Wrath of the Lich King
By littletinker
@littletinker (273)
December 16, 2008 5:01pm CST
Hello Everyone,
Whilst I have found the scenery in Northrend to be stunning.....(sometimes i find it hard to think that it is just a game)......and the quests arent too bad, I have felt a kind of downhearted vibe through the Warcraft community.
There seems to be a feeling of "what is the point?" when trying to better your character because no sooner as you buy the best gear and finsh the latest raid, Blizzard decide to bring out another extension that takes us further and further away from the original concept....an online fantasy community that is based in Azeroth.
Too many of the good guys are leaving the game...and I must admit, I havent played for a week now because Im fed up. One of my characters is just about level 80.
So now I am at the same point I was at a few weeks ago when I was at 70. I am as high as I can be and am concentrating on completing my gear collection and rep and badge runs. But all that happened before is useless now.
Does anyone else feel let down by Blizzard after having spent so many months on it before?
Anyone else giving it up for something more useful in life?
I look forward to seeing the responses :-))
3 responses
@bbentley5990 (17)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I have a mixed opinion on WoW atm. I love the amount of things I can do right now. Especially with achievements adding a new flare to the game. The only problem I'm having is the raiding content currently available. Not only are the current raids too easy, but besides from Naxxramas, they're insanely short. I dont miss the trash in certain places thats for sure(Hyjal trash waves make me cry), but atleast give us something to do before we beat a bosses face in.
@littletinker (273)
10 Feb 09
I cant comment about all raids as I havent done them all.....but I do know a couple that I have done are very short and just dont seem to have a lot going for them.
I enjoyed Karazhan for its size and its difficulty.
The achievements do add a nice added touch ....its a shame they couldnt have brought them out at the same time as the expansion though because what happened was so many people finished so many of the achievements whist they were waiting for the expansion to come out....How silly.
I gave it a break for a couple of months over Christmas and New Year and have just gone back onto it now.......its all messed up completely!
Take the Jewel Crafting.....you can get Northrend jewels cheaper than you could get epic jewels when they first came out....why?? How is a JC supposed to make any money if his products are virtually worthless?
And they are worthless because there is soooooooo much ore in Northrend its unreal.
Its such a shame....what was once a fantastic game with great, helpful people has turned into a Kids Paradise with too easy quests and achievements.
Shame on you Blizzard
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
9 Jan 09
I'm not at all bored with the game and I feel there's so much to do in this game. I have lots of things to do, stuff to get, and feats to achieve so it might take me to the next expansion till I accomplish those things. Maybe it's because I'm a casual player and I can somehow balance my WoW time with my real-life time.
@briggah (171)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Well I've been 80 for about a week or so and I'm still not at the top. I've only recently saved enough for my epic mount and still wearing blue gear. hehe I do see that older areas kinda have been forgotten about and if I decide to make a new character it may be a long and boring task if not many people are around. I think alot of the old dungeons are probably not going to be used any more. Most people will want to get 80 then work on gear so no pointin runningold dungeons unless they change drops of certain things.. Not sure, take a break maybe and then it may seem more fun again. I'm sure once I get some of the gear I'd like the game wont be the same either. It happened in the past to me.
@littletinker (273)
9 Jan 09
I think Blizzard could do with bringing out a hell of a lot of quests that people can do in the old dungeons or attach something to them at least. Like with the Attunement to Kara.....at the time, it was great because when people wanted a run in say Shadow Labs you could always find a group because loads of people wanted the attunement.
You cant get a group for love nor money to the majority of dungeons in the Old places......virtually no chance if you dont belong in a guild.
Blizzard need to understand that not everyone (in fact probably most people) dont do hard core raiding, dont spend every minute running dungeons with their guildies.
It really isnt nice for players who want to play on their own.