mylot or platinum lounge?

@shonali (1286)
December 14, 2008 10:38am CST
i have found this new website called platinum lounge.... its interesting but you know how it is.... i am so used to mylot and seeing my earningsz of the day before that i am having a problem with this new website regarding the points that they show rather than the earnings directly..... what do you say...all the people who have been on platinum lounge or are members there too.... which is it that you like better.... mylot or platinum lounge?
2 responses
@pkc3000 (1266)
• India
14 Dec 08
Hello shonali I am also a member of platinumlounge. You are right to say . They are only awarding points and at the last these points will be converted to cash. Lots of mylot members are also member of platinumlounge site. Hope it will be a good site. pkc3000
@shonali (1286)
• India
14 Dec 08
well yeah thats for sure...cant understand the points they give but you cant say much until you get the first pay out i guess..... but i think mylot surely still rocks !!
• India
14 Dec 08
Well, I have not started extensively using platinum lounge so can't say for now. But, yes, in todays condition its mylot for sure.