How many gifts do you have for your children for the Holidays?

United States
December 14, 2008 12:32pm CST
I, unfortunately, have been in a bind. We will be celebrating the birth of Jesus in a way that makes us truly thankful for everything that we have, especially our lives, our families and our friends. My girls will each have 3 gifts under the tree and they will be so happy with that. Could you say the same about your children? I would love to be able to give them 50 presents a piece, but I just can't do that this year. But I am truly blessed and so are my girls, because they know that material things aren't what to be thankful for.....God bless
2 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
15 Dec 08
I am sure that anything I got my kids would be good for them. They really didnt' ask for much this year knowing our finances. I have 10 gifts for each of my kids under the tree. They aren't all expensive at all. For example, one is a dry erase board that I got for free and another is earbuds that I got for free and another is 2 stuffed animals that were free. I used points and freecycle and whatever resources I could to get free or very inexpensive stuff and then I buy them one nice gift that is about $50.
@gmaxxx (142)
• India
14 Dec 08
well i myself am bachelor and want a lot of giftzzzzzzzzzzzzz woppeeeeeee