Do you like your fruit “turned” ,” ripe “or “overripe “

@ronnyb (6113)
December 15, 2008 5:11am CST
Well it’s a matter of opinion as to the stages of ripe, since for some turned is ripe ,ripe is overripe and a variety of nuances in between but I will try to explain the differences Turned is one stage before the fruit is ripe ,this means that there is still some starch left in the fruit to be “turned “ or converted into sucrose .It may be a little sour but sweet enough to eat. Ripe is the stage most people like their fruit, sweet and not too soft Over- ripe is when all starch is turned into sugar so the fruit is at its sweetest .The drawback to this is that the fruit may be a little soft Needless to say some persons like their fruit at various stages of ripening. There are people who will get the fruit at its turned stage and put it down until it ripens or gets overripe Now the question arises how you do like your fruit and if you like all fruits at the same stage of ripening or do you like some fruits ripe while others overripe…. And finally the exception some like it green,yes green !
4 responses
@warrior_777 (1392)
• Philippines
16 Dec 08
It depends of the fruits. Some fruits I like to be a little bit ripe that's what you called "turned" they are still crispy and the taste are just right, not too sweet nor sour. Those fruits I like that ways are apples, guavas, pears and the likes. While I like fruits just ripe are mangoes, bananas, grapes and the likes. I don't like to eat over ripe fruits, their taste are not the same when they are over ripe..
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
16 Dec 08
I think we have similar taste ,there is only one fruit that I sometimes like overripe and thats mangoes.I like them both rip and overripe,when you ahve mangoes that are overripe they are extremely sweet and juicy.
@Galena (9110)
15 Dec 08
it depends on the fruit. I like my apples a bit underripe, so they're lovely and sharp. I used to like bananas just slightly green, but I think because they are now stored for so long, they're not nice like that anymore, and I prefer them ripe. things like kiwis and plums and grapes and so on, ripe. I don't really like anything over-ripe.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
15 Dec 08
Like you I liek my apples underripe and ripe,I hate bananas overripe but not slightly green,just ripe will do.There is one fruit I like overripe ,sweetsops.Happy fruiting
@suzzy3 (8341)
15 Dec 08
I like bananas ripe and kiwi.Pears taste really nice when they are over ripe and they drip down your chin lovely.Over ripe fruit is supposed to be better for you or just as good,fresh ripe fruit of any description ,oranges are horrible as they dry out if left to long.The rest I will eat I love the stuff.
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@paxrein (77)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
Ripe mostly. But there are some fruits that I prefer eating over ripe because they are juicier and sweeter like pineapple, watermelon, starapple, sugarapple or sweetsop, durian and jackfruit.