When the Girl is older than the GUY..

@mjoy07 (202)
December 17, 2008 7:35am CST
When the girl is older than the guy, is it really matters? some says it does, and some says it don't. So what's your own opinion?
7 responses
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 08
When it comes to the question of love, it does not matter that the girl is older than the guy. Real love does not look at physical appearances alone. There is not much fun spending the rest of our lives with a partner who is a model of evil. The point which needs to be remembered is women at a certain age tend to age faster than men unless something is done to arrest or hide this fact of life. For example my spouse is one year younger than I am but usually strangers thought she is my elder sister. Imagine the situation if she is much older than I am. Since real love can overcome almost anything there need to be sacrifices on both sides. all the best, rosdimy
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@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
Thanks rosdimy for the enlightining opinion, :)I was moved by your statement "Real love does not look at physical appearances alone." i'll keep that.
@cathya (704)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
For me it doesn't matter. Actually am now in a relationship where in I am older than my boyfriend and we've been together for almost three years now. In a this kind of relationship both partners just need to understand each other and be patient to one another. Give and take also matters in this relationship.
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@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Thanks cathya for that insight. by the way, may i ask how many years are the gap between you and your man? thanks :)
@cathya (704)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Is that a compliment or what??? LOL
• Singapore
18 Dec 08
Yes, be a good loving model to the rest of your friends!
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
I think its more of the maturity level of the person. they say that women become mature at an earlier age as compared to men. That is why the men should be older so that the maturity level of the couple are just about the same. but nowadays there are young men who are already mature for their age and are able to handle relationships with older women pretty well. I don't think its really about the age.
@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
24 Dec 08
yeah exactly. there are younger men who can handle relationships with older women. age doesn't really matters, its the love that counts :)
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
As they say, age doesn't matter. But people always makes a big deal out of it, especially if the girl is WAY older than the guy. But hey, if they really love each other then why should we criticize them?
@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
thanks donsky14, well, it's the love that counts anyway, right?
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
@jmp_72 (246)
• Seychelles
17 Dec 08
In my personal opinion i don't think it matters. Age is just a state of mind, if it doesn't matter when the guy is older than the girl why should it matter when the girl is older? For me if i've found love, i wouldn't let age be a barrier.
@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
have experienced having a girlfriend who is older than you? :) you're right Age is just a state of mind.
@jmp_72 (246)
• Seychelles
17 Dec 08
I am actually the girlfriend :-) and i'm going out with a guy who is younger than me.....
@savengt (89)
• Singapore
18 Dec 08
I feel that it doesnt matter so long as both parties are mature and truely in love. Mature in a sense that girl are willing to let the guy lead ina relationship with respect and love, not fear. man must be responsible and willing to be faithful and committed. Most of the times, people think that it will not work out because the age gap is too great and the difference in maturity and thinking is a big issue.
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@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
exactly. age gap = difference in maturity, that's what most people think, but the truth is, a good relationship really rely on each other but not on age.
@jha2x_09 (74)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
For me it doesnt matter,for as long as you love each other.. age doesnt matter... right???
@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
yeah, age doesn't matter to some.. :) hehehee..