Why are there people who's mean online?

@flojever (404)
December 17, 2008 8:09am CST
I've posted a topic about positive mental attitude in a forum 3 days ago. When I visited the forum just a while ago I've noticed that i've had several replies. I was disappointed to see the reply of one guy, who seems to be very angry with the topic. He thought it as a s*****(it's not a nice word)thread. He's sooo mean and vulgar that he already won some friends to argue with. If he thought the topic was such a nonsense, then he could have just commented on it in a nice way. I'm not angry, it just that I do believe it is still best to say nice words online. You can't just go about telling anything you like to anyone online just because you know there's no way they can identify you, that is, if you're keeping your identity hidden. I just think he's vulgar and mean to say the least. But hey, I'm not letting him under my skin. He's just somebody who's angry with his life and himself. I don't know why he's so bitter. He's rude but that's his problem, I would not let it affect me:) I'd rather be here at mylot than argue with someone so narrow minded.
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18 responses
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
18 Dec 08
Gosh I hope it was not me . You have to have a thick skin sometimes while on the internet because you are exposed to the kind of people you would not necessarily interact with. Discounting the obvious times when it is a misunderstanding or when a certain nuance or emotion does not translate well through the written word, you have to remember there are bullies out there and even though you thought you grew up and left them in the schoolyard where they made you life miserable, they too grew up and found a larger playground in the internet and continued their bullying. You also have to remember that there are the fanatics and emotionally unbalance people too. While the emotionally unbalance might have an excuse as they may need medication they are not getting, the fanatics might benefit from some positive reflection. You cannot tell who is who though so I will repeat myself and say sometimes you just need a thick skin.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Aug 09
hi you two hatley here look these people wont quit unless mylot gets on their cases so hit the exclamation looking sign and report this person. mylot does not want us to 'abuse each other.we need to help mylot stop these kind 'of people.we should not have to have thick skins,we should' expect to be treated as we would treat others. thats the golden rule.
• Canada
29 Dec 08
There are also the teenager who seem to get a kick out of making trouble, I guess it makes for some excitement in their sorry lives. I find out the ones who swear and use foul language are the immature teenagers, I guess they use that kind of language at school to gain attention and seem to think it is ok to use that on the internet because they are essentially anonymous.
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@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I quite agree, you really need a thick skin to survive online. you should not let your negative emotions take control. These bullies need not be entertained at all. It's best to leave them alone. Nice advice mariposaman. see yah around
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Dec 08
It happens that some people are like that. There are people who have much to do with their lives than make others miserable. As difficult as it is, sometimes we just have to create a thicker skin to these things. I worked in a shelter for women victim of domestic violence. So, I had to. I know it's not easy to do, but once you have, I think it definitely helps. It happens.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 Dec 08
Thanks. It's something that I'm proud of. It's something that I certainly want to keep doing in anyway I can. I'm certainly passionate about this job. Don't worry, I don't plan on stopping.
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@flojever (404)
• Philippines
5 Oct 09
You really should be proud of yourself :) Given the chance, I would do the same. Goodluck to your chosen career.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
you've a nice work dodo19. keep helping women who're victim of domestic violence. keep it up :)
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
18 Dec 08
It is sorry to read that one of the members used nasty words in response to your post. It is not at all good on his part to use uncivilised laungauge. It just ceates bad feelings and does not serve any purpose. Based on my experience, here on mylot, I can say that people who use nasty languauge are very less in numbers and they do not survive here for too long, because they antagonise too many others. Please be cool and calm and just ignore his response. I've not seen the response, however, if you feel really very bad about it, you can report the matter to mylot (you would've seen an exclamation mark (!) besides plus (+) and negative (-) marks against a post. You can press that and report the matter to mylot).
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
18 Dec 08
It is good to know that the incident did not happen here. Mylottians are far better than others, I also believe so. dpk P.S. - Pl. check your Private Message.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
It did not happen here actually. The incident happened in another forum. I've found out that mylotters are far from rude and tactless. I find people here to be quite friendly and nice. I haven't read any harsh or nasty response yet. And yes, I believe that mean people will not survive here long. For they've no place at myLot.:)
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@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I've already responded to your PM dpk262006. Do check. thanks
1 person likes this
• Australia
18 Dec 08
I'm confused. Was this topic in Mylot? Because I just had a look at your activity to try to get a handle on what you're saying, so I could respond intelligently, and I can find nothing there that fits with this discussion. Lash
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@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I've already answered this on my previous respond to some of the comments. To make things clear,this incident happened in another forum and not myLot. Mylotters are far from rude. I've only meet nice people here.
@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
17 Dec 08
Hi there and welcome to Mylot I see that you're a relative newcomer. I was too, just over a week ago. Most people on here are intelligent rational people who will share their ideas and opinions and civilly agree to disagree. Unfortunately, that is not all of the population. Remember, everything we do online is virtually anonymous and some people like to hide behind that anonymity and say and do things that they would never do in their day to day lives. Take everything you see here and or online with a grain of salt. You never know if there it is any truth to what the person is saying. Are their comments sincere or perhaps are they just trying to get a reaction of people? Sometimes when people get bored they will "stir the pot" so to speak, to get people angry and or to start an argument. In essence, I develop blinders and when I find a troublemaker, I ignore them and they quickly become bored with me and move on to another victim. I'm no fun to pick an argument with, if I won't bite. And then move on to another person who is interested in intelligent conversation. Have fun, and Happy Mylotting!
@hildas (3031)
17 Dec 08
Well said
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I could not agree more. I completely ignored him. I bet he'll be looking for another thread to post his nasty responses. I hope they will ignore him. I'd rather have these sort of responses as I'll learn things. Thank you wheel416.
@ladydmo (19)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Hi I am new to mylot! However, I can say from personal experience that there are people out there who have nothing better to do but spread their unhappiness. Sometimes it is just as simple as they are miserable and bitter and have no outlet. We've all heard that misery loves company. Negativity feeds off of negativity. I had a similar experience in one of my online classes in the discussion board area. There was this one student who constantly had something negative to say about everyone's post. At first I let it go. After he responded to one of my classmate's post in a really rude and offensive way and my instructor did not address it I had to speak up. Not only did I maintain a professional and academic tone but I let him know that what he was doing was inappropriate behavior. I am usually the first to say it is best to ignore people like that. However, as someone else mentioned they are bullies and if no one stands up to them they will continue what they are doing. If you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all. One should be adult enough to voice opposition without being insulting. There will always be cowards who hide under anyonymity but you can't waste your precious time giving them too much thought.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Hi there. Welcome to myLot, hope you'll find this community interesting. MyLot is a community where you can share your thoughts and win friends. The earning is an added bonus. I don't spend much time here at myLot due to my schedule, but when I do, I make it a point to read and respond to some of my friends discussions. Indeed, it's a waste of time giving him and his nasty responses too much thought.
@shar_25 (1339)
• India
18 Dec 08
I too donot understand why some people react in that manner. I mean, if I find a post nonsenseI'll not respond to it and just ignore it. So that guy u were talking about could have done that too. I guess these particular category of people are totally frustrated in their lives and try to take it out on others in such networking sites. And its easy to do so because you cannot see the person as he is hidden behind a fake user name. We all are for that maater, but we are at least not going around being rude to people. The best way to handle is to be polite to them in return. And if that doesn't work, just ignore such coward bullies. I too have come across such people and thats what I do.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I did not respond to his harsh and nasty comments,besides I don't want to waste my precious time arguing with him. I agree, it's best to be politte to them.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Dec 08
Truth be told, there are a lot of people who come on to the internet with profound mental illness. They then progree to expressing their defective selves on forums such as mylot as well as elsewhere. It is very sad, but real, such individuals have no other place to deal with the burning anger inside. Pitty rather than condemnation is required blessed be
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
yes, you're right... I think, they just don't have any outlet for their anger. I pity them.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
18 Dec 08
I think it is just a fact of life that there is mean and ornery people in life and be it here or in real life, misery loves company. They arent happy so they dont want others to be.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I think he finds happiness by making other people miserable. I can only hope he will soon see the good side of life and fine real happiness by winning friends.
• United States
18 Dec 08
I agree! Your statement speaks the truth!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
16 Sep 09
you did the right thing. anything we do to others will come back to us. he doesn't realize that, but his time will come. and he will be asking the same question you are asking right now. you are right he must be having a lot of anger with himself or others. and he will keep having it, because that is what he has been inviting to his life with his attitude. everything that he has now, life will take it away from him. to show him that until he learns his lesson, he is not going to win anything. so just stay mylotting and let life do what it does best
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
5 Oct 09
Hi LittleMel, I would have to agree. I'll just stay here at MyLot and I should stay away from forums with mean and nasty members. :) Thanks and happy mylotting!
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
18 Dec 08
Some people find topics like that offensive. Often they are depressed people who have been told to be positive and everything will get better for them and they get angry and sick of being told that. Everyone is different and it is sad that you were disappointed but he was just expressing his anger at what he may well see as something he cannot achieve so he may not believe in it.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
19 Dec 08
I agree with you but there are some people who just cannot stand opinions they do not agree with and you will find some of them on mylot as well. I have encountered this attitude in the religion section. Some people are just so narrow minded that they only ever see their own point of view and they will never change. After all that is how women were kept as second class citizens for so long because the men who ran things refused to allow recognise that they had any abilities outside of their biological functions.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I think I have to rephrase that. I'll change disappointed to surprised. :) It's really surprising to see someone so angry with a post just because it's entitled Positive Mental Attitude. He even called me damn retarded. That's disappointing, because posting such threads does not make one retarded. I believed my faculties are still intact. :)
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Aug 09
hi flojhever dont let that man get to you,he must not havemuch of a life if he has to come on here'and act like a horses rear end.just hit the report buttonthats'the one that looks like an exclamation point and report his nasty response.he will not be doing that again in here. just consider the source and ignore that kind of idiot.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
5 Oct 09
hi there hatley, I ignore people who are rude online. I don't argue with them. I've discovered that if you ignore them, they'll leave you alone. Thanks for your advice, anyway. :)
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Dec 08
Sometimes people have nothing better to do with their lives than try to make someone else miserable. I've seen it thousands of times through out the internet. It's best to just ignore them and not continue to give in to them, otherwise you'll just keep fueling the fire. Eventually they'll get bored and move on to someone else, making their lives miserable. Chances are this guy is miserable offline which is why he's making the online community such a miserable place too.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
It's a pity he's so bitter with life. He should be enjoying it and not wasting it by being angry. He posted nasty responses to people he thought stupid. I hope he will soon realize that it's best to win friends online than point out how little he thinks of someone just because of some nonsense(according to him)thread. It's his life. If it's the way he wants to live it, so be it.
• United States
17 Dec 08
It will make for a very sad existance for him, that's forsure.
@hildas (3031)
17 Dec 08
Yes! if we have a difference of opinion about something we can say what we think in a nice way. There really is no need for all this rudness. It even happens on here sometimes and it really is not right. People like this are bullies. What else can they be? Everyone has a right to voice an opinion but to call someone names for no reasons is wrong.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Yes, We are all different personalities with different thoughts and opinion. I think it's best to share your own by being tact. It will be much more effective if you want it for people to understand. It's best to win friendship than animosity.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
Well some people are just like that and we can't do anything about it. I've already encountered a lot of jerks here online. But yeah, just don't let them get into you. Cause they don't know you, so don't be affected to whatever they say. ^_^
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
Yes, you're right. We can't change their way of thinking, it's who they are. I'll never let him get into me. I read his response then shrugged. It's his opinion. I haven't replied, but other members did it for me. He recieved replies just as mean, but he won't just give up.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
17 Dec 08
I am a member of several forums and I have seen many people who are rude and mean. It has happened to me, too, that someone has critized my choice of topic, but I don't care. If they are not interested in the topic or think that is a waste of time, why don't they just stay away from the thread? It is not like they are forced to read it or forced to respond. I am sure that many of the people who are mean to others are miserable in real life, but my best weapon is to ignore them completely or to be really friendly.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I've actually thought if telling him to stay away from the thread as no one is forcing him read and respond to it. But i've decided to just keep away. It's not worth it. I'll try to make friend with him, though :) Let's see what happens.
@sam2424 (110)
• United States
17 Dec 08
Because they are lame patetic A**H****. I know I'm not a very happy person, And it's clear at times that I can be quit negative. It cant be fun for others and sometimes I feel bad, so I just keep my mouth shut. When there's something I dont agree with, I move on or blow it of. Even when I do reply I'm always as respectful as posible. To the people who I think deserve it anyway.
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Good for you, you still maintain a good attitude despite your being negative at times. It's but normal to think in such manner sometimes, but to show it by being completely rude to someone else is quite unreasonable. I agree that if you feel bad about something, better keep quiet and move on or at least voice out your feelings tactfully.
@fatsanta (84)
• United States
17 Dec 08
You face people who are different from who you are everyday. Dont let it get to you If they are mean, it's their problem. P.S. I also agree, id rather be at mylot than argue with someone XD
@flojever (404)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Yes, It's worth my time reading and responding to your comments. One can actually learn from every post made by different people around the globe, if only one will see the positive in them and not dwell on the negatives. But I just can't tell that to anyone online. Mean people would only thought me stupid and nonsense.