Religion at schools
By violeta_va
@violeta_va (4831)
December 19, 2008 6:58pm CST
My son is starting school next year and I was told they are going to have religius studies at school once a week. I really dont feel comfortable with this for few reasons:
* He is going to be 5-6 when this starts and I belive he is too young for that
* We are religius but we dont follow the same "branch" we are Orthodox and many of our teachings and belives are different to the roman catholic church
* I want to be able to teach or pass on my belives to my son first and then he can learn about other religions just the way I did
How do you feel about religion at school expecially for such young kids?
How do I aproach this with the teachers?
This is not a religious school this in normal public school by the way.
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15 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Dec 08
I am okay with religion being taught in schools as long as your child goes to a school that teaches your religion.
Why is your child in a school that teaches religion if you are not a member of that organization?

@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Dec 08
Can you request that he not take the course? Is it an option to home school him?
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Because this is not a religious school its a normal public school that runs a program and most schools in the area have the same program so its not like we have a choice. The first thing I checked when looking for a school was that it was a non religius school and this was not well except now they are telling me that they have this program.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Home school him as in complitly or just for that program??? I wont home school him complitly but religios studies will come from my lips one way or another. It sais you can withdraw the child from the program but does not say what the child will do in that time been kicked out of his class as the lesson takes place in their classroom.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Dec 08
As long as they are teaching about all religions, I think it is a great thing. I think kids should be all exposed to all differences in religions and cultures and at a very young age. I was raised catholic and I was exposed to many different religions and even attended ceremonies of various religions as a child. It did not hurt me at all. When I was at my mormon friend's house, I obeyed mormon rules and when I went to their church, I went by their rules. Same with other religions and other ways of living. I don't think learning about other religions will hurt your son at all as long as your particular religion does not preach that all other religions are wrong. It's not like they are going to be preaching to him about what to believe...just teaching him that there are many other belief systems. I think it'll be ok.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Dec 08
P.s....I also want to be clear that altho I was raised catholic, I chose not to follow the catholic religion once I reached an adult. The best thing about being shown and taught ALL religions and even non-religions...I was allowed to decide for myself and my parents were actually fine with it. Kids should be taught all the information available to them so that in the end they can make a decision that is right for them on everything.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
No they are not teaching about religion as in all of them they are teaching "christian religious education" and its by the catholic church with chaplains and its all about the Catholic point of view. Things like "What is God like?—Bible pictures of God", "Children are special to God—children in the Bible", "Some of God’s friends—famous Bible characters", "We can talk to God—prayer, song and movement", "People have let God down" and this is for Topics in Launch CRE curriculum for students 4-6 years old.

@riyasam (16556)
• India
20 Dec 08
i think this is a necessary evil.i think,you have to start telling him of your beleifs also.The presence and extent of religion in public schools is one of the most difficult and contentious issues when it comes to the separation of church and state. On the one hand are those who sincerely believe that a lack of religion in the schools "teaches" atheism or secular humanism, resulting in a decline in morality and performance. On the other hand are those who sincerely believe that state sanctioned religion and state supported religious observances infringe upon the religious liberties of all students.

@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
My son is confused as it is (having mild Autism) if he gets 2 different things that would only confuse the hell out of him.
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@livewyre (2450)
20 Dec 08
I find myself agreeing with barehugs (and this doesn't often happen..) I don't see any harm in children learning about different religions - that's how it was taught in my school and I loved to learn about different faiths and went on to study others in my own time. I remember a lot of what I learned about Judaism and Islam to this day and can only think of it as being a positive experience. (Doesn't have any effect on my own faith at all...)
I'm a little confused as to why you would think Catholicism would be taught in a state school?? Is this really the case - if so you should be given the choice to opt out of acts of worship and you should be able to check that they teach religious studies in an even-handed way. Get some advice from whatever Orthodox sources you can - I am sure it is likely that this is an issue that has been addressed before by someone somewhere in your locality..
There should be established guidelines for teaching religious studies which you can get from your local education authority. Your approach to the teachers should be about ensuring that their curriculum keeps to those guidelines.

@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Catholic or Roman catholic or protestant or orhodox it makes no difference as it still does not ofer a choice. In Macedonia (my birth place) they have religious studies but the kids (or parents) have the choice to learn Orhodox or Islam or a class on all religions or no religion at all (so they have 4 choices) and this is a country with 2 million people 80% of which are christians. And they dont start untill much later not 5 years old.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
But that is my point if they are learning about all religions and branches than that is fine by me but what they are doing is preaching Catholic belives to non catholics. We are not given a choce what they learn it is just done. The christian Orhodox church and Catholic church are different thats why we have the 2 or they would have been the same right??? All the information I was given sais that its Christian teachings but does not say which christian (not untill you read the fine print where it sais Christian catholic council) And at 5 they should be learning the alphabet not sins and hell and heaven.

@healer (1779)
• India
21 Dec 08
Religious studies at school is not a very good idea, specially in today's world. During my school days we use to have a subject called moral science which was of great help and in that it did not cover any particular religion but it was good for everybody. School should not try to impart a particular religious subject as it will create an unhealthy society as we can see today in various countries even without this education.

@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
22 Dec 08
I'm Christian, but my husband is Catholic. It can be confusing for a child this young to learn different religions, so we go by the Christian ways when we talk to our kids, but we also share the Catholic ways as well. We keep an open mind about things... Sometimes the younger the better. But, it can be confusing... heck it's confusing for adults...
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
21 Dec 08
You are right and it is so wrong to teach Christian (catholic) principals, belives and values to non christians. I am a christian and I am upset about it (as I am not Catholic and the Orthodox church does not share the same views) I can imagine how budist, and hindu and pagan and muslim feel.

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
20 Dec 08
Yes, its Ok to teach religious studies in Public Elementary Schools, but with conditions.
I would insist that at least 3 religions be studied, and the children given a chance to talk about each one, and make comparisons.
In Catholic schools the kids are brainwashed with Catholicism, and not given any chance to ask questions or make comparisons.The Catholic Church, failing to find sufficient recruits for their Religious Seminaries, is desperately trying to retain their faithful, and to sign up as many as possible.
Public schools need to teach religion as a subject, rather than a creed,( as the Catholic Schools do.) Don't ask the teachers, Tell Them how you want your kids taught. If your wishes are not followed pull your kids out of that class and teach them yourself!
@Isabellas2007 (192)
• United States
20 Dec 08
I am going to assume that your not Catholic. The Catholic schools do not brainwash anyone. As with any person they are free to make up their own minds. However some people do remain true to the Church, but some fall away from the church after they graduate.
The Church is hurting for vocations, but as far as pushing it down peoples throats they do not do that. They are not like alot of recruiters that will give you no choice but to do what they say, instead they typically allow God to do the talking to the person so they can find the call instead of them having to push it down someones throat. Why recruit someone that will only hate the job or do something to bring a bad light on the church?
Yes, in a public school more than one religion should be taught because I can name three right now that in history have had an enormous impact on the world. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. They have all had a big impact on the world and have many historical basis for wars and such to the credit of all three religions. So that would be rolled into a history class as well.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
But is it ok to do it to 5 year old kids. They have 2 subjects in prem maths and English and they have lots of play time sports and art because they cant cope with biology and history and geography but they have religion??? How does that work?? At that age kids should be learning about religion from parents not as a subject as school between arts and crafts and outside play.
@Isabellas2007 (192)
• United States
20 Dec 08
The teaching of religion gives the children a good moral basis to start off life with. Without a moral basis then children have no guidance. Granted more than one religion should be taught if it is public school. Geography and the other subjects could be taught at home as well as religion. Remember the best learning starts at home!
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
22 Dec 08
The younger the better is how I have always seen it.
I think you should start teaching your son now about your own religion.
About the school, thats a hard one since you have different views & not the same religion...
I wish public schools would make their mind up... one minute they don't allow it, then the next it's a must...
I think if it was me, I would be okay with it, depending on what is going to be taught. I think letting a child explore different religions is a good thing.
Usually in public schools when they do have things like this, they usually don't get to into it with younger kids or even the older kids. I think they throw small things out here & there.
I would talk with the school & find out what it is they talk about & then you can decide if you want him to be around that or not... I do belive if you request him not to be around, they will probably do as they do at most schools... & that is move the child to another room to color or something else & then bring him back to his class when they are done doing what they do...
Goood luck....
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
22 Dec 08
I dont have problems with him learning about religions as long as it is all religions and its like any other subject. Not when he is learning how to pray and sing the way another religion does that is strictly against what I belive. I hate been in this situation.
@vinothkumar08 (474)
• India
20 Dec 08
i think it is unncessary for the small kids to teach about religion at their tender age as these children dont understand any thing.i think u can change the school with which you are comfortable.i think government should take steps in eliminating religious actions that are performed in the is better that you join him in a school that preaches your religion...happy mylotting .........have a nice day.....
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
there are only 2 schools in the whole city that preach my religion (christian orthodox) and they are both Greek and Greeks and Macedonians dont go well together :))) But all the schools are running the same program as far as I know with this religious stuff. I have nothing against religion but the way its done its wrong I think.
@arthi_88 (1516)
• India
20 Dec 08
I don'y support studying religion in school at such young age. Its the time when they learn to explain or reason everything and teaching religion at such tender age will develop people who are either fanatics, atheists or a person with confused belief in later part of their lives. Every school should rather have a subject at later stages when the child is older and the subject should teach about all the religions of the world on a comparative basis so that the future person not only knows his religion but understands that all religions are different way to live and should be respected.
Also something as personal as religious belief should start its roots from home and not school. Parents should have the freedom to teach their beliefs to their children.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
My point exacly my son would be so confused I know this for sure and its beyond me why they do it at such a young age and at a public non christian school.
@shalli17here (627)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 08
hi Violeta =)
i think to get a religius study at school is important, but if its the same religion with the parents. if not, i'd rather my child skip the class when it comes to a different religius class. why can i say this ? coz in my country, every public school has separate every different religions to its own classes. so there's no way that a moslem student get into the christian's class, and vice versa =)
n i agree with u, the parents will always hoping that their childs will follow their belief first, if they could forever. either i will do that to my childs when i will have one tho lol coz i havent married yet neither have a child lol.
have a nice day violeta..oh n btw, its a good topic
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Thanks for that I agree with you. Why does anyone has a right to teach my child something that I know nothing about or is oposite to what I belive. For Gogs sake they are even changing science books and evolution but they think its ok to teach non Catholics the Catholic religion and that we should be ok with it.
@pmspratik (202)
• Nepal
20 Dec 08
Well to tell the truth you shouldn't be sending a kid to a school where they teach about religions as you kid might actually oppose you later if you do. Religions as a part of study isn't really good as they are for life not for course. You should probably send your kid to some other school or otherwise just tell the teachers that you don't want your kid to be learning some kind of foreign religion. at least tell them that you don't want your kid to give up the religion you guys are following.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
The school that we choose for my son is non religius school (as in Catholic or whatever) it is a normal public school but as of 2006 the government gave schools more money to run this program and most school do well at least in my area they do. When the school year starts I will be talking to the principle and my sons teachers about this.
@Isabellas2007 (192)
• United States
20 Dec 08
I think it is great that they are teaching religion to children that young! It is never to young for a child to begin to learn about God and Our Savior Jesus Christ! As far as the Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic question I would ask your Priest what you should do first, because the last time that I was listening to the radio they actually commented about the Orthodox church starting to become more like the Roman Catholic church. So I would use your priest as a starting point.
Wonderful that a public school has finally woke up and decided to do what is right and teach the law of God! About time that they did something for themselves rather than worry about what the liberal government and naysayers will say. I support that school 100% and hope that they never change on teaching religion!
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
How is the orthodox church becoming more like catholic church are we going to take up the saints from the catholic church and re build the churchus to look like Catholic Churches. that is so out of place for whoever said that as the orthodox church has not changed a bit. If the catholic church said that it tolerates other churces than how do they show that oh yeah by forcing their point of veiw on 5 year olds. I am sure all the budist, and hindu and muslim are overjoyed with the idea in this democratic country that we live.
@Isabellas2007 (192)
• United States
20 Dec 08
I offered up advice by telling you to talk to your priest. I am sure that the other religions do love our country because they can practice them without being persecuted. However, I do not think that the Catholic Church presses its views on young children. After all is it not up to you if you want your child to even go to that school?
@Khayam (346)
• Romania
20 Dec 08
Although you might disagree, I consider that introduction of religious studies (even ecumenical) in any educational programs should be avoided.
- first of all due to the high risk for proselytism to occur(certain norms, rituals, visions could be presented as the 'true ones'). A Roman Catholic believer would impose a Christian system of values based on the 'primacy of Rome' variable, a variable contested by all other Christian Churches.
- secondly because serious religious studies can't be covered in one hour each week (taking into consideration that there are at least 5 dominant religions (3 Abrahamic monotheistic ones and 2 polyteistic ones). Atheism, as the main alternative to religion itself, should be also defined and studied. You might ask why? The answer is simple: during ages there were many atheist personalities that played an important role in the developement of the human civilization; needless to say, there is a possibility for one of the children in that class to become a new Thomas Paine, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Galileo Galilei, Friederich Nietzche, John Adams, Thomas Huxley, Percy Shelley, etc)
Presenting only a part of this portofolio of religious beliefs might affect the developement of a child's system of values. Religion should be shaped around the concept of "free will", not imposed even under the form of "historical analysis".
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
21 Dec 08
I have no issues with kids learning about religions as a subject covering all religions as in what people belive and that sort of things but when you take 1 single religion and you teach kids how to pray and whatever in just that 1 religion that is wrong in every shape and form as Australia is multicoltural but they are forcing this on everyone. My son already knows few things about my religion but as he is still young and nothing is expected of him I see no reason to teach him about it yet.
@imahamo (15)
• New Zealand
20 Dec 08
Hey violeta,
Religion is a very controversal subject, emerging since man first appered on earth and has survived till this day. To answer your question, I guess as long as they teach a variety of religions and not just one, it is okay. But then again, I never studied religion while in school, I got taught that at home by my parents. So, in a way, I only learnt my parents faith, which is good. For me the key, is to teach your son your faith but to also teach him to acknowledge that other people have different beliefs, you don't have to accept it but it should not affect how he will treat other people (my father made that mistake, he has eight kids, he has the lost the oldest five emotionally, the fifth being me, we are alive but we don't really have a daugther/son and father relationship). To decide whether or not whom which religion is right will be his, eventually. Till then, that task falls to you. Since it is a public school, maybe you can ask the teachers to put him in another class that is doing another subject - english, maths etc...which to me will be far more beneficial than a human who did not bring him into this world, teaching him beliefs, morals etc...because quite frankly that is your job. Lol...Good on you for wanting to teach your son your beliefs, it is a dying art.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
No they only teach Christianity and only from the cartholic point. I learned about my religion first and then because I was interested learned about all the others. That did not make me change what I belive in but made me understand more about people. At 5 kids are forced to take on what they are told. All the school has the program at the same time so I dont know what kids do if they dont participate in this program.