the science of hindu spirituality
By shivram123
@shivram123 (656)
December 17, 2008 3:36am CST
from all the posts i seen from the past 2 months,i understood tht there are so many people here who like to know about hinduism but unfotunately was misleaded by so many other sites,
i think i can giv u small account of teachings of hinduism from the next few posts of mine including this one,
i think my explanations here will help my friends having doubts in hinduism,
this post tells u about the spirituallity of hinduism connected to the ultra modern science,some may be the new to see this,some may hav thought about this and for some it may be a new experience in their learning
first of all u must know
wht is hindu?
Unlike other religions, Hindu dharma has many specialties. This is notknown as a religion, it is known as the dharma. Either Hindu dharma orsanaathana dharama. Sanathana means according to bhagavath geetha,which cannot be destroyed by fire, weapons, water, air, and which is present in all living and non living being. Dharma means, the way of life whichis the ‘total of all aacaachaaraasas or customs and rituals’.
and now the introduction
Hindu/sanaathana dharma has its foundation on scientific spirituality.Ancient Rishies are the authors of the Vedas,puranaas , itihaasaas and smruthies which are known as Hindu religious / spiritual books. Thoserishies themselves wrote the books on economics – artha saastra-, music and dance – gaandharva Veda-, science of heath and food - ayurveda-, civil engineering and sculpture – sthaapathya veda, etc which are the well known scientific books. In all the ancient Hindu literature one can see that science and spirituality are integrated. It is mentioned in the 40th chapter of the Yajurveda known as Eesaavaasya Upanishad that ‘usethe scientific knowledge for solving the problems in our life and use the spiritual knowledge for attaining immortality through philosophical outlook.
A brief explantion about spirituality in hinduism
{i cant bold or underline it because of the lack of 500 posts,sorry}
At all levels in other religions there exist only one god/ divine power. And that is the one and only one, without even a second on the pathway to attain that one. In Hindu dharma also there exists the ultimate one and only one god. But to attain that one ,you can have different pathways and worship of different deities. For reaching New Delhi, the capital of India, there can be many pathways/ roads,but New Delhi remains the (same ) one location. Some of these roads may be short cuts, some may be smooth and some other may not have street lights,etc. Thus the roads and nature of roads vary but the ultimate goal remains the same.
The one Hindu god and its scientific explanation :There exists only one god and it is reiterated throughout the Upanishads and Vedas.
"Ekam sath vipraa: bahudaa vadanthi."
The ultimate truth is one and only one, but some scholars may tell that it is many fold
"ekam eva na advitheeyam."
The only one without the second.Further you can see the words of Rigveda:
"dyaavaa pruthvi janayan deva eka:"
the god, who created the celestial bodies and this earth, is one and only one.
"Eka eva hi bhoothaatmaa bhoothe bhoothe
vyavasthithaa ekathaa bhahudaa chaiva
drusyathe jala chandravath."
The ultimate divine power is one and only one which is existing in each and every living being. It may be said by some as one and some others may say it as many, but the truth is like this;there is only one moon and it is reflected in different waters ( of river, well,a cup of water, sea or ocean).Just like the reflection of the one moon is seen in all, the same divine power is manifested in all living being. Even the whole philosophy of the advaitha is based on thenon duality of the divine power ( a-dvaitha – the one without a second )
The name of ‘that one’ in Hindu dharma is Brahman or Brahmam.
Hindus do have different levels of upaasana/worship. But the ultimate point where all the pathways arrive at is this point of Brahman ( do notpronounce Braahman). The Vedas say "Brahma sathyam jagath mithya".The ultimate essence of everything is this Brahman and everything in the universe is the manifestation of that ultimate truth (which is the Brahmam).
"Jeevo Brahmaiva na aparaa:" Even the life force / soul itself is the same Brahaman and nothing else. The Brahmam is present in everything, in the smaller than the smallest ( in atoms)and bigger than the biggest (in theuniverse) and also presentas the jeevaathma in all living beings:
Anoraneeyaan mahato maheeyaan
aatma guhaayaam nihithosya jantho:
One can see pure science in this explanation:The revolution of electrons and the spinning of the nuclei in atoms, the rotation and revolution of earth,the solar system, the galaxy , and so on are all guided from within the system and this force which gives the energy and guidance for their movement is known as Brahman.
It is this same energy manifested as jeevaathma in the living being which controls the heart, lungs, the liver,the blood circulation, the sensory organs,the functional organs, etc. in animals. In the mahaasankalapa ,it is thus explained
"achinthyayaa aparimithayaa sakthyaa briyamaanasya
koti brahmandaanaam madhye "
the billions and billions of galaxies which are revolving/ rotating under the torrential force which is beyond the level of imagination and limitless …this force is from within the system and it is the one which guides the rotation and revolution. Hence the ancient Indian Rishies said that Brahman is the ultimate force/energy.Upanishad says that the Brahman is the one which can not be seen through eyes,heard by ears, analyzed by mind but the energy which is responsible for the proper functioning of the eyes,ears and mind…. Is Brahman.
In other Upanishads it is explained that the fire and air (prathyaksham Brahma),the sound ( sabda Brahman),the Sun, the light ( chaakshu Brahman),and so on are all the manifestation of this Brahman. This gives a clear definition for Brahman that it is the energy and manifestation of a power
Brahman is also present as jeevathma/soul in me hence I say aham Brahmaasmi ( I am the divine power) It is present in you hence thath thwam asi ( you are also the same divine power)It is present as life force hence ayamathma Brahma (this life force/ energy is the Brahman) and it is manifested as the inherent intrinsic consciousness and awareness, hence prajnaanam Brahma (that glorious knowledge is Brahman).These four sets of words corresponds to Yajurveda, Saama veda, AAtharvaveda and Rigveda respectively, are known as four Mahaavaakyaas)
there are so many words related to brahman/brahmam in vedas
they are Brahmaandam (the universal egg – a state before the big bang)Lord Brahma ( the creator of this universe and everything present here from energy)
Now the word Brahman may be clearly defined based on the above explanations using modern science as follows: "the intrinsic,inherent, self guiding, self motivating, self awareness and self conscious present from each and every atom to the universe itself, is the Brahman, the ultimate god of Hindu !
Idol worship
It is said that there are two states of Brahaman .The extremely active state in observation known as saguna Brahman ( sagunathwam) and the inactivestate in observation known as nirguna Brahman.These two states are complimentary and never contradictory (as few scholars may say). ( saguna and nirguna may be opposite words just like lower and upper are opposite words. But lower primary and upper primary are not opposites, they are complimentary).
In an atom, the electrons are revolving at a fantastic speed/velocity ( sagunathwam)but the materials which are composed by the atoms are seen in nirguna state ( without rotating and spinning).The earth rotates and revolves at high speed(saguna state) but the people living on the globe earth do not feel the speed ( nirguna state in observation).Our heart/liver/ lungs/ each and every tissue functions / works for all the 24 hrs ( in saguna state), but the body does not feel that (particularly when sleeping) such a series of biochemical processes are going on inside (nirguna state). Thus there are observationally two states for the Brahman one saguna state and other nirguna state.Sometimes saguna upaasana/ worship also means the worship in forms and images and nirguna upaasana/ worship means worship without keeping the images.
From the upanishadic explanation that the universe is filled with the Brahma chaithanyam ( the intrinsic… awareness and consciousness) it may be difficult for for a common man to understand this concept.For the understanding at a lower level and for giving a better perception for common man, the Brahman has been symbolically presented as a personified form of prapancha purusha or viswa roopa( prapancha – univers; purusha –human form viswa – univers,roopa – size and shape)This is a concept and symbolically presented, hence it is well defined as prapancha purusha sankalpa ( sankalpa – concept).It is narrated as "viswaakaraam gagana sadrusam megha varnam…having the size and shape of the universe, similar in area to the sky itself and colour that of clouds…. It is described in Vedas as "viswathaschakshurutha vishwatho mukho viswatho baahurutha viswathaspaath…"its face, brain, hands and legs have spread over the universe and everything in the universe works under his guidance and control.
Lord Krishna himself tells in Bhagavath geetha for seeing the universal person/ viswa roopa,one needs the divine eyes ( divyachakshu). Vedas describe it through purusha sooktha.
This viswa roopa / prapancha purusha is known in puranas and other literature as Mahavishnu / Vishnu{will be explained symbolically abt vishnu aftr trinity concept}
Trinity concept in hinduism
At further lower level there exists a trinity concept in Hindu dharma. The trinity concept of Hindus is different from that of other religions. Here the ‘cont
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4 responses
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
17 Dec 08
This is quite a nice discussion.
Regarding the trinity, I think only two religions has it- hinduism and christianity.
Islam has no trinity; neither does Judaism.
The trinity concept of christianity is different from that of Hinduism. In Christainity, we have father, son and holy spirit while in Hinduism, it is creator, preserver and destroyer.
@systems (459)
• India
17 Dec 08
The trinity concept in Hinduism is a different one. In Hinduism, the trinity is considered as the forms of One Almighty God. So its not polytheism.
The trinity in Hinduism is just to classify the functions of Almighty God, which are personified with different forms and adding some features to those personified characters (forms).. But each form (character) in trinity is nothing but the form of the Same and Only One Almighty God.
There is a significance in it.. Nothing can happen/complete without the 3 functions.
Creation, Maintenance (protection) and End (destruction).
@shivram123 (656)
• India
17 Dec 08
sorry frederick,
there was some more texts which was not came here,my typing gone in vain
and i hav explained it once more in another discussion which i started now
shiv ram
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@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 08
hi shivram
this is what most of us are arguing on the actual understanding of Hinduism not the left over from "Islam Era" and "British Era" who translated the religion and the concept wrongly in order to gain popularity among the people of India
keep up the work and will support you all the way
@shivram123 (656)
• India
17 Dec 08
yea exactly,
the misguiding done by christianic priests like st.Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria to the religions are all unforgattable "sin"
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
17 Dec 08
Yes, it is sanatan coz it is the way of life in harmony with nature and in connection with the cosmic energy. Till the time there is life on earth and the cosmic energy flows through the universe, Hindu religion will remain. It may remain in another name, among some other people but it will be the same. Worship of nature and acknowledgment of the cosmic energy that is present in everything…from the tiniest atom to the endless universe and also within each of us, in our soul.
Hinduism I think is the oldest religion that preached monotheism (advaita)…however later day corruption by the priests and other self-serving people turned it into a polytheist religion. It is very important for all Hindus to know and acknowledge the monotheist nature of this great and ancient path. Monotheism is the first step to spirituality and renunciation and Hinduism is a great teacher of these two arts.
@shivram123 (656)
• India
17 Dec 08
the polytheist ideas of hinduism is all end up to the monotheist concept,if u read through my ideas,
all the worshiping path in hinduism leads to the brahman,
the ideals are the prapancha purusha which end up to brahman the ultimate one god
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@shivram123 (656)
• India
17 Dec 08
only sharing the knbowledge i got,
i dont know who all get it to be helpful
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