are we spending more time with modern gadgets than with family and friends??

@aaamine (134)
United States
December 22, 2008 1:18pm CST
I know most of us mylotters reading this would be spending hours and hours in front of computers. Not only mylotters, think about all the modern gadgets, computers, laptops, iPods, XBOX, iPhone,... and how they have dominated our lives.... are we spending too much time with computers and robots than with our family and friends? Do we really spend quality time with our loved ones? I see lot of people getting addicted to these gadgets more and more that they cant get separated from an iPhone or laptop, etc,... what do you guys think? Is it really going in right direction?
2 responses
@insomni4k (424)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 08
Well I spend my time with my girl friend via Internet.
@aaamine (134)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Thanks for responding my friend insomni4k. That sounds good.
@jzqt27 (541)
• Canada
22 Dec 08
aamine, you are totally right abouth this. i actually didn't realize that till you ask this question. i think i spent on my laptop like 5-7 hrs a per, video games 3-4 hrs and i go out for a walk for 1 hour while listen to my ipod. it seems like technology today are killing our lives.
@aaamine (134)
• United States
22 Dec 08
thanks for responding jzqt27. I also spend like 7 to 8 hrs in front of computer at work, then at home around 1 to 2 hours in laptop,.. and 1 to 2 hours of music in iPod,.. comes close to 12hrs... and 8 hrs of sleep, make sit 20 hrs... remaining 4hrs, I have for my family and friends... does it sound good?? NOOO :)