Can you distinguish between love and attraction

December 13, 2008 10:24am CST
A simple, easy question! But difficult to answer!! And the question is when you are in love? Its really become difficult for me to understand if I am in really love or its just an attraction. I have a girl working with me, initially I really didn't even liked to look at her. But, now since few months I think am getting attracted towards her. I like the way she talks, she smiles, what ever she wears, etc. So, I am really confused. If I have really started loving her or its just an atrraction.
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15 responses
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Dec 08
Attraction can slowly develop into love if you strike the right sparks off each other.But , though I am a die hard romantic, I tend to believe that , true love is soemthing that matures and blossoms with time. The attraction part is the most vital ingredient , but in your case it is also ,I feel, a liking for her personality.Probably you like some quality in her that adds to her attraction.this is why your feeling seems to get stronger.but, because you are young, you will have to think very HARD and take rational sensible decisions.if you notice, as you grow older , and once both partners are in a job , women take much more hard nosed decisions and are less lured by the physical attractin part ofthe courtship.
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• India
14 Dec 08
That's really a great info and will take care to remember this. Thanks a lot for your response. I indeed will rate this as positive
@Ladybugs (404)
• Philippines
14 Dec 08
I think you are just in the stage of attraction, because you just like the way she talks, she smiles and what she wears. It is just like admiring what you see or hear from her outside. Because when you say that you are already starting to fall in love, your heart should already beat fast as you see her, or you long to see her as much as possible, you are excited to see her early in the morning and when she is the one you are thinking of at night before you sleep. The first time I realized that I'm in love with my partner now was when I started crying when I saw him with someone. How about you? Have you also tried being sad when you saw that girlk with someone? Or if not, did you feel sad when you didn't see her? Do you also miss her when you are not together in your work? If yes, you are starting to love lover already, if not yet, you are still in the stage of admiring her...
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• India
14 Dec 08
Again, I think I won't be able to answer this precisely. I don't know if I feel sad when I know that she loves someone else because on one side I tend to be practical where I believe that its ok if she is loving someone else but on the other side my heart refuses to believe that and think some day every thing will be right for me.
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 08
I used to have this question before I fall in love with my husband. Once I fell in love with him, then I can clearly tell myself what is love and what is attraction. Frankly speaking, I hardly explain how the feeling is, I just knew, this is LOVE. It's different from what I had before.
• India
14 Dec 08
Yes, most people say this. You don't understand love unless you fall in it. May be the same case with me.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
15 Dec 08
LOVE VS ATTRACTION....That is really a tough one. For me, love is not a shallow feeling, while attraction is considered a shallow one. Love is felt not because of the physical attributes of a certain person. Whereas, in attraction, it does. You are attracted to a particular physical attribute of that person, but you do not necessarily love that person at all. Love is deeper feelings than attraction. Attraction involves more of what the eyes can see, while love isbeyond what the eys can see because love involves what the heart can feel. When a person says, I love your eyes, your smile , etc....That is I guess, attraction. If he would say that everyday and he would tell the same even after a year, that is love. It is already beyond what the eyes could describe.
• India
18 Dec 08
Yes, thats correct, its beyond what the eyes could describe. Agree with you to more than 100%.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
14 Dec 08
There are a few different types of attraction and many types of love. I think you are just asking about a man-woman love and attraction though. As previously mentioned you can love many things, father, mother sibling and your dog. You can be attracted to someone and not love them, although the initial attraction seems to be necessary to hold people together long enough to grow into love. In your case it looks as if circumstances have kept you together long enough to at least get into the attraction stage. If I ever really figure out this thing called love I think I will write a book. In the meantime I think I will just sit back and enjoy the ride.
• India
14 Dec 08
Yes, thats what I believe its because of cirumstances that probably I am attracted (or may be loving) to her.
@pmspratik (202)
• Nepal
14 Dec 08
Well love and attraction are two different things. People mostly get attracted towards the opposite gender. Suppose, a boy will get attracted to a girl and a girl to boy. But love can happen between anyone. Love may not include such desires. Suppose you can love your mom or dad very much and you don't have any desires towards them but you want to protect them. When you love someone, you will do anything to protect him or her, but not in attraction.
• India
14 Dec 08
Yes, that indeed correct and a good observation on diffrentiation. But, my point is what do I do in my situation.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
13 Dec 08
its not necessary that love is only the one that happens at first sight, if u didnt liked her first, but now slowly u started liking ...that means its true love....but still to confirm whether its love or attraction, u spend more time with her, try to understand her nature, do not make any promises if u r not sure..take ur own time and even after that u dont find the love diminishing, then its true..true love...nothing else...
• India
13 Dec 08
There is one more difficulty boss! I am not pretty sure if she likes me.. infact I think she likes someone else... and I don't know.. looking at my physique I am sure she will reject any of my proposal. What to do now?
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
14 Dec 08
I wonder if some people are addicted to the feeling of being in love. I would watch and observer a person as he or she falls in love. Do they do it all the time? Is it just the idea of being in love that attracts them? Cheers!!
• United States
13 Dec 08
It truely sounds to me mor eof an amutual attraction rather than love. This kind of thing tends to happen with some people. It's a normal feeling and the attraction will make you feel this way. Try talking with her to get to know her better if you feel in your heart that you want to get to know her better and possibly move to being more than just friends. This kind of emotion can be rather tricky I do wish you the best of luck with what your heart is telling and makeing you feel as time goes on.
• India
13 Dec 08
Thanks for the response
• Brazil
13 Dec 08
With time you will be able to see the difference. When you love someone it´s really a pleasure to talk to the person. The looks is not that important anymore and even the bad things about the person start to attract you.
• India
14 Dec 08
Ok, I will try to see if time does help me. I will see what changes occur in future.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
13 Dec 08
feeling attraction is 1 st pahse of love...there are types of attraction..few are v short we get attracted towards sometime towards someone due to just cool body ;)...but as we grow closer e we come to know other bad qualities n attraction fade away..If u are feeling attraction for overall personality..then i think u shud need to consider it seriously.:D
• India
13 Dec 08
Hmm.. still not pretty much sure as to how should I proceed. Have you ever been in such a situation? How did you deal with that?
• Philippines
14 Dec 08
Love is forever while attraction end so fast...
• India
14 Dec 08
Agree.. but how do we define forever and fast?
@krfanlim (232)
• Malaysia
14 Dec 08
Having experienced a couple of things over many years, yes, i think i'm able to say that i am able to distinguish between these two feelings. And this is a very subjective matter, because feelings, to every individual, differs to a certain degree. As for me, attraction is merely a very mild feeling, that you know it won't last, and that you know it's just some very mild liking towards someone. But when it's love, you will just come to a point, or something comparable to a threshold to know that you really love a person, and that you'll do and sacrifice everything for that person. Like always, love is a feeling so deep, that is indescribable with words.
• India
14 Dec 08
Yes, probably you are correct the diffrentiation is subjective.
@LCHBheart (167)
• Singapore
14 Dec 08
I think that it is love when you know all the bad things about the other person but still want to be with them and sacrifice for them.
• India
14 Dec 08
Yes, but what should I do to overcome this feeling. Because, I know she loves some other guy.
• India
13 Dec 08
Your attraction may blossom into love if both of you moves in a right direction i.e. proper understanding.