Ear piercing is cruel but circumcision is ok
By violeta_va
@violeta_va (4831)
December 19, 2008 8:34pm CST
A young mother asked at what age should she pierce her daughter's ears and she was called every name under the sun because she was such an evil, bad mother to put her child in such pain. When someone sugested that many boys are circumcised and that was very painful too but parents still do it, the answer was that is not the same. I know that in a way it is not and not the same body parts are in question but the child has no choice and it hurts a lot and it goes away.
What do you think about this?
When and should girls get their ears pierced (I had mine done when I was a baby and I dont recall it at all).
Is it ok to do one because many people do it in the name of religion and not the other because it serves no particilur reason to do it?
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12 responses
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
20 Dec 08
When I was a child my maternal grandmother take me awhile from primary school and carry me to pierce my ears. My mother was upset. Maybe this is the reason I am not fussy for wearing ear-ring. I think that parents should wait until the girl can decide if she want her ears to be pierced because sometimes when they become older they decide against it.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Thanks for that story since you were older do you know if it was painfull I was to young to remember (and dont regret it at all)
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
20 Dec 08
I remember running out of the shop and my grandmother coming to get me. I was between the age of 6-8. But to tell you the truth D I am afraid of anything that is needle.lol
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
20 Dec 08
As a senior male, I know very little about piercing ears, but circumcision I Know. I helped raise four boys, none of whom were circumcised. I've heard that circumcision is very painful, and I can believe it. None of my boys were circumcised and neither was I. I have never seen anything that would make me think circumcision was of any value to humanity. I have not seen one instance of infection, disease, or cleanliness that would give circumcision any value what so ever. My belief is that circumcision is an Olde Wives Tale, probably picked up in religious circles, that has absolutely no scientific, or health value. Its simply a religious torture that is perpetrated on young boys as a heinous religious ritual that should be outlawed as inhumane.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
My husband is 33 years old and he sais that he has never had an infection in his life my son is almost 6 and same thing never had an issue as well so just because there is a chance that he might get an infection one day I would not do it. I have also worked in the medical industry as a carer to the disabled and only few of my male clients were but we never had infections with any of them. And my husband is a nurse and sais that women always have infections but men hardly ever do.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
I have the same view when it comes to my son but dont mind if people decide to have it. None of my close family members (male) have been circumcised and none of them have any issues. My understanding from what I have read is that it started in hot, dry places due to religion but the explanations are that there was less water there to wash and infections were very common. In todays society where we have water and all that why would a men not practice proper hygine to get an infection. I have been with husband for 7 years and he has not had a single infection on the other hand I have had hips. It is so easy to wash when you are a man.
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
20 Dec 08
I have worked in the medical field and I have seen the infections. Believe me, you would not wish that on your child. Religious beliefs aside, I would recommend all baby boys be circumcised. The people I have had to take care of were elderly men who were unable to keep up with the hygiene required. But I have also heard of others who have been infected. It is not a pretty site and is very painful.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Dec 08
When I was a little girl, we were not allowed to get our ears pierced because only foreign girls had their ears pierced, not good well brought up English girls, so I had to endure wearing those clip ons and having my ears itch because I was allergic to nickel. I did not get my ears pierced until I was in my fifties. Yet baby boys then were being circumcised. It seems there is a double standard here. Oh by the way, piercing the ear does not hurt. It is just like getting a bee sting and if done young enough, the baby will not feel a thing.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Oh dont you love the clip ons (cheap plastic in million colours) :))) I have seen lots of babies have their ears pierced I have friends that have a shop and they do it there and I used to hang out there all the time. many of them did not even cry. And I dont know of anyone having infection from that expecialy babies as they dont touch them or take them out. If my baby is a girl (born 2009 april) she is geting her ears pierced but if I have a boy he will be like daddy and older brother not circumcised.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Dec 08
My brother was circumcised because it was the custom then, and we got our adopted boys when they were three months so have no idea whether they were circumcised or not. (modest -did not check). But as for those clip on earrings, I endured so many itchy ears, and rashes that I never wore earrings again until I got my ears pierced. I would have gotten them done sooner, but there was this old lady in our neighborhood with a needle and thread and ice and since I already had infection from the clip ons, I was not going to get them done, besides my parents would have killed me.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Well its easy to tell if they were or not if they didnt there would have been loose skin on top if they were the only thing visable would be the head and no skin. I am sure you changed their diapers.
I remember with the clip ons (I had my pierced ears then but not allowed to take them out) my neighbour who was clip on fanatic would gave us hips to play with and they hurt like hell so I used to clip them on my other earings instead not on my ears.
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
20 Dec 08
If you ever worked as a nursing assistant or other medical personnel involved in the personal care of a patient and had to take care of a man with a serious infection due to not having ever been circumcised, you would understand that there is also a medical reason for circumcision. Personal hygiene has to be of extra care for the uncircumcised and when a man reaches a point in his life that he is not able to take that personal care, it can be a really bad situation.
Circumcision is much more drastic than ear piercing. I don't see anything wrong with piercing the ears of a baby girl. The pain involved there is not that big of a thing. However, I would definitely make sure the child never wore dangly or hoop earrings until they were at least teenagers as they can get accidently torn from the ears if caught on anything. I had my daughter's ears pierced when she was 3 years old. Beforehand I prepared her for what it would feel like by giving little pinches to her earlobes. When she actually got them pierced she had no problems at all and didn't even cry. She said it didn't hurt.
I do not think circumcision or ear piercing constitutes abuse. If the child grows up and no longer wants pierced ears, not wearing the earrings will eventually cause the holes to close, at least most of the way. I think our perception that something is going to hurt makes us feel the pain a lot more than the small child does because they have no other experience to base it on.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Yes I have worked as a disability worker and personal carer and people get infections not because they are not circumcised but because of lack of personal care and hygine. If the person is unable to care for them selfs then the carer has to do it to prevent infection.
I didnt say it was abuse but we are told wait till the girls are old enough to make decision but cut off boys skin like it or not and he has no choice.
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
21 Dec 08
Ear piercing has nothing to do with health and the girl's choice is based on wanting to look pretty or dress like the other girls, or whatever. No boy or young man is willingly going to want to choose to be circumcised. It is a much worse procedure after the child has grown up. Some men have made that choice, but it is nothing like making the choice to have the ears pierced. I stand by my belief that circumcision is a healthy choice.
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
13 Feb 09
I've also worked as an assistant nurse and NEVER seen any infections due to not being circumcised. I've never even seen a circumcised male - since it never been done here in Sweden (except a few for medical reasons)
This is a strange reason to do it since people in many western countries (and other countries as well) doesn't - the male population there doesn't get infections more than other. More people get problems with appendicitus - wouldn't it be a good thing to take the appendix away when the chuldren were infants?! *lol*

@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
20 Dec 08
I think that both of them are ok. Circumcision is definitely better done at a younger age. I don't see anything wrong with piercing a baby's ears. I probably won't do it though, just because when I had mine done at an older age it got infected and hurt pretty bad. I wouldn't want to go through that with my child.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Both when done at younger age have less chance of complications babies dont touch their ears adults do (I know I have alergy on my ears when I wear earings and touch them all the time which makes it worse). I remember my mother telling me that when my sister was born a nurse came to ask if she wanted them to pierce her ears and they also asked the lady next to my mother if they wanted her boy to be circumcised.
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@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
20 Dec 08
I have a two year old boy and I did not circumcise him. I do not see any reason to cut off part of his body. I would not pierce a babies ear either. They can feel pain and ear piercing pain is nothing like having your skin cut off pain. Why anyone would hurt their baby boy that bad I do not know.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Well aperently its a good excuse for lack of hygine skills :))) If infection is the best reason for it than thanks but no thanks. I have a son and he is not circumcised and has no issues what so ever.
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@Iconoclast1 (389)
• United States
20 Dec 08
Circumcision is a necessary evil. Without it a child can very easily get very uncomfortable skin infections. Ear piercing should be the idea of the child getting it. What does a baby need earrings for? The child should be old enough to decide for his or herself.
@jewilim (495)
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
I think circumcision is really much more painful as compared to ear piercing. But i think its really better to be done when people are still very young so that they would not be able to recall the pain. I think nowadays most people prefer having it done when their children are still babies. I think is really hard if it would be done in the late ages of their children, imagine all the pain that the child would feel if they would be goin through all those things. I think its best to spare the child all the pain and just have it done while he/she is still very young.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
My mother and my mother in law would kill me if I have a girl (as I am pregnant) and dont pierce her ears (in my tradition grandmothers buy earings for the girl) I wore mine non stop from the day they were put in till I was about 14. I was a baby when it was done to me and dont recal it and have no issues with my ears.
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@michiganrawfood (90)
• United States
20 Dec 08
Well, they are very different because one is for medical purposes and the other is for vanity. That being said, I don't ear piercing is horrible because it's not THAT painful. I guess if it gets infected it could hurt, and it may hurt more because their ears are tiny, I don't know. It's hard to know how much it hurts since we can't ask a baby, plus they probably cry way more than it hurts because of the shock, and not the pain. Maybe a doctor or something could back up that it hurts more for a baby because their ears are more sensitive, but I'm not a doctor! I had my ears pierced when I was five (my choice) and it didn't hurt at all. I think parents should just wait until their child is a little older though, because why put them through the shock and the potential pain just because you want them to look a certain way? It just seems needless, and the child should have the right to decide when they are older if they want to have pierced ears or not. They are too young to make that decision. When I got older I decided to let the holes in my ears close because I hate wearing earrings. So, what a waste to have had them pierced in the first place. Obviously a five year doesn't know what's best for themselves. I know ear piercing is minor, and it didn't hurt me, but it really just wasn't necessary.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
Most people have it done not for medical reasons but for religius (when you take in count that muslims and jewish people all have it done but christians and other religions dont and they are the only once doing it for medical reasons). When my sister was born the nurses did it (piercing) and I belive mine was done by a doctor as well. I am such a scary pants and hate needles to a point where I faint and I am glad that my parents did it when they did or I would never have done it by my self. And I love earings I have over 100 right now at home.
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@liisafiat (659)
• Latvia
20 Dec 08
It is not OK to pierce or to tattoo or otherwise to harm Your body ONLY BECAUSE OTHERS do it. And not even if other do it because of religious beliefs.
One should do such things because he/she feels like to go for them. Because a true religious person finds his beliefs within his heart and from the inside of the body, and is not so much into showing it OFF to others by piercing his body!! Maybe it is a tradition there from where You come from, but anyway: tradition that does not bear true meaning behind is useless tradition, I think.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
I dont know in which tradition or religion you have to have your ears pierced but not in mine and it was a general statement something I picked up on another site. The circumcision part was conected to the religion not piercing.
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@cr_offroad (3)
• United States
20 Dec 08
Just my 2 cents but... I am having a baby boy in January, My wife and I have done a lot of research on circumcision. Everything suggests that babies this young do feel the pain all the same but its such a young age that they can not recall it later on in life. We are circumcising our boy now so that he wont have to deal with the pain down the road.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
20 Dec 08
It is apersonal choice to do it or not I have a 5 year old boy and have no reason to think that I made the wrong choice by not having him circumcised he never has any issues. There is nothing wrong with one or the other choice but we cant say that pain is ok for one and not for the other.
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@ank_47 (1959)
• India
4 Feb 09
ear piercing for baby is not pain now a days.u can take her to a beautician or any person u want to take and have pierced in cool manner. now a days there are piercing machine and with it there will be no pain for kids.
and this ear piercing is a custom in india and all people will pierce their kids in india when the kids are between 9 months to 2,3 years and we don;t feel it a evil thing or other.and there is objection and compulsory in any religion. if u want u can get u;r kids ears pierced. or leave it .but there will be no pain for them. it will be just like an injection .just they will once pierce without any pain.