am i saved?
United States
8 responses
@LuvBr0wn13s (765)
• United States
22 Dec 08
You are still saved. Once you pray the sinners prayer you have ensured your salvation. hopefully you have affiliated yourself with some other christians that can provide you with a bible and maybe a daily devotional so that you can learn more about your salvation and the benefits and expectations of your faith. Don't let any person dictate this for you....everything you need to know is in the book.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 08
Which bible do you read. Jesus Christ specifically tell us how one is saved. He even shown how it is to be down. BAPTISM. If you are a christian it is wrong to lead someone in the wrong direction. If you are not a Christian then please to find the right answer and give to someone who is battling with uncertainty in Christianity.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 08
You have pray the sinners prayer are you baptized. The instruction is that you confess and baptized. When you are baptized then you will be under the protection and guidance of Jesus Christ. This is where the Heart of Flesh comes in.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
25 Dec 08
I don't think praying sinner prayers will save us. saying that I have prayed this heart and therefore I shall be saved is like trying to earn salvation by work of words. being saved is really a matter of heart... submitting ourselves unto Jesus as one's Lord and God, which would then require us to learn what it means to confess Jesus as Lord and God. and put it in one term that would mean prioritising all of our lives to the vision of the kingdom of God.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Let me begin by saying this is up to interpretation and each person's spiritual rvelations. Anyone can point their finger at a specific scripture and tell you that you are still condemned, or that you ever were condemned to begin with, or that God loves you no matter what you do. The answer lies within you and your communication with your Lord.
With that, I would say that you are saved not by words or works, but by the condition of your heart. When you prayed the sinners prayer, did you feel it? I mean really feel it? Down to the core of your self. Did you weep over the things you have done, over the people you treated unfairly, over the laziness of your spirit, over the ill temprered moments in your life. If you answered no, than my friend, you are saved from nothing. But if you answered yes, than God heard your prayer. From that point on, no matter what you did, do, or will do, your soul has been washed by the blood of Jesus. When you find yourself faltering, you need to come to Lord with it, and give it back to Him. He told us to forgive those who wrong us, 7 times 70 times. In other words, forgive as many times as necessary, because that is ow his father forgives us.
When the time comes that your other troubes have been conquered, you (and Him) will be able to conquer nicotine.
And I don't care what any other condeming so-called Christian ever tells you. Smoking is not a sin. It is a bad habit, and one that causes a lot of problems, bt a sin it is not. Quote all the "body is a temple" scriptures you want. Breathing today's air ruins our body, drinking the water taints our blood, and eating the chemical hopped up food causes cancer. So, if eating, drinking, and breathing are a sin, than smoking is one too.
And even if it were a sin, God no longer condemns the forgiven, for we have been made right in his eyes. Lest the first perfect man cast the first stone. We all still have "sins" we battle and struggle with. If you are perfect, please step forward and correct me. If you are not, than keep your sin crusted, hatred spewing, unforgiving, stone throwing, self-righteous fingers out of it.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
22 Dec 08
As the other posters have said, yes, you are still saved. Smoking is not a sin. It is not approved of by much of society but it is legal to smoke and I actually know a priest who still smokes. You are judged by what is in your heart, not by whether or not you smoke.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 08
Spall smoking is a sin. He should pray and read his bible. He said not be afraid to asked other persons in faith to help pray against this addiction.
Here is what the bible says about one body:
1 Corinthians 3:17
States, that know you not that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man destroy the temple of God him shall he destroy: for the temple of God is Holy which temple you are. Your body is not your property to destroy it is Gods property. Take good care of it until he returns.
Here is a website that he can go to and correspond with others who were battling with smoking and now has overcome it because of the help from the Lord.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Don't worry about your smoking. God accepts us exactly as we are hoping He can help us to change our lives. If the day ever comes that your smoking is the most important problem you have God will help you rid yourself of it. You have a lot more important things you need to think about now.

@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
23 Dec 08
I didn't call it unimportant. I said he had other problems that were more important. God doesn't expect us to lay everything down all at once. God know that only through His teaching and with His help can we over come something like that. God helps us to over come in stages the same way we become adults. A lot of people talk about quitting smoking when they simply don't know what they are talking about. It isn't something you can just do any time you want to. Besides that we can get our selves into things that God will let us get ourselves out of. It can be a very valuable part of the teaching process. Also I didn't say that smoking wasn't a sin.
@dawon007 (184)
• India
23 Dec 08
Smoking is a sin. How can you ever call it uimportant. God wants you to abandon all those old ways so that he can be there with you. A sin is something that distances you from god. How can god ever come to you when you are still continuing in something that the devil likes. I don't say that smoking is serious sin. But I tell you it is better to sto[p it now rather than do it when you get stern orders from a doctor after contracting life threatning diseases.It is not god who does that but you by your sins. The best way to overcome your problem is to pray to him since he has the power to save you from the addition and ward off any future temptations to smoke again. But that doesn't mean that you don't have any part in it. You need to have a conscious attempt to get rid of it.

@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
22 Dec 08
NO, it does not. You are saved, but you are still physically addicted to nicotine. We hear of people being miraculously relieved of addictions when they are saved, but that really doesn't happen very often. We still live in these human bodies. So now, you need to use the power you get from God to fight this addiction. And you get that power from Bible study and prayer, and building a personal relationship with Our Lord.