how do you breake a child from picking there nose and eating it?

United States
December 13, 2008 5:21pm CST
I have a grand child who is four years old and quite a loving little girl. but ever time she comes to my house she pick's her nose and eat's it. I've tryed to stop her with just about ever thing I know. I have had children (all grown now) but never had this kind of trouble before. does any one have any solutions to this? she say's her nose eitche's but that don't account for the eating.
3 responses
• United States
14 Dec 08
Be consistant. I say "No nose, honey, it could give you owies," anytime that I see one of my children doing this.
@tonniek02 (457)
• United States
14 Dec 08
When we were kids, my mother use to tell us that boogers are little tiny bugs and the salty tast was there guts and when if we pick our noise and eat it. we were really eating little bugs. That makes a kid thing twice about doing that. yek...
• United States
14 Dec 08
they make a nasal spray that makes your boogers burn your tongue, its kid friendly, and safe. nothing that will harm them, besides their pride!