Men i whant to listen your excuses!!!!!
By melizabth
@melizabth (15)
United States
December 19, 2008 1:54am CST
Tell me why 99.99% of men look for super women,so selfish. First you look for a pretty face,good body,inteligent girl wich is acceptable, then after marriage and kids you expect the sameone but improved, like;;; take care of the kids drop them off take care of the house, clean, cook,help the kids with home work listen to you give you massages give you advice, confort you, have cuchicuchi with you, ooo and dont forget to be sexy and still have a good body!!!!!! if you could even have just a vague idea on what we women go thru to have a baby our body changes explodes suddently you walk funny,your back aches (imajine a nail stuck in your lower back) a lot, your feet swell,your face swell,and many other things too at night you cant sleep because you need air, o and dont forget the peeing. labor is horribe trust me i had 3 natural births no pain killers even if you had pain killers the after aches are kind of the same as contractions while giving birth hurts like come one is braking your hips the iv is horrible and the cherry on top you are afraid you might scare the doctor with your dinner's visit heheheh (wich is only the child pushing)lol some times. o and on top of that guess what you are worring about not shaving your legs or what ever else in a month... so tell me why do you expect or at least wish for a perfect women after all the change that we go thru pregnancy...
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11 responses
@savengt (89)
• Singapore
19 Dec 08
Well, it is human nature.
However, it is not acceptable for husband to despite their wife for their looks.
Love is the priority. My wife put on lot of weight when she was pregnant but i still find her beautiful. It is the loving heart that will change your perspective and vision rather than just looking through physical eye.
You are right, it will be terrible for me to demand same figure and look from my wife after she go through the labor for our baby.
She is still my wife, fat or slim. However she managed to return to her original figure after the pregnancy.
To me, my wife is always perfect. she doesnt need to have good look or figure to be perfect in my slight.
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@metaljunkiechuk (225)
• Belize
19 Dec 08
Well speaking for me and only me as a man (tho i have yet to be married and have children of my own-i am only 19) i'd say it all goes back to our human nature. We want to reproduce with the most desirable female so our strongest genes, our traits can be passed on. I must say you women go through a lot and to see a guy just treat you guys like that is utter nonsense. I know that if and when i do get married and have kids i for sure would not act and treat my wife like that. I respect mothers for having to go through all the labor n complications.
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@melizabth (15)
• United States
19 Dec 08
lol yep i mean dont get me grong i dont get mistreated but i see when my husband tries to look some where else and when i catch him looking he just laughs and plays it off but i just think is not fair we go thru all those changes and ya' just stay the same and wait for the baby but right now you dont even have an idea of what married life is like you probably most likely will not think this way 10 yrs with the same person so advice!dont get married...
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
21 Dec 08
You forgot to mention that the woman is also expected to hold down a full time job outside the home and bring in ALMOST as much money as the man. Heaven forbid that she earn MORE.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
wow you sounds like me but maybe 1 year ago or something..hahah i had two kids and i am big, lol and i was like having problems with my husband because he was complaining how big i got..and i was so stressed out and all... and we keep on having arguments that is not necessary, but i was like thinking it was just a phase and the change was geting in between us, i was feeling neglected because it feels like he only sees me physically and not what i do for our family, for him and for the kids... but i came to a point of break down and explosion, taht i confronted him and told him how i elt..but he also told me how he felt because he thought i was forgetting about myself and how i look like lol but i also told him i was busy taking care of everyone i dont have time for myself! it was really hard, but we got through it, we compromised..he help around the house enough for me to have time for myself and in the end i got what i want and he got what i want, i tried to be thinner and of course try to still look attractive for him..which also makes me happy, i am not perfect he knows that but i am also satisfied because he now accepts me for who i was hard but i am glad we got through it with prayer of course!
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@melizabth (15)
• United States
19 Dec 08
you know the most important thing is to be happy with you self or if you are not just get up in the morning take a shower put some thing nice on, litle make up and trust me is going to change little by little the way you look at your self and is going to give you the little push you need thru the day to start caring about your self i have 4 children and before i get pregnant im 135-140 and @ 9 mths i go up to 240 thats how big i get in pregnancies it takes me a yr to losse those lol only to get pregnant again so ive decided that for this time i wount get skinny lol im @ 160 now and hopefully no more kids.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
19 Dec 08
yes i know what you mean.. but we got over it and things are great now :))
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@SpikeTheLobster (6403)
19 Dec 08
Why do we want a perfect woman? Well, firstly there are no perfect women or men, so we just want everything we want, not pure perfection (as I always say about my partner - "she's not perfect, but she's perfect for me").
And if we want a perfect woman it's partly because women want a perfect man. Romantic comedies and other such film and TV nonsense (not to mention literature) have been teaching us for decades that True Love exists, yada yada yada. So we all want it.
Well, most people. I'm just lucky enough to have found the perfect person for me. Even if she does drive me nuts sometimes, lol!
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@madeline_sandwicke (68)
• Canada
19 Dec 08
There is someone who feels my pain! I'm not a pain, thank god, but yeah men are such the hypocrites. They want a fling with supergirl, or wonderwoman, and their not looking for their stength if you know what I mean. And then they want to turn around and get with a decent girl for marriage, if they're smart. You cna't have a wife and a mistress! YOu can't have the good girl and bad! TOo late though, it's in men's genes! They can't help let's think of creative methods of punishment, like hitting them with rolled up newspapers when little boys become accustomed to barbies...just kidding, nothing so drastic. BUT this is the reality of being a man.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
19 Dec 08
And women want men to be tall, dark, handsome, buff, sexy, rich, smart, and kiss their feet and wait on them. Work and give them all the money they work for, Never feel sad, tired, hurt, disappointed, don't get fat, sick or go bald. Come home and be super dad and husband every night, pay all the bills, take care of broken cars, machines, and bring flowers, candy, candles, jewelry and lavish them. The reality of being a woman is they are not superwomen and men are not supermen and not all are going to stay sexy, beautiful, studly or be smart all the time. Women are no better than men when seeking or choosing a mate they pass up really good, honest, loving men, kind and generous for the first description then when they get him they don't like what they get. They say I can't marry my best friend" Why is that. I sure did and it has been working great going on 40 years. Why would you marry anyone else? As to having a good girl and bad oh yes oh yes they can if the girl knows or woman knows how to play it. You get what you invest in.
Way too many men and women look at only the physical and fail to look beyond the surface beauty and beyond the shallow outer shell of personality. Few delve deeper to the real person behind the mask. If they did we would have a lot less divorce, broken homes and lack of commitment.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
19 Dec 08
First of all it is not just the guys fault. It has to do with society, commercialism and the media selling the idea that every woman should have a size 6 figure, long flowing perfect hair and teeth, and be super woman have kids, work, take care of home, house, husband and still always look gorgeous and never age but perpetually look like she is 25 at the most, even pregant commercials the woman is sexy and full of smiles. They never sell reality even commercials with colds and things the woman is always beautiful, thin, sexy and perfect. Furthermore they portary a lot of men as either super sports jocks or total clowns and buffoons. Both women and men fall somewhere in the middle.
Secondly a lot of men work hard to work and put food on the table, some work in all sorts of weather and elements and very highly dangerous jobs so the wife and kids can have a roof over their head, food on the table, clothing, and nice things. They come home and are tired from dealing with co-workers, customers, bosses, traffic and what ever the job stresses in general are.
They are tired, they are cold, hungry, maybe in pain too. But they have to be "The MAN" and not complain, cry, or hurt. For me I am 100 percent glad I am a woman and not a man. I had five children all natural and it did not hurt half as much as your putting on. Nor was it half as bad, It is a personal choice to shave legs and arm pits, I don't did once or twice hair came in darker and thicker and I learned the more you shave the thicker and darker it gets so I stopped. You make it sound like being a woman, is a terribly hard ordeal every day and it isn't. I know honey I have been around a long time and I have a very wonderful, kind, loving, giving, husband of 39.8 years. He has endured and put up with a lot and so have I. It is called marriage. Deal with it. I don't feel sorry for you at all.
@johnnynfl (87)
• United States
20 Dec 08
Sounds to me like your relationship has gone to hell and your pissed! Don't put your misfortunes on everyone else. Your case is the exception, not the norm. Try and have a nice day and if things are that bad you need to think about getting out and finding someone new.
@raven66 (335)
• Canada
19 Dec 08
I very much understand what your saying...
But you see ...both men and women in todays society are way too influenced my the "VANITY" and "SEXY"...and "HOT" I call it.
Evrywhere you look its all about the LOOK!!
One has to look beyond all this when relating to our partners.
@Sara101 (39)
• China
20 Dec 08
i quite agree with your point of view, but we can do nothing about it, bcz it's
human nature. As far as i'm concerned you need some skills to ease the
relationships between you and husband. A family life needs some surprise also.
Let him know the importance of a family , every family member will stand by his
side whoever confront troubles.Be more patient and forgiving......
we are women...and same situation...