I have a job interview lined up. Any tips?
By Sillychick
@Sillychick (3275)
United States
33 responses
@nini89 (670)
• India
7 Jan 09
Hi friend! Why to be so nervous.AS usual get ready for the iinterview and you have to there in front of the intervier . Be prepared as you might be having your resume study thoroughly the resume they always asks ssay about yourself. You might be nervous as you were at home for 21/2 years and your son you have leve hime and go to office. Be cool. Happy postiing and have a good luck for the interview.
@audrey7 (232)
• Jamaica
25 Dec 08
First congratulations to you taking on a new challenge. Follow these guidelines and
channel this jitters into your positive energy. They are not in any order but this should help.Remember be confident and prepare.
1. Be knowledgeable about the company- read about the organisation's products, history,goals,mission statement and core values.
2.Have your original certificates and photocopied ones on hand
3. Dress appropriately- It is wise to wear tailored suite, light make-up, ensure what you are wearing can be wore in an organization setting.
4.Be punctual for the interview
5. Review your reasons for applying for the job so that you can deliver effectively when asked.
6. When called in the room greet all according to the time of the day and be pleasant;let the interviewer invite you to have a seat.
7. If you are not clear about a question ask for clarification or even rephrasing.
Go with God's grace.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Good luck to you. And I can understand the nervousness. I have been working at the same job for a long time and when I recently went to put in an app at another place for a second job I was just nervous filling out the app. I had not even had an interview with them.
All I can say is just be yourself. relax and breathe (very important).
Not as an omen, but this might make you laugh. Once after college I went on a job interview and I know I had the job pretty well nailed or at least I was considered until I went to shake their hand and I am not even sure how it happened but when I stood my anle gave out and I kind of stumbld....that wasn't the bad part...I think (like I said it was a blurr because Iwas embarrassed) I may have said something I should not have.
So where comfortable shoes and if you have weak anles....stay away from heels.
Good luck and let us know how it went.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Dec 08
Everyone has already given you pretty good advice such as relax and importantly, be yourself. I know that it is easier said than done not to be nervous, but look at it this way; it is meant to be it will be, if not, it is not the job for you and there is something better out there which is just right. As a last resort you could always imagine your interviewer in their underwear! Wait, that could be bad...(LOL) Anyway good on you on securing an interview and all the best of luck to you, be yourself,deep breathe and relax, answer questions directly and keep answers short. You will do great!
@lotusmine (33)
• China
23 Dec 08
When i got an interview,i felt pretty nervous.But when the interviewer asked me question,i calmed down suddently.Coz i told meself at that moment:Now you have two choics: First,you can answer the questions fluently and naturally,to show them what you real to be,take things as they come.you will forgive yourself if you fail,but you can not forgive yourself if you don't try.Second,be nervous to answer what you would regret.And you will feel remorse after coming out the door.Which one should i choose? So since i think about that, i will be myself.Success or not,do not care too much,just try your best to do it. Then you will gain something what you are unexpected.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
22 Dec 08
Hi there,
I am so glad for you because you scored an interview. Many respondents have given you good advice here on mylot. During my working years I interviewed many people and I feel qualified to add a few comments.
1.Research the company. Either seek out their website or get printed material from them.
2. If it is a store, observe what they are selling.
3. Think beforehand of the questions they might ask: such as what are your strenghts and weaknesses. Acknowlege your weaknesses but turn them into positive assets. For example I can't say no if asked to do extra work, but somhow I always managed to fit it in and I learned from it.
4. Think of the questions you might ask if given the opportunity.
5. Don't ask about benefits and salaries unless invited to do so.
6. Make sure your shoes or boots are shining, shining, shining.
7. Do a dry run with your wardrobe. Have a friend check you out.
8. Have a friend check out your entry and exit through a door. Remember first impressions are formed instantly.
9. Do not wear dangling jewelry or items that will distract the interviewer.
10. Do not accept a refreshment if another person has to serve you.
Above all be confident, smile and if a handshake is offered return it firmly but not overly so.
You should also inform youself what kinds of questions the interviewer can ask you under the labour laws of your state.
I live in Canada and we cannot ask:
1. what is your religion?
2. how many children do you have?
3. do you have adequate day care?
4. Are you a single parent?
5. How old are you?
Be cautious of leading questions and ice breakers such as: what did you do for fun last wekend? If you answer:" I went skating with my kids" the interviewer does not have to ask you if you have children.
In any case I wish you lots and lots of luck. I am sure you will do just fine. If by any chance you do not get the job consider it a valuable lesson and a dry run for the next interview.
@neuronic (242)
• Japan
22 Dec 08
It is very natural that your nervous. But there's no reason for you to be. My advice for interviews is always to control the situation as much as possible by talking a lot. Because, you've got nothing to lose, they need you more than you need them; odds are your advantage.
If your really super nervous, you can always fold your arms in front of you. Thus, disabling yourself from tapping the fingers against the desk. Also, check interviewer's body language as you speak. If they cross their arms, change the subject and start talking of something else.
Make a story about your work life and emphasize the words you want them to remember most when they remember you from an interview. For example, if you're applying for the PR job you can tell them "my previous job involved dealing with people from political sphere, so it improved my ORGANIZATION and PROTOCOL skills". This will stay in their subconscious when they connect you and interview. I usually use words like 'dedicated', 'hard working' and it worked for the most interviews I had.
Being in control is not easy, but once you master your verbal skills it shouldn't be that tough. Plus, define your goals very strictly, that way you'll know exactly what you want, and you'll never be caught in a deadlock situation.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Make sure you've studied up on what is new in your field, dress well, be clean and tidy, go in with a positive attitude and having researched the company you will be working for if you can. This can mean knowing what the restaurant serves, to how the stock is doing for a large company. For a small business find out it's history and find something positive to say so the interviewer knows you were interested enough to find out some facts about the employer before hand. I use to hire for a bank and I was always interested in the first impression I got from the person coming in to be interviewed. I realized they were under stress but i felt that if they held up for the interview they would be ok with any problem with the public. Hope some of this helps LOL
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Good luck! Be sure to have the necessary paperwork. If the interviewer offers his/her hand, give that person a firm handshake. Don't slouch in your seat. Look directly at the interviewer. Be neither glum nor giddy, but be pleasant. Act interested and ask appropriate questions. After the interview, if they don't say on the spot whether or not you got the job, send a thank you note to the company for giving you an interview. Again, good luck!
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
22 Dec 08
When you go to your interviews, instead of being nervous because you've been out of the workforce for a while, show pride in your accomplishment of being there for your son. I'm not suggesting that you talk non-stop about your little boy, just don't be embarassed because you did the right thing. Then you can talk about your work experiences before giving birth, and what you learned during your time at home. Important things like time management, multitasking and planning ahead. Just because you are not in an office (or other work environment) doesn't mean that you are not learning great skills!
Learn a little about the company you are interviewing at. Asking good questions yourself is a good way to show interest, and well as taking a bit of the focus off of you. I've always found that this helps me to relax in an interview.
Most of all...GOOD LUCK! Please let us know how you make out!
@patweber (78)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Two main tips: 1) quite focusing on yourself! Focus on how you can help the company you are interviewing with. Most people are too self-absorbed, naturally so, but this easy focus transfer, can help ease your nerves. 2) follow up with both a written thank you note and a telephone thank you message within 48 hours. Most people, about 80%, don't do this and trust me, people will give you a second thought if you DO. I actually have a 3 part ecourse on getting your best job: Find a Great Job, Get the Best Job Offer, and Interview Like a Pro - all at my website if you want to email me about it. Just $55 a course or $99 for all three. Go get that job now!
@Polly289 (269)
• New Zealand
22 Dec 08
Just relax. I know it's hard when you go back after being out of the workforce for that long. You'll be fine. I'm sure I don't need to say this, but power-dressing helps. If you look good you'll feel good too. Don't overdo it mind.
All the best and have a Merry Christmas.
@whitefox08 (104)
• China
22 Dec 08
Just believe yourself you can do it,confidence make you success.
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Be sure to stay calm, don't get yourself too excited. Also, make sure to look them in the eyes when you talk to them. It won't look good if you're eyes are dating all over the room when you're doing this. It might look like you are searching for the answers or something.
@eldan_ydmarel (73)
22 Dec 08
Hmmmm...I'm still a junior in my universtity, but I've gotten a lot of tips regarding interviews. One would be don't be overconfident with yourself. It might give the interviewer the wring impression about you.
When you shake hands, grasp the other's hand firmly in your own, but not too tight!!!
Be sure to talk clearly, it will save you a lot of trouble re-explaining yourself.
And one more thing...just be yourself. It will make you feel a lot more comfortable...n.n
@georgiasupergirl (59)
22 Dec 08
hi =]
id say that the best thing to do before an interview is to prepare well - get background information on the company, check their website.
also, get an idea of the types of questions they may ask and form answers in your head (sometimes just googling this can be a huge help)
and make sure that you have at least one question to ask them, as this will help tham see that you are serious about it.
dont be afraid to take a notebook in with you, with questions on, as this will also tell them that you are serious about the job, and contientious.
good luck!!
georgia x
@amazingheart (781)
• Philippines
22 Dec 08
Hi silly! Just think that you know the person who going to ask you. :) And that he or she just a friend of yours. Observe yourself as well, if you are nervous, then admit it. It's ok. On that way, it gives the feeling of being honest and confident. Good luck!