Coldplay might get sued?

@Ainokea (162)
United States
December 15, 2008 1:37am CST
I heard on the radio that coldplay is getting sued over viva la vida for its beats mimic another song pretty much exactly. I'm not exactly sure who the artist is or all the details on this... but sounds like coldplays going to have to make a big settlement on this one. What do you guys think? I'm not too sure on copyright laws on music could any one inform me? Thanks
3 responses
@zamakh (517)
• South Korea
31 Jan 09
i dont' really care whether they really copying or not. i just listen to the music, and i like it. that's all!! happy my lotting friend!
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
oh no. if that is true, i hope it could be settled soon. but even if Coldplay plagiarized or not, they're still one of the best bands i could ever imagine!
@victiego (48)
• Ireland
11 Jan 09
yea I read this somewhere to about the plagiarism and all and actually it wouldnt be the first time that coldplay have had to bear accusations of "borrowing" if you will. there album "A rush of blood to the Head" supposedly had a few song copied from Pink Floyd or something or was it U2 and especailly the song Yellow. but then again I read somewhere as well that one of Bob Marley's Song was heavily borrowed from a nursery rhyme!!! All in all I think Cold play have been pretty consistent with there albums and the latest is a toast to that legacy
@Ainokea (162)
• United States
30 Jan 09
well even if they did barrow it without permission I still love their music
@Mohanmojo (119)
• India
2 Feb 09
That's pretty bad. I'm a very big fan of them, and this was the best Album, and now it's being sued. That doesnt sound nice. What exactly is the reason??? Copyright ?