Do you buy second hand books?

December 18, 2008 12:37pm CST
I love to read but books, especially the hard covered ones, are quite expensive. I can buy those nice books in the second hand book store. I don't mind if the cover is a bit worn out for as long as the contents are intact, I buy them. I also buy books on sale. How about you, do you buy second hand books?
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23 responses
@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
18 Dec 08
I don't mind buying books secondhand. If its a book that I have been looking for, as long as its not totally tattered and if its cheap, I'll buy it. In fact, I'm looking for a good local used bookstore in my area, and unfortunately, there none that I can find...oh well. So far my source of used books would include the local library and ebay. Overall, used books are one way to add books to my collection without me overspending on my book budget.
@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
20 Dec 08
eBay can be a treasure trove if you know what you are looking for. I just recently purchased a lot of 15 Suzanne Brockmann's books for just a little over $20 bucks, costing each book to be less than $2 each. I'm so pleased with it, and its my Christmas present to my book collection.
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
Yeah, there are lots of second hand books sold at ebay but I haven't tried buying them yet. I might try to purchase through ebay when I get more funds for my paypal
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
That's a good saving tips. We can enjoy reading books without spending so much in it. there are a lot of good books which are sold cheaply in second hand stores. Happy reading.
• United States
18 Dec 08
I sometimes buy books at the library, they don't have a big selection, but if I have an extra 50 cents and I see a good book I'll get it.
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
I didn't know that libraries do sell their books too. Is it much cheaper than in second bookstores?
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
thanks. I will check it. There are many libraries here but I haven't asked if they are selling some of their books too.
• United States
20 Dec 08
I know my library is. There's a section where the books are on sale, mostly though their old and sometimes falling apart, but they are way cheap. 25 cents for a paper back 50 cents for hard back You should ask the librarian at your library if they sell books.
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
27 Apr 09
I do buy a lot of books second hand. My daughter is a big reader and goes through books like crazy. I would much rather buy her second hand book as she rarely re reads any of her books. Some books are really expensive, so to us it is a great alternative. It really doesn't matter if they are well loved and a little worn, they can still be read and enjoyed.
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Hi Breezie! The second hand books are much cheaper than the new ones and you can buy five second hand books for a price of one new book. That's what I do also for my daughter who loves books. But there are books which she collects that I can't buy in a second hand bookstore.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Yes I buy second hand books, its the content that matters not the appearance of the book anyway. Sad to say I no longer have the time to go to book sale stores and look for the book that I need or to scan through the books and see if there is anything interesting. Nowadays, if I need a book, I just go to the bookstore and buy a new one. Saves me a lot of time and effort.
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Hi Silverglint. I agree with you that the appearance of the book doesn't mattter much, its the content that is more important. As the saying goes, "do not judge the book by its cover". Happy reading.
@Ronina (185)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
Hi, I do buy second hand book esp if the story is nice and interesting. I buy second hand book because it is more cheaper than the new one.
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Hi ronina! The second hand book are really much cheaper than the new ones. I also prefer to buy second hand story books for my daughter, especially the hard bound books.
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
I buy second most of the time. I mean there are lots of store that sell second hand books but looks like brand new. And the price is realy cheap. For me the most important is that i can read the book and i learned something from what i read.
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Hi Charlen! You are right in saying that the price of second hand books are much cheaper than that of the brand new. We can get many nice books which we can enjoy reading reading for a very minimal price. Have a nice day reading your books.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
Well, when i was still in college... the only books that i can afford to buy are second hand ones... and when i found those hardbound reader's digest book for a very cheap price... i bought like one every week... and i was able to buy a lot... and read a lot of great novels... even if they were like partially summarized... The books are now in my mother's attic... and i plan to get them when i have my own house... i will dedicate some space for all my books when the right time comes...
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
That's pretty interesting. I am sure you are a book worm. . . There are really many good books in second hand book stores. Hope you would continue buying those books. Have a nice day.
@anaknitatay (1335)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
I think second hand books when in good condition are great! they seem to have a sense of character and history to them. I buy books that are used and on sale as long as they are in good condition.
• Philippines
26 Jan 09
Yeah, books that are in good condition can be great even if they are second hand. I might end up having a second hand book store coz I have bought a lot of second books already.
@dio123 (1788)
• India
19 Dec 08
I never buy any second hand books, though I buy books rarely I prefer to buy only books that are fresh so that I can keep them with me for a long time
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
But there is no problem of buying second hand books if you intend to keep them for long. there are many second hands books in good condition.
@regal_aeros (2605)
• Singapore
20 Dec 08
firstly they are cheaper. Uni textbooks are really expensive! but another reason why i won't hesitate is that 2nd hand books normally have hidden treasures inside. Example, the previous owner might be a hardworking student and have answers or workings of the sample answers all written down. i find that it's easier to study that way.
• Philippines
26 Jan 09
practically, second hand books are alot cheaper than brand new books. That "hidden treasures" sound interesting.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
18 Dec 08
I love second hand shops and I often buy old magazines and second hand books. Sometimes I find some interesting old books and they are much cheaper than new books. When there is a sale at the local library, I always go there and I often buy a lot of cheap books, but you have to be a little careful as the contents of the books are not always intact.
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
yeah, sometimes some pages are missing and you have to go through all the pages before buying the book.
@suzzy3 (8341)
18 Dec 08
Yes I do if they are clean and tidy.brought my husband a book on wildlife.I also buy my grandchildren second hand books to keep at my house so when they come over we look at them together and it does not break the bank ,and they love nannys books.
• Philippines
23 Jan 09
I acutally second books also for my child. There are many hard-bound books that good for the kids. I don't buy much brand new story books for my daughter because the second hand books are better. Her books are now occupying a lot of space in our min library. She is becoming a book worm.
• United States
18 Dec 08
I was thinking about this the other day. Generally I love all things vintage or second hand. That's my style. However, when it comes to books, there's something about a new book. I like to know that it's mine and that it's only been mine. I like that they look nice when I put them on my book shelf. I don't like to see that the Book has already been worn in by someone else. That's my job and I love doing it. Books are the only time where they just have to be new for me.
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Admittedly, new books are great but they are a bit costly. If I have enough financial resources I can purchase some. Thanks.
• South Africa
22 Jan 09
I love browsing through second hand book stores, and I have discovered many real treasures that way. Obviously, you'll think twice about buying something like an annual or a computer book that way, as you'd want those to be as up to date as possible, but especially when it comes to subjects such as history and fiction, you can sometimes find really useful books that you didn't even knew existed. I once found this really unusual book on music - it looked like it had been through the Great Flood and the back cover was missing, but the content inside was pure magic.
• Philippines
26 Jan 09
That's interesting. If I have time to get over to the old books, i always find pretty good books.
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
Unlike other stuff, the value of the book for me doesn't depreciate. What is more important is the content of it. The author work so hard for it to materialize that alone should be consider in buying second hand books. You could also hand it down to your offspring then to grandchildren. In a nutshell books that you like is worth buying whether new or old.
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
I don't really like books with hard covers unless I get to keep them at home. But since I read books every where, I now prefer soft bounds one because they're more convenient to bring around. I do buy second hand books if the plot seems interesting. Unfortunately, there aren't any second hand books on relatively new releases. For example, there aren't any second hand books on the Harry Potter series (here in the Philippines) because no one wants to sell their copies :P Thanks for the response on my discussion!
• China
23 Jan 09
yes, I like buy second hand books ,they are cheap ,aslo can save me a lot of money ,you could find some classical and good books in the second hand book store.that is really a excited thing for me.
@sinokirin (900)
• China
20 Apr 09
In fact,i particaly like the second hand books, and i always go to book-stores to find an old book,which i feel good and i think i would like reading,of course, the books must be clean and have good thinking for i wish there are some records in books by the ex-readers,just like a game to share the knowledge...... 20.04,2009,Beijing Time
@Dustmite (88)
• India
19 Apr 09
buying second hand books is a good thing because it is an Eco-friendly measure as the books are being recycled again which is a great step to decrease deforestation hence saving the environment as well as it saves your money and sometimes you get ready made underlined facts in the books which is more advantageous...
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
no.i rather have a new one so that I know that is not used by someone who may be sick