Have you seen Miricles?
By dklowery
@dklowery (35)
United States
November 8, 2006 2:15pm CST
I am a Pastor and am wondering how many out there have seen Miracles performed by God.
I have personally had Miracles in my life.
I will start by saying that I have not always been saved.
I used to be an alcoholic, that smoked 3 and 1/2 packs of cigarettes a day and had a vocabulary that you’d make a sailor blush.
Once I accepted Jesus as my savior I knew there was a calling on my life, and I was able to quit all 3 habits literally over night.
I never went to detox, never went to any support program or anything. I took the one step program. The Jesus Program and he delivered me.
I have seen an 80 year old woman cured of Cancer after we prayed for her, the Lord Healed her, and to this day nine years later, she is still healthy.
The same lady was diagnosed with Diabetes, and requested my wife and I to pray for her. Now three months later, she still has no traces.
The biggest Miricle I have seen was the life of my daughter.
She was borne with Group B Baby Strep, and spent the first 12 days of her life in a "Bubble" in the ICU.
Group B strep infection is fatal in about 20% of infected men and non-pregnant women and about 5% to 15% of infected newborns. Babies who survive can be left with speech, hearing, and vision problems as well as mental retardation.
My Daughter is now 10 years old, and with NO troubles at all. In fact she is advanced in Reading and Math and is an A and B Student.
God gets all the Glory here.
Please share your stories.
God Bless,
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5 responses
@dcaputo (125)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I have experienced a MIRACLE first hand. My son was born on 9/4/94 but my due date wasn't until 11/19/94 so he was quite early as you can see. He weighed in at 1 pound 11 ounces and was only 13 inches long. Yes, really SMALL. He was very sick to say the least and had to be transported to a different hospital while I remained in the one that my c-section was done in. While his Father went out on the town and slept with numerous women, he remained in this hospital all by himself for 5 days. I finally got to see him when he was 5 days old. They told me that he only had a 25% of making it. I never thought that he would die. The thought just never even crossed my mind even though the doctors were telling me that it didn't look good for him. I wasn't very religious at the time because I had doubts. The doctors wanted me to Baptize him ASAP in case he didn't make it. But for some reason in my eyes, I thought that that would give God permission to take him from me that way. The Pastor of the church that I was Baptized in came in to see me when I was in the hospital and of course, we didn't know each other because I hadn't been to church since I made my Confirmation. He had asked where the baby was and if he could come in to visit him and pray with us once in a while. I of course said yes. My Pastor was their EVERY SINGLE DAY! My son suffered in NICU for 88 days and was released the day before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was wonderful but the next day it wasn't good. He was turning blue and crying non-stop and we couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. We brought him into the ER to find out. He was later transfered BACK to the hospital that he just left. After being transfered all over Long Island, NY hospitals, they figured out that he had RSV. To make a long story short - My Pastor was there to pray everyday...remember that. I was now going to Church again. I was praying everyday, everyone I knew was praying for him. One night, in the middle of the night, the Doctor's had called me to tell me that he wasn't going to make it through the night and that I needed to have him Baptized ASAP. I called my Pastor and he was baptized. The next day, I went into the PICU to visit him., like I did all day every day, and the Doctor was very puzzled and asked me to come into the room where they viewed the x-rays. He sat me down, and showed me 2 different xrays. The first one he said was my son's the day before and it looked real bad, the next one which he showed me looked great for a preemie.....it was my son's xray from that morning. He said that he could come home in 2 weeks. We had to reteach him how to suck on a bottle again since he was on a respirator for 6 1/2 months. He came home in March of 95 and is now 12 years old and pretty healthy. No glasses, no retardation, no complications except minor asthma problems and only when he has a bad cold. To me that's a miracle.....God does do his thing and he does it well, to this day I go to Church, My kids go to Church and God Blesses me everyday with this gift of Life! God Bless!
@dipendra1234 (40)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Nov 06
i have also seen a miracle from god.Do you really ever think of this breath from where it comes into you and goes out without any effort.Continnous of it,is giving a chance of a one moment life and one one moment as a chain is forming a life period.really it is very important factor and truth in my life
• United States
9 Nov 06
ive always had small miracles in my life only ones by the grace of god once i probably never deserved but were given.. i cant say i have seen everyone but aways thanked god for the ones i notices and thanks him for the ones i have not... My daughter was a miracle to me..my dughter was due on time well actually over due so the doctor induced my labor.. When my daughter came out i really didnt get a good look at her before they took her away... Not seconds later nurses sarounded my child and one went out and came back with a doctor behind her.. They told me after words that only one of her eys would open.. to shorten this story a eye doctor came in after examming her and said thta her other eye socket was empty and not eye formed... i was told this could effect her in activities and in other ways...she is now 4 and smarter then ever this has actually increased here other senses tremedesly.. she does have to cope with other kids in school asking why one of her eyes are shut or what wrong with her eye...she takes it so well for her age and responsed to them how i taught her " im like this cause God made me special this way. Im very proud to see you found God in all your trouble.. I hope you are one of those pastor that are in for the safings of souls and not in it for the money.... My God bless you with your teaching and watch over you in helping with your trials you will face in life and the temptations you will face from the devil as you are a higher enemy in his book because of you title(a pastor)
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
14 Nov 06
My dad's earthly life (since birth, that is) began on November 5, 1917, and he didn't leave us for Heaven until the morning of February 2, 2004 after passing on in his sleep with a beautiful smile on his face.
A stay of a little over 86 years--though those of us left behind here who love him so much wish that he could have stayed here longer.
But I'm going to go backwards to some times in his life where he looked as if he weren't going to make it.
In 2003 when he was in a weakened condition due to the complications of his Parkinson's he once got some congestion in his throat where he couldn't breathe, and it seemed as if the suction wand wasn't working to get it out.
I wasn't at the hospital at the time, but my mom was, and I was on the phone to her when this suddenly started happening.
I started mentally telling my dad to stick around for us, and, all at once, the scare was over with.
After that, he eventually began to gain strength again. In fact, we were actually surprised when he passed away about nine months later, because he had gotten built up to where he could cough, swallow, and spit on his own without the aid of a wand, and his vitals were great. He was even going around with low or no oxygen assistance.
In 1997, he had a viral infection of the brain. This ended up advancing his Parkinson's to a greater degree, but he was still very active and could really take the stairs up and down at church and seldom had to be helped at it, even though he started needing to go into the hospital more often to get built up plus also had therapy given to him at home.
But, when he was diagnosed with the viral infection, the doctor prepared us for the fact that he might not live through the night and asked us if we would like to have prayer together. Of course, we did.
He told us that, even if my dad survived through the night, he would be having days or even weeks of intensive care.
The next morning, even the doctor was amazed!
He gave orders for my dad to be moved to a private room and served a full breakfast!
Back in 1962, he underwent aorta replacement surgery, and he had an infection from the surgery along with a bad reaction to penicillin that almost proved to be fatal.
Yet, we got to have him for almost 42 extra years.
We were surely blessed--and so were a lot of other people whom this compassionate-hearted man touched the lives of in the years that followed.
Now, here's a double miracle:
My dad had this birth defect that was causing him to have high blood-pressure, but nobody was aware that he was having such a problem. All the doctor knew was that meds just didn't seem to really help that much.
Then, someone "just happened" (as if) to come into contact with him who knew of this condition.
First, my folks took my best friend, Patty, and me on a trip to Chicago. I didn't realize until just a few years ago that the trip had any sort of medical purpose to it. I just thought it was a vacation to Chicago, and we had a blast. There was an Expo going on, and the four of us got to taste our first shish-kabobs.
But they were actually going to have Daddy evaluated for surgery up at the University of Chicago medical center.
The people up there said that there was no need for him to be treated up there when there was a very capable doctor right in Indianapolis--which is how he came to be operated on by Dr. Harris Schumacker.
The first operation took place in the spring of 1961, but its effects were limited, so he went back in the fall of 1962 for his final surgery. I was in fourth grade at the time.
He came home from the first surgery but had an infection, so he had to return to the hospital for one more surgery.
He made it home in time for Christmas--skinny-as-a-rail but home and on his way to becoming the picture of health.
I'm sharing a picture here of my folks and me taken that Christmas.
Now, here's where the double miracle comes in:
When my dad has his first surgery in the spring of 1961, he had just turned 43 the previous November.
Up until that time, there hadn't been anyone with his condition, if left untreated, to survive past the age of 29.
My dad had just turned 35 the month before I was born, so it's actually a miracle that I was even conceived and born to have a little over 51 earthly years with my dad!
I have other miracle stories to share with you, but I'll close this for now...
@jaimee (97)
• Philippines
10 Nov 06
I go to hospitals to pray for people in my spare time. One time I prayed for a guy who had a stroke and was unable to be conscious for a long time, according to his family. I think he was on a coma. So I prayed the resurrection life of Jesus on him, and for him to be reunited with his family. when I opened my eyes, his family was around him, and the coma guy immediately awakened. I was amazed by the power of God. Glory to God!