or separated from family or loved ones? How did you feel?
By sharra1
@sharra1 (6340)
December 13, 2008 5:31am CST
Have you ever got lost and panicked because you did not know where your family or friends were? I have felt this often. Even something as simple as meeting up in a supermarket can leave me scared.
I check every isle and cannot see him and I panic about where he is and why can't I find him. Even worse is trying to find someone in a shopping centre. Oh I really hate getting separated. It is a nightmare.
I know he knows how I feel and he thinks it is funny but he humours me. How about you? Do you laugh at your family if they get separated? Do you stress if you can't find your husband or wife or children? I do? How do you feel? What do you do to cope?
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13 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
13 Dec 08
I don't really panic, I remember when my children were a little younger they got lost in Home Depot. I was there picking up supplies for one of the construction sites and they had to use the restroom, they never came back. I look for them but when I was tired of looking for them I asked a store employee if they could call for them and the employee paniced and called for a Code Adam which shut down the store noone could leave or come in. The employees were able to find them. I wasn't stressed just mad because the children were playing on the lawn tractors and wasting my time lol
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
23 Dec 08
lol he sounds tough. I think it is good if kids are aware of the dangers and can look after themselves if they have to. I know I was always wandering off and upsetting my mother.
But the world is a fascinating place and there is so much to see and do that you just have to wander off and see it for yourself.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I suppose I do but I also lived in a small town at the time. Besides my middle one is so mean I don't imagine anyone would want to put themselves through "taking him for a ride".
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Dec 08
Depends whether I have the car keys or not! If all else fails I go to the car and wait. Sooner or later The Boss will appear. When I was tiny, less than 5, they opened a supermarket in the town where I was living. I went one day with my mother and sister. I left holding the hand of quite another lady! It wasn't until we got outside that we both realised that we weren't related. It didn't take long for me to be claimed but it did leave an imprint on my memory!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Dec 08
Right that means you know where the car is. You are safe. I have car keys and if I remembered where the car was I would be safe too. I am just never sure I remember where the car was.
Also what if I was supposed to meet him somewhere and I forgot and went back to the car. Tell me who is going to be furious? Well not me I am just confused.
Honestly I panic in the supermarket if I get separated and cannot find him. I have no idea why. I have the credit card, I have the car keys, I can get back to the car on my own but I get stressed about losing contact with him. I cannot help it.

@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Dec 08
In that case you need to agree a safe place for you to go to if you get spilt up. Say the newspaper/magazine rack. That way at least you'll have something to look at! Otherwise, how about strapping your self by a rein to his belt. Not so wacky as it sounds!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
15 Dec 08
To answer your discussion correctly, I absolutely hate getting separated from my family, or at least my kids. My oldest son is autistic and has the habit of running of while we're at a familiar store. I actually ran around once like a mad woman after he ran off screaming his name with my youngest son in tow. I'm sure I got some strange looks, but I didn't care. I was looking for my son and with him being special needs and almost non verbal I did what I thought was best. Okay, so I could have asked some of the employees there for help, but it was Wal-Mart. Need I say more?
My sister and I got separated from our mom when we were little. I was about 7 and my sister was 9. Since my sister and I wanted to look at comic books we were told to stay put and our mom would get us when she was done shopping (anyone remember the store Gemco?). But my sister got restless and decided to look for our mom. As our mom had told me to stay with my sister I went with her, though in my mind I knew I should have stayed put at the books. Well my sister and I couldn't find our mom, so we left Gemco and went into the parking lot to look for the car. We couldn't find it! We would have went back into Gemco, but since we needed a card to show proof that we were members we figured we couldn't go back in. So my sister decided to go to the dry cleaners that was a few doors down where our mom took our dad's suits to be cleaned. We sat there and waited. My sister fell asleep on one of the chairs, but I was too scared and wide eyed. Eventually a police officer came in where we were. I didn't say a word to him. But then he asked us if we were "jane doe's kids" and I knew that my mom was looking for us. Though I was still a little suspicious. Even though I was little I was taught not to trust a stranger, even a police officer. But since he knew so much information I didn't think it was a fluke. I woke up my sister and we went with the officer back to Gemco. There was our mom in the front of the store in tears. I figured she'd be furious with my sister for disobeying her, but instead our mom proud of her for going to a familiar place. Okay so our mom was distraught with worry and fear, but for our mom to be proud of my sister for not listening to my mom was just odd to me.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
15 Dec 08
Parents can seem odd at times but I think she was just so relieved that you were ok. I think losing a child is a parents worst nightmare. I used to wander off all the time when I was a child. My mum kept me on reins but I still managed to undo them and wander off. I always wanted to explore.
Now I get stressed if I cannot find my partner and I have such a bad memory now that I cannot remember where our car is parked. If I go out the wrong door I get lost and I panic. All the car parks look the same to me.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
29 Dec 08
more so lately. since i've become disabled. they dont know why i have spells where i cant see. everything goes black. its only happened 3 times in 3 yrs but still i worry it will happen when im out somewhere.i think it could be panic attacks
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
29 Dec 08
I can understand how you feel. I have had this fear of losing people since I became disabled. It is the worry that I will get so confused that I will not remember where anything is or where I am and not be able to find my way back.
I am not sure if everything going black is a panic attack. I thought that was when you got really anxious and just panicked really badly.
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
13 Dec 08
Most women suffer from a little known malady called FMD - female map disorder, which basically boils down to getting lost on the way to their own bathroom. Add panic and it's pandemonium. How someone can get lost in a supermarket is beyond me lol. I wait in what, as a man, I see as the most logical place, and eventually she finds me. In the meantime, lol, I've lost my temper, buggered if I know where it goes.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Dec 08
I can get lost very easily. The other day we were shopping together and I was left with the trolley, told to stay there whilst The Boss pottered about. Along came a friend and said hello. She came back 10 minutes later and I was still standing there. For once in my life I was doing as I was told and staying put. The friend complimented me on my obedience but The Boss took ages to find me again. Just goes to show that even when you are left in one place they don't always remember where they left you! I don't understand all these people that get on their phones and say "I'm by the meat counter". Don't they ever talk?! All that said. I believe that there should be somewhere that you can leave partners. Oh, there is, at home!!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Dec 08
I cannot explain why I panic. I am not lost as such, I am safe. I have car keys and if I remembered where the car was I ok. I am just never sure I remember where the car was.
Also what if I am supposed to meet him somewhere and I forgot and went back to the car. Tell me who is going to be furious? Well not me I am just confused.
Honestly I panic in the supermarket if I get separated and cannot find him. I have no idea why. I have the credit card, I have the car keys, I can get back to the car on my own but I get stressed about losing contact with him. I cannot help it.
All I know is that I cannot find him and that sets off some sort of disaster blip inside me and I panic. It is not FMD because I know the supermarket plan, I know where the checkout is. What I do not know is where he is!! He could be anywhere and if he keeps moving I am not sure how I will find him. He is probably looking for me.

@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
14 Dec 08

@lovelyvelle (639)
18 Dec 08
It happened to me, let me share something. One time, my partner and me went abroad when we stop over at the airport he told me that he was just going to the toilet, but then it was over an hour already he still didn't come back. I was panicking and very worried what might had happened to him, so I went to the customer service and asked to put a call out for him. And then another hour was gone he was still not there, I couldn't understand myself at that time like panicking and scared and worried it's just all the feelings were mixed up. Lots of things came up to my mind that I was deeply stress.
Then later on I decided to go to the other gate, and I saw him, so I went close to him, I asked where he has been. He said he lost me when he went back to where he left me he said he couldn't find me, so he was looking for me. But really he went to the wrong gate, he thought he was in the gate where he left me. And I couldn't express what I felt at that time, my heart was like jumping happy to have him back again, thank God.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
19 Dec 08
Oh dear that would have been terrifying. I would have been panicking badly if that happened to me. Although in my case it would have been me that got lost and went to the wrong gate.
My partner is the one of us that does not make mistakes often or get lost. I do enough for both of us.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
13 Dec 08
it is a kind of phobia.if my hubby tells that we should meet at such and such place in the evenings,i get panicky and ask him a dozen times about the landmark.in the end he tells me to wait at home,he will come there to pick me up.i do not know why i have this kind of phobia.................
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
13 Dec 08
That would be the day when I my wife gets lost :) (I really hope that she does not read this email! :)) Well once I did not get lost but my mum thought she lost me. She panicked and searched the whole place when I was six years old.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Dec 08
Ah my partner calls that female map disorder, he says we can get lost anywhere. I am not sure I was lost as such I just lost contact with him and could not find him again which stressed me out when I realised how easy it was to lose contact with someone.
That is when you realise how big some places are and if you are both moving it can be very easy to miss each other all the time.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
14 Dec 08
I have recollections of these types of panicky feelings as a child but thankfully it is not something that seems to occur with me much anymore. I do sometimes have brief flashes of panic when my wife and I are out somewhere and I lose sight of her for a second, but this is because we have been living in several foreign countries now and I am very protective of her because of it. The feeling albeit brief, is not a nice one at all. I am not sure what advice to offer on how to cope with something like this to be honest other than to just try to remain calm, take deep breaths and try not to let the moment overwhelm you. If you both have mobiles as well then this can help because these days when my wife and I do get briefly seperated from one another, we immediately call each other! (Even though 9 times out of ten we end up looking straight at each other while we are talking on our phones together! lol)
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Dec 08
I would be absolutely terrified if I got separated from my partner in a foreign country. I am too aware of the dangers now. When I was younger I would explore and find my own way around but now I can get so nervous if strangers stare at me oddly and I am on my own.
Egypt is definitely not a country I would want to be on my own in and I understand your concern. Being protective is perfectly understandable and I like having a partner who is protective of me as well.
I do try the deep breathing and try to think calmly and then remember if I stand still where he could see me he will find me. Then he will mutter something about fmd and we will be fine again.

@sacmom (14192)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I've been in a few traffic jams before. Fortunately the ones that I've been in never lasted very long (under an hour). And I just waited it out. Why make matters worse by driving like a maniac?
I was in a bad traffic jam while my mom was driving when I was growing up. We had gone to see the Fourth of July fireworks display somewhere in the Bay Area. When it was over everyone was trying to leave at the same time, including my mom. She couldn't get over into the lane she wanted to go to and she ended up taking the Golden Gate Bridge (or was it the Bay Bridge?) home which was very scary for her seeing as she hates taking the freeway! I don't remember any of it, seeing as I was fast asleep (which was rare for me to do, even when I was growing up). But she did tell me about it and how it was bumper to bumper on the bridge. In a way, it was kind of a good thing it was this way so that she didn't have to drive fast on the freeway. But it must of been terrifying for her just the same! 

@sacmom (14192)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Oops, darn it! I meant to post the response above in a different discussion, but had the wrong tab opened. I hit the submit button without looking, thinking it was the right tab. I apologize for my mistake! That is what I get for responding to discussions past 2 in the morning.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Years ago my family and I were at the Mega Mall in Minnesota. We agreed to split up and meet later at a certain time and place. The problem is not everyone could remember where we agreed to meet. I waited and waited and then walked around trying to find them. I was starting to panic when I finally ran into them clear across the mall. That was before we each carried cell phones too. And yes, it was very stressful since I was in a city I don't know and wasn't sure what I'd do if I didn't find them.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
15 Dec 08
Oh I hate splitting up in malls as it is so hard to find everyone again, especially if you forget where to meet. I panic if I cannot remember and I cannot find them, even worse if I cannot remember where the car is.
My memory is quite bad these days and I seem to get distressed quite easily.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Hi sharra, I feel the same way! I hate when I go shopping with
someone and we get separated! Even if it's just in the same
store! I hate when I can't find them after looking all over
the store over and over again! I always carry my cell phone
just in case that happens so that I can call them and find
them! And if it's in a shopping center or mall I really panic!
As long as the cell phones work and I can get to the person
I'm ok! I am always losing the people that I go with and I
don't think it's funny to have to figure out where they are!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
15 Dec 08
Yes I find that very scary but when the other person in a male who never gets lost and never panics it can be embarrassing. At least he understands my stress and he takes all my problems into account but he still thinks its funny.
I like your christmas opal.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
I know I should not be scared and that it is not rational but it is hard to do that in such a situation. I just get scared that I will not find him again and suddenly a shopping mall seems huge.
Airports are worse as they are such giant places and each gate looks the same. If you take a wrong turning and cannot remember where you were supposed to go it can be really bad.