cursed chain e-mail..what to do with it?

December 17, 2008 9:21am CST
I just recieved an e-mail that instructs to make a wish and forward the message to 10 or more people then your wish will come true, if you don't the exact opposite will happen. It bothered me because i just made a wish ha ha ha. I usually delete an email i suspect to contain a chain letter even before i read it but some are decieving that you'll realize it too late. What i hate about these letters are the threats or curse that comes with it like some includes tragic events that happened to people after ignoring such mail. I think it's unappropriate to scare people just to have them spread your message. but I feel guilty sometimes when i delete them especialy those with religious prayers. When things go wrong i sometimes wonder if the curse of the chain letter are true. Am I being too paranoid? What do you do with chain emails?
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22 responses
• United States
17 Dec 08
I usually delete them. Even if I have read them first. Even if they have some deep-heart-felt religious meaning. Basically, I have accepted that I am blessed, and anything that happens to me is a direct result of God's will. So, when I forward chain emails it is simply a means of keeping in touch with people I care about. I even go as far as to delete the "curse" portion so that the people I send it to don't have to suffer the burden of feeling obligated to do anything other than being happy that I have maintained contact.
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• Philippines
18 Dec 08
i agree to your statement. i never be affected if the message contains bad luck or something very morbid will happen if i did not forward the message. one thing is i am sure of my God has stored good things in my life. no one even me knows what will happen next to my life. i remember there was one instance that i replied to the sender telling her that she should not believe in chain letters. God is a good God. He will never allow bad things to happen without purpose.
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18 Dec 08
i usually just delete them, the odd 1 or 2 i do pass on i usually delete all the crap on it saying and anything about curses and such and put "if ya pass this onto 10 people in the 2 minutes nothing else will happen, absaloutly zip, its amazing try it it works"
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• Philippines
25 Dec 08
Nice idea! thanks sockpuppet :) HaPPy myLotting!
@janisvg18 (181)
• Singapore
18 Dec 08
these emails are irritating. you want to follow this chain mail to avoid the "curse". but you also don't want to send it out because it's like "cursing" your friends too since you're sending it to them. most of the time if from the subject itself it looks like a chain mail, i delete it immediately & never bother reading it, so no harm done. sometimes if i do open it, i don't read through it completely. i'll just do a quick scan, then delete :D
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• Philippines
25 Dec 08
That's exactly what I usually do. But I always wish I had not recieved such mails.
@karubod (603)
• India
18 Dec 08
Its better to delete such messages immediately rather than forwarding to other people ,they will also get annoyed for getting such messages.I too get such messages on mobile.some people are too serious about such things and keep forwarding but mostly i delete such silly things .I think no one should encourge these msgs then thell will not pass on.we should have respect in our heart but this is not the simply threatening...
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• Philippines
25 Dec 08
I agree with you karubod! Enjoy smart myLotting :)
@roinuh (38)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
just delete it...ignore it...that is nothing..i received that too at my mails and sometimes some are too scary story that you might send it too to have a goodluck and if not you have a bad luck...but i know that is just a simple message and that's nothing to do with my future.... ignore.. ignore.. ignore... delete.. delete..delete
• Philippines
25 Dec 08
You are absolutely right roinuh, i'll save more time by ignoring and deleting them, time i could use with other beneficial messages that has no strings attached to it.
@lotdj11 (73)
• Canada
18 Dec 08
Since it gives you bad mood, why keep it and let it bother you so long? I think everybody's first instinct would be delete,delete,delete... except those people who keep sending those letters and snicker at the front of their computerssss...
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• Philippines
25 Dec 08
I deleted them, but still they kept on coming thru my friends' and friend's friend e-mails from whom i trust wouldn't send me such.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
17 Dec 08
The reason why this kind of mail uses all sorts of underhand methods to get people to forward it is because spammers use this method to harvest hundreds of email addresses. People who are into sending spam (and there are hundreds, if not thousands) regularly send out this kind of mail, knowing that, sooner or later it will come back to them with hundreds of valid email addresses attached. This is simply because most people hit 'Forward' and type their friends' addresses in the To: box. All of those addresses (including your own) then get attached to the mail when it is forwarded again. And you wondered, perhaps, why you get so much spam!
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• Philippines
25 Dec 08
Ahhh...those spammers are the real culprit then. I wish such nuissance haven't gotten through my friends's friend e-mails, and never will. Thanks for that info owlwings. Have a wonderful day!
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
18 Dec 08
Chain mails are just pranks, probably started by people who want to inject some fun or are mischievous. Of course, not all chain mails portend bad things happening to those who break them. Some do spread goodwill or blessings. Whatever the case, they are an annoyance or distraction. If you choose to believe them, things may just come true for you like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Well, you can choose not to, and I'm quite confident nothing untoward will happen to you. It's like the dark. If you fear the dark and you find yourself in a dark place, then you will surely feel fearful and imagine all kinds of things. So my advice is just to delete away prank mails that you receive and don't let them bother you.
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
17 Dec 08
Welcome to myLot! Delete it and don't think about it again.
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• Philippines
25 Dec 08
Thanks for the welcome and the straight forward advice. Happy day to you.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 Dec 08
I delete them. Period...
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• Quezon, Philippines
17 Dec 08
How old are you? Do you still believe in those things? Don't put your faith on some silly e-mails, notes, SMS, or whatever. Be realistic. Everybody will die, sooner or later, so why bother. Paranoid? You are. Negative thinking will only produce negative things in your life. Try to ignore those chain emails, don't read them, delete them, and empty your trash folder. Go on with your life. Be happy. People who sends out those kind of emails are wretched fools, stupid and geeks. They don't have a life. Don't be like them.
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
You're right etnaonthemoon, but not all the people who forward cursed emails are wretched fools and stupid geeks, I know you dont really mean that because some of them are good friends. Your advice is good nevertheless. Thanks and have a nice day :)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I just delete chain emails, I don't forward them. I have also received several chain mails by post. I just throw them into a waste basket.
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@krfanlim (232)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 08
Unless you're being very superstitious, you should read them, have a good chuckle about it, then press the Delete button. It does no harm, will do no harm, and if you're not doing something wrong or illegal, why worry getting punished by the Higher Beings (if that you believe in them or not).
1 person likes this
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I like your sense of humor. Thanks for the response!
17 Dec 08
I've got a knack for detecting them. I have a good laugh reading them to myself first, and then I delete it. What really frustrates me is if there's a story or something with a really good moral to it, but then at the end it says forward this to 10 friends and get X. That really just ruins the whole thing.
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• Philippines
25 Dec 08
Yep, it's really frustrating, instead of sharing good stories, they usually goes to waste because of the attached curse at the end. :(
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
Don't be paranoid, you know that you are facing the reality, not some chain emails that curses you. I delete them because I read the same chain email message all over again and looks like the recipients who forwarded them got brainwashed by the "curse" of the chain emails. It's like they believed what they read, the fact is that the chain email is threatening them to forward itself or else something bad would happen - that is a crap. I don't believe those chain emails.
• Philippines
17 Dec 08
I delete them, ignore them. These chain emails are what bored people do to occupy their time. And they have a lot of it. I technically don´t care if I get hit by a bus, never get laid, have bad luck for the rest of my life, of be visited by some evil ghost hamster. I don´t feel guilty about these things, it´s just so damned irritating, especially when you´re actually waiting for messages and then these chain emails get dumped over your inbox as if the world wide web is not already full of crap.
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@hildas (3031)
17 Dec 08
I would not worry about this. I get loads of them everyday on different sites I belong to. Just ignore it as they are really not true. Most are made up by kids and it is all fun to them. Just delete them all and honestly you will not be cursed by it at all.
@srijshm (1165)
• India
17 Dec 08
I have deleated hundreds of such messages & my life is just fine. I may not have won a lottery or found hidden treasure, but life is very peaceful with a loving son & wife & lots of mylot friends. Do you wish to pass on this dilema to others? obviously no. so do not hesitate & delete it immediately. You may also politely mail your friend not to send you such messages in future. Your destiny is in your hand & certainly not in those stupid mails. That time and energy could be utilized in sending mylot link to 10 friends!!!
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• Malaysia
17 Dec 08
Delete. If it is your friend, tell him - and warn if it the second time. If not, just spam.
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• United States
17 Dec 08
Delete,delete,delete,cant be afraid of everything,if that was the case we would all be "cursed"
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