Are you still optimistic even though life has given you a lemon?
By apples99
@apples99 (6556)
United States
December 18, 2008 6:32pm CST
Ok I know some of you might be wondering what dose she mean by lemons well in the USA some people use the word lemons to discrib a bad car and other things that might not be so nice, or in this case a rough life, Iv had what some might consider a bumpy ride in life as I'm sure some of you have had too, but to spite my life situations I'm still very optimistic about life, yea Iv had my down moments but I always seem to pull myself together and keep my hopes alive through stormy times, because I know there is purpose for my life, and theres always a light at the end of the tunnel and there are people who are going through things that are much worse. and yes there are times when I feel like things will never get better, and I know I will probably feel that way again, but I try to remember that usually whenever something bad happens something good always fallows, and each day is a new day of hope, I no that might sound sort of sappy, but for the most part its true, and so I choose to view the world with new eyes each day. well let me stop now I bet some of you are thinking this post is way to long lol, let me ask the question again.
Are you still optimistic even though life has dealt you a hard hand?
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15 responses
@keithstieneke (823)
• Lincoln, Nebraska
19 Dec 08
I have had many ups and downs in life. At one point I was making about $6,000 a month in marketing. Then one of the companies went under, the other changed it's marketing plan and canned my upline for reasons I've always thought were foolish. On top of that my father became ill with Multiple Myeloma and a friend 20 years younger than me got into trouble and went to prison while just seventeen. This happened many years ago.
I went back to work although I did not want to, my father passed away after a year of being ill, and my friend eventually got out of prison although he has been through some tough times such as a rough divorce and twice a male type of cancer which strikes the young.
Yet, I try to persevere and I do believe that God has a greater purpose for me and that my ship is just waiting to come in. Like they say "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Or "If life is a bowl of cherries, what are you doing in the pits?"

@armarmstrong (12)
• China
19 Dec 08
Thanks for your lemonade. You just teach me a way how to get through the difficulties.
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@mzplased (255)
• United States
19 Dec 08
I think that you have a very good attitude. I share that with you. Life has been not so great since I can remember BUT someday I will get my just deserved, so will you. I just dont think life would be any better having a pity party everyday. I do see people like that and I think "how sad" for them. I just think you have to be optimistic or your going to be much more unhappy than you already might be.
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
19 Dec 08
I agree with you, we cant go through life feeling sorry for ourselves but instead move forward and keep our hopes alive and stay positive because each day is a new beginning and anything can happen for us if we strive and remain optimistic.
thank-you and happy posting.

@riyasam (16556)
• India
19 Dec 08
While being skeptical can be a healthy way to avoid getting taken advantage of, being pessimistic - that is, always assuming the worst - can have major negative consequences on your life.Just because you've experienced pain or disappointment in the past does not guarantee that it's all you'll experience in the future. There were many things in your past that you couldn't control, and everybody comes across unfortunate circumstances at some point in their lives - you're no exception. But there are also many things in life we can control to one degree or another, and therein lies the possibility of change.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Awww I know life can be pretty difficult and sometimes I have trouble feeling optimistic also, but after a while those lemons turn in to the best tasting lemon aid ever and eventually I become optimistic again, but I know that there will always be some sort of obstacle to climb, but usually theres always a light at the end of the tunnel and those dark clouds eventually disappear.
believe me, you wouldnt believe some of the hardships Iv had to over come and I still have a few hardships to deal with but I just take it day by day and hope for the best and things usually have a way of working out.
Anyway thanks for responding, and I wish nothing but the best for you and your family happy posting.

@happyforever (191)
• China
19 Dec 08
Life is challenging! I believe that FAILURE IS THE MOTHER OF SUCCESS. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get. So i prefer to be optimistic even though life dealt me a hard hand. All will be better!
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@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
19 Dec 08
I've had my ups and downs, but I try to be optimistic. I've always been thought that no matter how bad things or for you, there is someone in worse shape.
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
19 Dec 08
I try my best to be optimistic... But at times my best attempts fail...
for the most part things work out better, or was a challenge I learned from...
But, the last few years that challenge has been my family... I have formed a pure love/hate relationship with them... I love them cause they do love me and care for me, but I hate them because they hold me back from getting a job, and a real life....
and now that the economy has gone downhill... I feel really depressed to see millions of people all losing their jobs, thier homes and cars... and knowing that thousands of them been forced into the similar situation I am in..
Suddenly no one will hire them...
I keep talking about new technologies, and new businesses, and sharing millionares and billionare stories... and trying to encourage others to have hope..
But its really hard... when I am barely hanging onto that hope myself.
I find I either tend to be to enthusiastic and optimistic at times... and at other times so pessismistic that people are not looking forward to even saying a hello...
I don't ever want to be that way...
But, I am...
Want to buy my lemons? ....
I prefer to bury the lemon.. then over time water it.. and hopefully as time passes the lemon grows into a big lemon tree :d ... Then I can sell those lemons.. as success stories later on :D ... OR this is what I went through.. you are going through a hard time.. hang in there... You can make it through too.
- DNatureofDTrain
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
19 Dec 08
Me too, I sometimes have trouble being optimistic, and I have had days were I just felt awful about everything but eventually, I start to slowly feel positive aging and I know that I have will have those bad days again because life is filled with ups and downs, but I think I will aways be a positive person through the rough things in life, and you have to have a healthy amount of both optimism and pessimism.
Oh and by the way I dont think I need anymore lemons lol.
thank-you for your interesting and humorous responds.

@miamilady (4910)
• United States
19 Dec 08
I am not as optimistic as I once was. It has been a difficult 12 months for me.
I haven't given up on life yet, but it's more of a chore for me to remain positive. I am hoping that things will start to get better soon.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
19 Dec 08
I guess I receive a lot of lemons in life; who doesn't? Still, I am learning to turn them into something far more positive! I am trying to adopt a positive attitude on a daily basis now and I find that this really helps me. I always have hope for the future! As long as you have breath in your body then there's always a chance that you can change things! I guess it's a bit of action here, a bit of action there and you will really find things starting to change for the better. Good luck. I hope that you start receiving more oranges as opposed to lemons! Andrew
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 08
There is a saying that when life throws you a lemon ,make lemonade.This statement is really saying that you should be resourceful and dteremined to make the most of every bad situation.It speaks to the fact that sometimes a good situation is wrapped in an unattractive package and it is how we unwrap it that we obtain benefit from it.Consequently not folding under pressure and persisting with hard work is definitely away to overcome bad situations
@bantilesroger (341)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
I have already set my goals in life. Because of this, I take the long view, and I am not easily discouraged. I have had a lot of lemons in my life, but mixed with them were sweeter fruits which I also savored. Although not fully enjoyable and satisfactory, I consider the hard hand as full of challenge and surprises, a chance to temper myself for tougher times and tasks ahead.
@aakay4u (799)
• India
19 Dec 08
Well our life is like a valley,we have ups and downs in life.The day we stop being optimistic its a full stop in our lives.So no matter what we have to hope and work for the best.Yes at times we do feel bad and depressed but its all in mind.We have to be strong enough to overcome the challenges in life and move ahead.
@MagicKira (39)
• United States
19 Dec 08
I try to always find the silver lining in things even if its just a sliver that can be overlooked, because otherwise I'd go crazy thinking about the "what ifs", and I do that easily enough as it is I don't need help lol. Sometimes I find a positive and sometimes the "what ifs" turn a situation that could have been great into something really bad that I don't want to relive or think about.
@liisafiat (659)
• Latvia
19 Dec 08
I would like to answer to this question with this one quote: "WHEN life gives You LEMONS- find somebody who HAS vodka, and MAKE A PARTY!".
It means that I tend to pass my LEMONS quickly and without huge grief. I might even ignore them. Anyway: we don`t have all bad days: `sometimes` there are GOODY ones, right? So I would like to look forward more to those GOODY ones rather than grief over-and-over again the bad ones.
@RMprincess (34)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
19 Dec 08
I'm always optimistic. Of course, I had some really bad and hard points of my life, but at the end I always found a way out of it. I just keep thinking that eventually good things will happen. Because I believe good things happen, just like bad happen too.