Highly Annoyed! anyone help with posting and copy and past with mylot

December 20, 2008 12:42pm CST
I just spent an hour putting together a great discussion about travelling the world and when i came to post it kept coming up with please only use letters, numbers and punctuation. I checked, checked and checked again and the text was perfect. I have copied the text so i don't lose all i wrote and guess what. I can't copy and paste. So I either scrap the discussion or spend another half hour typing it all in again with a chance it won't work again.. Not happy, is there anythig i can do to get around the copy and paste in this instance?
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16 responses
@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
20 Dec 08
If i'm not mistaken, you need to have reached 500 posts to be able to copy and paste here on mylot. Don't quote me on that, but check on mylot rules. I think its because so many people abuse that feature that it is being reserved to those who have lasted that long in the site. I think you are simply encouraged to type directly on the text box, either when starting a discussion or writing a response. I hope this helps clarify your confusion.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
20 Dec 08
You won't be able to do that since your post is still 1 and the terms says that you need to have at least 500 posts first before enjoying this feature. So sorry for that but there's no other way but to keep on posting in order to reach such numbers.
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@Zalvor (727)
• Turkey
21 Dec 08
Unfortunately you cannot copy & paste until your 500th post. I think this is done to prevent spamming or for a similar purpose. You're right though. I wish myLot would have changed that :(
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
21 Dec 08
I know how you feel.i too have had the same experience in the beginning when i wrote out a long post and when i wanted to copy it here i could not, so i dint do the posting as it was too much of an effort to retype the whole thing.May be i will post it after i reach 500 posts, in the mean time type type.But it has its uses, you try to squeeze in as many thoughts as possible in those 4-5 lines that you type out
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
21 Dec 08
I dont know why you are getting the message about texts ,I have never gotten that message.Where did you actually get that message in the title part?.Also you wont be able to use the copy and paste function until you have made 500 th posts .I dont think there is anyway around this except to keep on posting .Sorry about this ,I hope you will see it as a minor setback and rather as an incentive to keep on posting
@timmons (120)
• United States
21 Dec 08
I did that same rthing just now, talk about frustrating...500 posts is apparently the limit for copying and pasting, it sucks...but thats life I suppose.
21 Dec 08
thanks for everyone's responses.. you wouldn't be surprised how quickly my discussions became 4 to 5 lines after finding out the copy and past restriction.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
21 Dec 08
No there is nothing that you can do about it as you need to have 500 posts before you can copy and paste. That rule applies to everyone and the rule was introduced almost 3 years now, from memory. It was introduced at a time when an element of the members were starting a large number of discussions every day. Often one liners and meaningless discussions as well and unfortunately it was often very difficult to find a good discussion. Also there were some members who would do a copy and paste response. This would be the same response to every discussion, regatrdless of what it was all about. I can recall one time when I read the same very long response from 3 different members and that was what they all used in at least 50 responses. The actual response was about world domination which was strange when the topic migbht have been about gardening. So that is why the rule was bought in and no matter how frustrating that is, it is also something that we all have to live with. If you do not want to retype the discussion you have ready and it is a generic one that can be posted at a later date, then just save it for the present time. Then, as suggestred by another member, concentrate on responding to discussions started by other members. If you do that, you will find that your number of posts will be high enough for you to do a copy and paste. The restrictions on copy and paste are here for our benefit. I can remember that I was about 200 posts when they bought the rule in and found it a bit annoying but somehow I managed to survive. Good luck and you will find that the time until you can copy and paste will soon pass if you are active here on myLot.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
Hi duckteam, unfortunately you can't able to copy and paste as it is one of the guidelines. That's only for now since you are still new but when you reach 500 post that will change and you can able to use copy and paste. Mylot has change this rules for about 1 and half years now i guess. I remember that when i was new here. Anyways, they change it to avoid spammers here because there are people before that used to do copy and pasting other members discussion so as to avoid that they change the feature.
• India
21 Dec 08
Ya i know how irritating it would be when you write in a big discussion and you are unable to post it...but you can do nothing about till you have reached 500 posts in mylot because mylot has restricted copy and paste option for users below 500 posts due to increased spamming by low using members and you do have to adjust with this sort of things to help build this site as a safe site...happy mylotting.....
@jewilim (495)
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
Actually there is really a reason why mylot does not allow just anyone to copy and paste because some people here tend to abuse copy and paste too much. In your case i have also experienced making a long post and after posting there was something wrong with the connection and when i posted it, it all just disappeared when i went back. So what i did there is that whenever i make long discussions i always copy it all and paste it on my notepad(program) before posting incase something might go wrong you still have your long post. You just only have to type it all again but at least your ideas are still there and youll just have to copy it.
@kheealam (95)
• Pakistan
21 Dec 08
It is not allowed to copy from here or just copy there until you have 500 posts.It is a great step to stop spamming here.First complete your 500 posts then try again.
@stiener (735)
• Singapore
21 Dec 08
Hi duckteam, I can understand how you felt when you realized that you cannot copy and paste in MyLot with your current post count. Only for MyLottians with a post count of 500 and above will they benefit for simple but taken for granted features like copy and paste. So do keep your comments coming in and I hope that you will hit your 500th post soon. Cheers and Happy MyLotting...
• India
21 Dec 08
yeah i know i always try to ignore them and give low ratinggs happy lotting and have a nice day
• India
21 Dec 08
I too tried copy/paste and realised it wont be possible till I have posted 500 times. 500 is way too much in my opinion. 250 would have been fine. Still rules are rules!
@warrior_777 (1392)
• Philippines
21 Dec 08
Hi duckteam.. You can't do that copy and paste until you reach your 500th posts. If you reach that you will be able to do your copy and paste option. Once you reach your 200th posts you can add smiley icon in your post and when you reach your 500th posts you can then copy and paste. Read more information from mylot guidelines to be guided. Welcome to mylot and happy mylotting..
• United States
21 Dec 08
Every time I've tried to c&p it says 500. Until yesterday when I forgot that I couldn't paste a web address and did it anyway and it let me. So maybe they lowered the restriction in the last few days or there was a glitch in the system....who knows but I know the message that pops up did say 500.