Do you make your own homemade pizza? What do you put on it?

@CRSunrise (2981)
United States
December 18, 2008 12:18pm CST
We make our own homemade pizza sometimes. It's just the basic pizza roll that you can buy at any store. We buy our at Wal-Mart. Then, we put on pizza sauce, pepperoni, bacon and cheese. It doesn't get changed around that much. It's some good stuff! hehe
2 responses
@Momma_B (51)
• United States
18 Dec 08
We love doing homemade pizza! We have found a way that we can do our homemade pizza's that everyone can enjoy! We take Grand's biscuits (you can use store brand) and flaky is best. We just take each one and flatten it out to make individual pizza's. We set out a assortment of toppings and then everyone can fix there pizza's exactly how they want them. This works really great especially with picky kids. Even my daughter who has Aspergers really loves them! A great family night! ((HUGS)) Momma B
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
18 Dec 08
That's a interesting idea. We haven't tried to do individual pizza. We just made one "giant" pizza and cut it up. Maybe we'll have to try that one sometime.
@kassdaw (591)
• United States
18 Dec 08
We made pizza last night. When we buy Papa Murphy's pizza we get a lot of toppings and everything. But when we make it at home it either has pepperoni or sausage. We just aren't too adventurous with making our own