Labor stories

United States
December 22, 2008 8:09pm CST
So, the birth of my first baby was terribly 12 minutes three pushes and done easy. So far of all the people I have asked the closest I have ever come to finding someone that had it as good as I did was a friend who pushed for only 45 minutes. So...I'm finding interest in hearing everyone's own stories whether you had a long and painfull one, short and easy...or just really complicated...I want to hear about it.
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14 responses
• United States
30 Dec 08
with my first baby i had no complications except i was having high blood pressure at the end so they planned to induce me on monday morning....i was to get to the hospital at midnight, get a good nights sleep there and then induce in the morning. well my child has had a mind of her own from the womb apparently. I felt a tremendous movement saturday night laying in bed. Sunday evening (mothers day) around 7pm my water broke...hadnt even had dinner yet. Went into the hospital--wasnt even having contractions and barely dialted, so they started me on pitocin and the contractions started fast...before long i was 6 cm and when the doctor checked she said that doesnt feel like a head...sure enough..she had flipped and was coming out butt first...i guess thats what all that movement saturday night was. So the numbed me up, wheeled me down the hall and i had a c-section at 2am. Harder recovery that way, especially with my mom and mother in law making me laugh. But now i am pregnant again, and ive already had some spotting and im just now 7 weeks. I hope this pregnancy continues and goes as smoothly as the first. Dont know how i will deliver this one yet..probably another c section.
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I enjoyed my labor. I slept through the majority of it. I was in labor for seven and a half hours. I didn't have to push real long. I just had trouble getting my son to crown. He weighed 6ibs and 13.5 oz.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
23 Dec 08
hi aries,my water broke and i was rushed to the hospital no baby i stayed in labor with my daughter 19 hours they had to induce my labor pain it was very painful i swear i was not going to have another baby.guest what i got pregnant again.i carried my son 9 months he came on july 5,my labor with him was also hard because the baby was in trouble i had to have a c-section so he could survive he was born spinalibifida he was very ill.and my daughter which i fail to mention i was only 7 months pregnant when i had her, she weighted 5pounds 6 ounces but i had her natural child birth.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
23 Dec 08
My second labor was relatively easy. The only hard parts that I had to deal with were the labor pains itself and the fact that my water didn't break on it's own. The doctor made me wait over 2 hours before deciding to break it for me. Once he did, my baby came out in 4 minutes. My first wouldn't have been so bad had I not been scared out of my mind about giving birth! LOL
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Dec 08
Wow! You had an incredibly quick and easy birth with your first baby. I have a friend that has eight children from three different marriages. She had one of her babies on a friend's door step. My first baby was born after an eight hour labor in water. I had a retained placenta so that was horribly painful to remove. My second baby was born after a two and a half hour labor and I didn't have to push. Two contractions and he was out.
@eshwarik (180)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I had a c-section and that was painful because doctor messed up the surgery. The doctor got my baby out safe but messed my uterus he sutured urinary bladder and the uterus. I was not able to walk for a long time. The doctor had to remove the uterus because I was bleeding for almost an year. My pregnancy was painful. I am happy that my baby is fine and alive.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
23 Dec 08
I had two c sections for no good reason other then the fact that i was living in a small town and my doctor was the only OB GYN on call for the town and he wanted some time off.. everyone in the hospital in labour got a c section. lol. the second time i choose it. so.. i had no labour at all really. he did. :)
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
23 Dec 08
my first one was 36 hours of hard labor and ended in a c-section. she was 7lbs 11oz. my second was pre-planned c-section so i had no labor but she only way 6lbs 80z and my 3rd was all natural but only lasted 5 hours. she was 8lbs 3 oz.
@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
23 Dec 08
When I had my son he was breach, not feet down but coming sideways. I was eighteen and he was my first child. I went into labor early morning and went to the doctor at 9 am but the witch at the counter wouldn't let me see the doctor as I didn't have an appointment. I stood up to say something to her and got hit with a contraction and the the lobby went nuts when they released I was in labor and I got right in. I was put in the hospital by 10 am but had no idea what was about to happen. My water wouldn't break and so they broke it to further delivery along. Nothing and than the doctor did another check and he had to put his hand up inside to turn the baby. When he was done the baby would flip right back sideways. They gave me a shot to help with the pain and to slow the labor down. Three more times he had to reach inside and turn the baby head down and every time the baby would turn back on his side. At 10 pm that night they took me into the delivery room and again he had to reach inside and turn the baby but this time he also had to guide the baby into the birth canal. He was born health, kicking and screaming at 8 lbs 8 1/2 ozs at close to 20 inches long. I heard the doctor say don't let her go under or she wont wake up and pushed the mask of my face and said I'm awake. I ended up with 63 stitches internally and three externally. I had to have a blood transfusion for blood loss. The doctor told me the next morning when I came to that I was not to get out of bed or my insides would fall out. A nurse later that morning made me get up and wake the hall. I passed out and woke up back in my hospital bed with another blood transfusion and heard my doctor threatening to fire the nurse who made me get up. This was 27 years ago. My second childs delivery was a cake walk but again I had to have a blood transfusion. I never had any more children after the second child. It was to risky and I had my son and daughter who are now 27 and 24.
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Both of my pregnancies have been relatively easy. My daughter, I had an epidural, and I slept through that labor. My mom told me that my contractions would spike, and I'd be sleeping away. Thank heaven for epidurals lol However, with my son, I tried to do it without any medicine because I didn't realize we had insurance at the time, and I didn't want that epidural bill. I hated all the pain once it came in full swing. I ended up asking for something, but all it did was make me sleepy. It didn't help with the pain much at all. My daughter was about 24 hours, but the full labor was more like 12. I went in early since I had her induced. With her, I was tired of being pregnant. My son was like 10 hours, but he was induced to because they were predicting him to be a big baby.
• Canada
23 Dec 08
My first one was TERRIBLE!!! 19.5 hours, vacuum and forceps, 26 tears and half hour of stitching. My second one wasnt so bad 3 hours start to finish! My sister in law has you beat I think, 12 minutes and one push for her first, 8 minutes and 2 pushes for her second! I hate women who get off easy! Haha!
• United States
23 Dec 08
My first and only child came as a surprise 2 weeks early. My water broke at home at 5:30 A.M. as I was preparing for a day at work. He had great timing thank goodness I didn't make it to work that day. My hospital and doctor of choice was a good 2 to 2 and a half hours away but I was remarkably calm. My only concern was breakfast once I was not in agonizing pain when the water broke. My father in law prepared me breakfast as I sit and ate I had my mother in law call in work and I waited on my mother and aunt to arrive to go with us to the hospital. I had very little pain at all and the only way you could tell I was even in labor was the inability to keep my clothing dry. On the way to the hospital I had to take a quick stop to run to the bathroom and grab a few more treats to eat being I had became hungry. I ran to the restroom while my father in law bought me donuts. Once back in the car we headed to the hospital. Once there I had no idea where to go so I went to my doctors office and was told I was in the wrong place and told I needed to go to the 4th floor. I refused a wheel chair and walked to the elevator and then into the labor and delivery ward. My doctor had just came on call and questioned if I indeed was in labor being I had not had but very few pains. I was taken to my room where I was checked and it was determined I was correct and was indeed in labor. They decided I was going to have to be induced and prepared my IV and my epideral. Had I taken that epideral when it was ready I would have had very little pain but it scared me so I waited. I waited until I was hurting fairly bad and the guy who was doing them was booked so I had to wait even longer. By the time he got there I was in some terrible pain. Once I got the epideral the pain subsided but the pressure was becoming unbearable. The nurse came in to being my pushing to discover my contractions had stopped. She turned the PIT drop back on low which was the meds used to induce me but it had no effect. When she returned she turned it up high and soon I was having contractions again and we were ready to begin pushing. This to me felt like it took an eternity but finally at 9:50 P.M I gave birth to my first son. The terrifying part of it was not the pain I had just lived through but the fact my baby was not making a sound. He didn't pierce my ears with that newborn cry for what seemed like a lifetime. The reason for the contractions was found the cord had wrapped around my son's neck and restricted his movement. Thank goodness my doctor saw this as soon as the baby was borned and quickly went to work freeing his neck and clearing his airway ignoring the mother saying what is wrong is my baby ok. Soon after my son's first cries he was laid in my arms. There was not a dry eye in the room and I hated to let that little fella go but they had tests to run to make sure he was healthy which he was. He weighted 6 lb and 9 ounces and was 19 inches long.
@mzplased (255)
• United States
23 Dec 08
My first child I was induced, so it was from start of labor to the birth was easy and last 5 hours. My second child I didnt even realize I was in labor and thought I had a stomach ache until i went to take BM and realized the baby was coming. We made it just in time to the hospital, thank goodness we lived only a block away. They old me it only flet like I had to "go" I told them "No, i really have to poop" LOL They said okay go them..and so i did and out she came...the doctor was coming in the door at the time and just yelled "STOP" and ran over just as she was coming out..a whole 1/2 hour of labor for her. My 3rd child was 3 hour labor and very easy also. My 4th and last was a bit harder on me. I also was in labor but my doctor had to leave that afternoon and wanted to be the one delivering her because I was then high risk because of complications during the pregncy. 9 hours of labor and a very had delivery. Nice remembering those time since my oldest is now almost 21 and the "baby is almost 8 :)Sounds like you also had easy deliveries :)
• Philippines
23 Dec 08
I labor for 5 hours for my first baby and then pushes 4 times and then its done, I have a handsome 6 pounds baby boy. Giving birth is the most precious moment could happen to woman.