Do you have an interest in the future of space travel? Will we live on Mars?

United Kingdom
December 16, 2008 12:21am CST
I'm no expert when it comes to all things space related! However, I like the idea that someday, colonising other planets may well become a real possibility. Let's face it, our good old mother Earth isn't going to be around forever, another billion years left perhaps so, if the human race is to survive then we are going to have to move to another planet. I think that some of those science fiction movies are no longer science fiction; they are becoming science fact! The space station is continuing to be built and I guess that will act as a launch pad in years to come. There's also talk of some kind of moon base. To get out there into deep space, this is now a necessity! Whatever happens, none of this is probably going to be within my life time, sad but true! What do you think? I envy the babies coming into the world many years from now!! Andrew
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18 responses
• Australia
17 Dec 08
Kim Stanley Robinson has written a trilogy (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars) about the terraforming and colonisation of Mars, and it would appear from his books, as he is clealry a brilliant researcher, that a great deal of thought has already been put into the concept by science. As someone earlier in the discussion pointed out, living on Mars would be very similar to living in the Antarctic, and Robinson has written another book, preceding the trilogy, called Antarctica, where he explores that very idea also. It is a long way away, I would think, since the plethora of problems the earth has will probably slow down the space race considerably for the foreseeable future, but I imagine that eventually the Chinese will pick up the ball and make it happen. Lash
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Dec 08
I do not think that it will happen in our life times and I suspect that things will get a lot worse before we go down that path. Science fiction writers have been predicting for years that we will have urban warfare between the ultra rich and the have nots before we ever discover such a future. The way things are going I would not be surprised if they are right and if they are I do not want to see a future like that.
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• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
Right, you got me thinking there! I will find out about migrating to China and hopefully I will still be alive within the next fifty years to see something happen! No, I'm kidding but I'm sure that the Chinese are really catching up in terms of entering the space race! Our world is starting to really suffer and it's a real shame that the boffins have not come up with some kind of master plan in order to protect our lovely planet Earth! I hope that we can do more as a human race in relation to this! Andrew
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@mazdakid (347)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
hi there AndrewFreyne! i am open to the idea that mankind (or even almost all life forms on Earth) can move and colonise other hospitable planets. and i think this should be considered as an option because mankind is rapidly destroying the earth in just a few centuries. imagine that... billions of years of planetary evolution into near-perfection, only to be ruined by irresponsible and greedy humans that started doing bad things in just a handful of centuries. i think that in half a decade, mankind would probably ruin the Earth so much that scientists would start proposing about moving to Mars. the air, soil and water would be fouled by that time. and come to think of it, with the risks of asteroid collisions, by the time when scientists can predict an asteroid collision 50-100 years in advance, moving to Mars when Earth would be destroyed by an asteroid would be a good idea. =) and probably, after billions of years, when our sun uses up its hydrogen fuel and starts using its helium byproduct fuel, it will expand into a red giant and will probably vaporise Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars (and possibly even Jupiter!). by that time, mankind should be able to find another planet within our solar system, or even outside. but thank goodness that right now, we're still in halfway in mankind destroying the planet permanently. we probably won't need to worry about moving to another planet too soon. although i hope that mankind would change its ways and start saving the planet. it's sad to see that mankind would need to move almost all forms of life from Earth to Mars or another planet all because they screwed Earth up... anyways, thank you and more power to you! =)
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• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
That's very interesting. I love technology and I hope that we can experience some of the wonderful advancements to come. It's just so amazing that we have been able to send probes to Mars! Those boffins are so clever! Andrew
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@misshoney (973)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
That seems interesting and I agree that it may not be just a fiction story in the future, but to be honest, I am not so keen on living in mars or any other planet. . I still prefer the good old earth. It is an eerie thing to me. Transferring to another planet seems sad. Hope we will not be able to get to that age and that people should all do something to preserve the mother earth.
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• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
Yes, I guess Earth should come first! If the human race was looking after this planet then we probably would not have to try and create a human colony on another planet! Still, I am interested to see how things turn out, that's if I live long enough! Andrew
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
17 Dec 08
i dont think so
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• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
I guess you don't like the idea of colonising Mars? It's an interesting subject all the same. The next fifty years is going to be very interesting. Andrew
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• Singapore
17 Dec 08
If there's true, i would live to see that day.......
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
I'm sure that there are some very exciting times ahead! I too hope that I get to live long enough to see these unique adventures! Anyway, space travel is a wonderful thing I'm sure although we are going to have to tap into some new technology; I'm hoping that warp speed can become a reality! Andrew
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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
19 Dec 08
I do not envy the babies coming into the world many years from now because the world is already overpopulated today and every forty years the population doubles itself. Earth will one day run out of resources. The breeding of food plants was supposed to end world hunger but it just allowed more people to live and reproduce and this we are back to starving people. Maybe as was stated if we took care of the earth we would not have to leave it. I am always amazed at people willing to spend millions of dollars to find new life on other planets when we do not even respect our own plant and animal life here on earth and are extinguishing species at an alarming rate. This is another large extinction age caused by us. I am afraid that humans going into space would just spread war and garbage across the universe.
• United Kingdom
19 Dec 08
A lot of what you are saying makes sense. It would be a nasty thing for the human race to start polluting the rest of the universe! I think it would be a good thing for an advanced alien species to give us some lessons on survival and how to look after out planet. I'm pretty sure that we are being monitored by someone or something out there! Andrew
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
I can't see this good earth being around in another billion years my friend, scientists have said and so have philosophers that this earth could actually cease to exist in 2012! I very very very much doubt if this earth will see another millennium to be honest, what with global warming and the way we are destroying this planet, it's not a case of if but when Earth is destroyed and it will much sooner than we think and I think far too sooner than man's conquest for another planet will come about. So I can't see any future about planning a move to Mars or any other planet, even if time travel is invented again time is NOT on our side my friend. The moon is more likelier than Mars but I still think that the odds are in favour of the Earth being wiped out in this millennium and I certainly believe in the 2012 theory. Either an asteroid or man will destroy the planet we love, so my interest in space travel is not enthusiastic my friend, I have more interest in when we will be wiped out and the human race as we know it will cease to exist. The clock is ticking....
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
In a nutshell Earth will be destroyed in 2012 by an asteroid, probably like the one that wiped the dinosaurs out, only this one will destroy both the human race and the Earth. Research I believe from = Nostrodamus.
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@1corner (744)
• Canada
16 Dec 08
Hi, just curious, what is the 2012 theory?
• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
Hi wolfie, I'm hoping that we are still around in 2012 although I have heard of Nostradamus and I know that some of his predictions have come true in the past. I sure hope that he's wrong as regards 2012! Andrew
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
17 Dec 08
I thought we would, and the discovery channel apparently thinks so, but my friends says we won't. I hope she's wrong because my big plan for my 80th birthday in 48 years is to go to Mars and stay there for a week helping in the hydroponics bay if I can and if they let tourists do that. I think they would as it would be a tourist attraction. It would be similar to eco-vacations here on Earth. Of course, they wouldn't let you do anything dangerous or that you might screw up the food supply for Mars, but I think they would let you putter around a little bit. This is my dream anyway. I'll let you know if I actually do it in 48 years if myLot is still here.
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
I love the discovery channel and I particularly love Discovery Science! It sounds like you have a lot of ambition as regards colonising Mars! I too would love to indulge in that and I'm sure that My Lot is going to be around forever! I'm sure that there are some exciting times ahead! Andrew
@1corner (744)
• Canada
16 Dec 08
Been always interested in outer space since childhood, and all those shows about it only fired up my imagination. However, I think it'll remain only in science fiction, as far as humans living elsewhere but Earth, that is. We'll need probably another century to at least develop enough technology to enable living on the moon, or another planet. Frankly though, it's just concerning to me all this talk about the matter. Man hasn't yet learned to take proper care of the Earth, yet now there's serious consideration of life on another planet. Must we now regress to destroying the universe? I don't envy the babies yet to come at all. Life won't be easy at all for them (if anything, I'm worried for them). Increasing world debt, poverty, threat of wars, etc. surrounds them. How can/will they cope?
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• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
That's probably very true as regards future generations! It's most likely that they will have a very difficult time and they are all going to have to pull together in order to survive. Yes, I guess protecting planet Earth comes first. We don't want to inhabit Mars and start destroying that planet too; we will probably have to choose Jupiter or Saturn next! Andrew
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Dec 08
I have no idea if we will ever live on mars but I hope we one day conquer space travel and explore the universe. I am sure we will find other habitable planets that we can live on. Mars might be the closest but it would take a lot of work to make it habitable and in the mean time they might discover a drive that will let us leave the solar system
• United Kingdom
19 Dec 08
I sure hope that warp speed becomes a reality! I guess this is the only real way that we are going to get anywhere real fast! Andrew
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
16 Dec 08
wow. i think you are so right. i remember back when i was young, i would never have believed the things we do today. microwaves, personal comps, phones you can carry around, etc. geesh, i could go on and on.
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• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
I just love technology and I really want to see what the future holds, who doesn't! Anyhow, I sure hope that I will get to see the next fifty years as I imagine they are going to be quite spectacular! Andrew
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
17 Dec 08
I do have an interest in space and traveling it. It has always interested me but I have conflicting ideas about doing so. Mankind has been on several space endeavors and the like for many a year. A lot of times other countries are trying to keep up with us. But like so many other things going on in the United States there is money that is funneled for things that could take less of a priority due to some of the underlying situations. I don't want to sound too much like a yahoo here but you know there are a lot of needy people in the world and our country alone. People are homeless and starving and we fund money toward deployment and wars and space travel. Sure. I would be interested in finding out about life on Mars and the expansive galaxy. It may not all happen in our life time Andrew, however I would rest a little better knowing that billions of dollars would be helping the suffering people down here in the homelands. You mention about moving to another planet. Sounds like a pretty peculiar idea. Will there come a time when that will happen? I guess it is a possibility but also like you said it could be another billion years from now. And also another fact you might be aware of is that eventually the sun will burn out anyway. But not for years to come. Take care buddy.
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
You have touched on a very good point actually! It's true, there are millions of people suffering starvation in our world and I guess it doesn't make a whole load of sense wasting money on the space race instead of supporting people in the third world. I'm so grateful that I don't have to make those kinds of decisions. We have to concentrate on space as our very survival may depend upon it one day and yet, we have to support those that are suffering from malnutrition; it's very tough getting the balance right. Thanks for your thoughts friend. Andrew
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• India
16 Dec 08
Regarding the first question, Yes, I would surely like to try Space Travel if possible in my lifetime I would like to comment more on the second question We will not live on mars mate! Never ! Maybe our future generations will, but not us ;) Anyway, adding reputation to this topic Nice topic mate !!!
• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
Hi, I too would love to fly into space although a tourist ticket is thousands of pounds so I will never get the opportunity unless the price comes down! As regards living on Mars, you are right, that's an absolute uncertainty! I guess I will visit Mars in the way of science fiction movies! Thanks for commenting on the discussion and welcome to My Lot by the way. Andrew
• China
17 Dec 08
Maybe it will happen. I can't believe it! I have an interest in the future of space travel. But i think maybe we won't live on Mars. you know, earth is a good place to live, it is polluted seriously now, so we should protect environment.
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 08
Yes, I sometimes think whether going to Mars is a little irresponsible when we really should be taking care of our own planet! The top guys should really be putting in more effort into this tremendous task! Welcome to My Lot by the way. Andrew
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
16 Dec 08
Well all we can do is imagine and dream. Yes there is a high possibility of space travle and space colonies provided we do not go about destroying ourselves before that. The colonies could be on the moon,Mars or even on some space colonies. It sounds exciting, but i guess we will never know.
• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
I'm kind of hoping that things move in that direction within the next fifty years! I will at least still be alive hopefully! I guess we may even leave our solar system altogether at some point in the future. I just love technology and I love listening to all the different theories as regards what the future has in store! Andrew
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
16 Dec 08
Hi Andrew I am almost sure that the conjecture would come true in future. The way we are devastating or earth, its sooner than we actually perceive. Humans have stepped into Mars, Moon and have been sending space ships and it wouldn't be a surprise when we start to live there! Already, much have been going on in the scientists circuit on this even though I am a layman, I can tell you that it will happen. Not in our lifetime though. As a matte of fact, it would take a few more generations but longer it would take I would be happier. That would only validate that our earth is still livable!
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• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
I envy the explorers who will be doing this! Are they gambling with their lives? Most probably but they will prepare the journey for future generations. I wish that I could live forever, or at least long enough to see these dramatic changes! Andrew
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
16 Dec 08
when Jules Verne wrote "From the Earth to the Moon" as a science fiction novel nobody ever imagined that Man would one day make it come true.Colonising planets in outer space is one of the most exciting projects to be taken by Mankind. Though the Earth is still a good 5 billion years away from destruction it is doubtful that humanity will last that long.we are already seein Man`s destructive powers being unleashed on our planet in the form of deforestation,global warming, extinction of animal and plant life, degradation of the environment,etc.Glaciers are receding and melting at a rapid rate and fears of rivers disappearing in the future are causing widespread alarm. even a slight rise in the levels of the seas and oceans will see hundreds of coastal cities going under water. In this very real scenario it is imperative that Man should look to colonise the Moon and Mars, create artificial Earthlike environments there and translocate vital plant and animal species in the same way as Noah did during the great flood.Earth will still be around when these events which are in the realms of science fiction really take place but it will have become inhabitable for Man.Our generation and even the next may not be around when this takes place but it is heartening to know that a start has been made.
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• United Kingdom
16 Dec 08
I'm kind of hoping that the boffins come up with some technology that stops us from aging! If this happens then maybe we will be around to see all the good stuff! Andrew
• United States
7 May 10
i am 52 and moon and mars colonization is going to happen within twenty years. Going into deep space in a intergalactic ship is on the drawing board and being planned for within 15 years. We have the tech, all we need to do is those interested together for deeper planning. I have been involved with space, energy and etc..., for many years. it is not can we do it/ It is when...