Do you think that rottweilers should be exterminated?
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
December 23, 2008 10:50am CST
[i]A postman almost had his arm ripped off in a frenzied attack by two rottweiler guard dogs as he delivered Christmas cards to a £1.3million mansion.
The 54-year-old was saved by brave bricklayer Anthony Lunn, 44, who fought off the dogs with an iron bar - before the snarling hounds turned on him.
Hero Anthony leapt in his van and actually ran over one of the rottweilers to keep it from savaging the postman.[/i]
This article is a clear example of people who can't control their dogs. I do believe that rottweilers are powerful dogs and it does not mean that they are vicious. However they do have the potential to kill or harm a human being. Do you think that rottweilers should be exterminated?
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46 responses
@sameroad (3178)
• United States
24 Dec 08
No. I don't think they should be exterminated.
but just like with anything... ya know, there are bad humans in this world.
so there are going to be bad dogs. also it has a lot to do with the owner.
someone who can not handle a dog of that breed and power should not have one.
my cousin has a rottweiler and she was a big sweet goofball.
so it is all on how the dog is raise and handled.
and something i notice people do a lot and is really stupid and annoys me.
they look RIGHT into the dogs eyes and stare it down as its staring at them.
people do this all the time when i walk pass them with my dog (pit mix) and its like are you stupid? when you do that it makes the dog think you are challenging it or whatever... if the postman was looking at them like that... it might of set them off.

@sameroad (3178)
• United States
24 Dec 08
um, dude, read my comment. i said IF he was staring at the dogs it "might of set them off" never did i once say someone "DESERVES" to be attacked because they stared at them. i'm simply saying.. common sense was taught to never stare dogs in the eyes. so when you do.. you are kind of asking for it.. and THAT is how the DOG will see it.
@johnnynfl (87)
• United States
24 Dec 08
That's just the nature of Pitbulls, they are truly born killers! Your comment kills me...someone deserves to be attacked because THEY STARED AT YOUR DOG! Where the hell do you come from? That has to be one of the most ignorant comments I have seen on any post.

@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
27 Dec 08
Every dog can be a potential threat to humans when they are put into the wrong hands. We once fostered a dobermann who was hit and kicked by his previous owner, and still he didn't hurt a soul. He was just very affraid. Dobermanns are said to be very vicious dogs too, but this poor baby just needed a lot of love and attention. He wasn't angry or vicious, plain scared.
I don't think a breed is the cause, it's the upbringing of the dog.
If a dog gets beaten or has a lot of bad experiences it can become vicious. I guess some breeds have the potential of leaving bigger bite marks or holding on to a person because of the task they were trained to do.
For example: I have a cavalier king charles spaniel, they were trained to hunt for ducks. They need less strenght than a dog bred to hunt bears or wild boars.
It's not the dogs fault it's stronger; it doesn't make him more vicious, he just does more damage because he is stronger in the first place.
I say there should be better control on which people get these dogs, make sure they take classes (not to parent the dog, but the owner!). Not just any person should be able to get a dog. You are responsible for it and should make sure you can handle it.

@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
29 Dec 08
I do believe in this potential, but I see this potential as the fact of the dog having a certain type of teeth and bone structure that makes it more powerfull. Even the most vicious chihuahua would never be able to kill a child with a few bites, even though it can be just a vicious; it would deserve to be put down just as bad, but because they are little they aren't. That's the point I was trying to make, but off course our opinion can differ from each other
That's the beauty of mylot, to learn from each others opinions, views and values. Thanks!

@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
29 Dec 08
I do agree that a vicious dog is cuased most probaby by an irrsesponsible owner. However certain breeds have the potential to do harm.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Jan 09
No, but they should be taught alot differently alot teach their dogs to sic and stuff so it starts to become an automatic thing and they start pouncing on everyone and thing. I just think people need to teach their dogs a different way. NO violence but then again that is one reason they get these types of dogs.
@cuttyrish (2667)
• United States
29 Dec 08
no, the dogs should not be exterminated. its the owner's fault, they should have at least made sure that their dogs tied enough, or the dogs could not break the gate. rottweilers should not be exterminated, because of the actions of just 2 dogs. The owners of such breeds should be trained how to keep and maintain dogs like taht. and be advised not to train them to be violent and such. Those two dogs did not choose to be violent as they were, they were trained to do so. I know that, because i for one have a pitbull dog, which is said to be violent also.,but we did not train her to be violent, we just let her be, and we pet her, as like other dogs.. she is not violent, instead she became a calm and nice dog..
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
4 Jan 09
No, I don't think Rottweilers or any breed of dog should be exterminated. I had to dog sit for a neighbor's rott once, and she was the biggest baby, and I mean biggest baby. Poor thing missed her daddy so bad, she cried the entire night. After she jumped and broke my bed, to get next to my husband,
. My uncle had a Pit Bull that was also a huge baby. It all depends on how the dog was raised. Any dog can be raised to be mean to the point that they will attack. I think once a dog attacks, the owner of that dog should be held responsible. I feel bad for the postman and the bricklayer, but it wasn't the dog's fault.

@littleowl (7157)
23 Dec 08
Hi ronald..that is a typical person who has no control over his dog and more than likely has had it trained to attack those whom enter his territory...I have never liked rotweillers, they are vicious and my neighbors dog had to be put down because another neighbors rotweiller attacked it so baddly, the same dog went to attack my dog but the owner was able to hold it back...they scare the life out of me and you never know when one of this particular breed is going to turn on either a human being or dog..I think they should be licensed and if they attack anyone/dog should be instantly put down....merry christmas littleowl
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
24 Dec 08
In the UK, the dog licence was abolished in 1987 after which a series of consultations led to the dog control measures contained in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. In Opposition Labour gave a commitment to introduce a dog registration scheme, a course of action rejected by the
former Government. I don't know that, when Labour got into power, they ever did introduce a registration scheme.
Until it was abolished in 1987, the Dog Licence was a bit of a farce. It cost more to administer than the cost of the licence (37p) and was simply a notice of ownership. It wasn't incumbent on the owner to tag the dog or to have one's address on the collar. I believe that a dog did have to have a collar, though.
Currently, the only types of dog which are prohibited are the Pit Bull Terrier, the Japanese tosa, the Dogo Argentino and the Fila Brasileiro. It is very clear in the Act that these are 'types' and not breeds. Owners of the Pit Bull Terrier type very frequently call them something else, for example. All of these dog types were specifically bred as fighting dogs and are prohibited because dog fighting is illegal in Britain. Since Rottweilers were originally a working breed, they are not considered to be one of the prohibited types.
The owner of any dog which is out of control in a public place or in a private place where it is not there by right may be charged under the DDA. DEFRA says, "If a dog is dangerously out of control in a public place - then the owner or the person in charge of the dog is guilty of an offence, or, if the dog while so out of control injures any person, an aggravated offence under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. In proceedings against a person who is the owner of a dog but at the material time was not in charge of it, it should be a defence for the accused to prove that the dog was at the material time in the charge of a person whom he reasonably believed to be a fit and proper person to be in charge of it.
Section 10(2) of the 1991 Act defines a public place as meaning any street, road or other place to which the public have, or are permitted to have access. This is a wide definition of a public place and one which specifically includes the common parts of a building containing two or more dwellings. It is intended to cover, for instance, those parts of a block of flats where, although there may be a secure front entry door so that the interior of the flat is not a place to which the public has unrestricted access, nevertheless the common parts are, in all other respects, a public place.
A person found guilty of an offence may face imprisonment or a fine, and the courts may disqualify the offender from having custody of a dog for any period."
Undoubtedly, in this incident, the dogs were dangerously out of control in a public place, under the definition of the act, and the owners will be charged. The unfortunate postman, however, will have to sue the owners in order to get any compensation. I suspect that the Post Office Workers' Union will be very active in the case!
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@littleowl (7157)
24 Dec 08
Thanks owlwings for your explanation, it is very indepth and informative which in future I will try to remember....merry christmas littleowl
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
27 Dec 08
I don't think so. I mean I can see their potential to harm people but with the right training they should be able to be controlled. if they can't be controlled and dangerous so people put them down doesn't mean all dogs of that type should be put down too. the owner should be held responsibility if their dogs get out of control.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Dec 08
NO. Pitbulls, great danes, and german shepherds all also have had the same reputation. It is all in how they are raised. I have known some really beautiful, friendly rottweilers that would never harm a soul. So, No, I don't think they should be exterminated. We have humans that murder...should humans be exterminated? Some were even raised in very good homes and still are warped and do these crimes. It would not be fair to all the good dogs to eliminate them due to the crimes of others any more than it would be for humans.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
26 Dec 08
I agree. It is not the dog's fault that they are mean or misbehave but the owners of the dogs. I know people who own rottweilers that are great dogs. Get along well with children and very sweet! I don't think their meanness is inbred. I do believe it has to do with how humans treat and or "train" them. And that has to stop.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
27 Dec 08
Of course they shouldn't be put down or exterminated. What a horrible thought. Perhaps their stupid owners should be though.
I have two dogs both of who are considered "dangerous" in some circles. Although my Rottweiler is actually a mixed breed, Rottweiler and Sheppard mix she is still considered by many to be mostly Rottweiler. My other dog is a English (British) Mastiff. These are both great dogs. Lovely personalities. Sweet and loving, gentle to a fault. My Mastiff loves children and well let them crawl all over him while he simply lays on the ground with his tail wagging. I don't allow this anymore because of his age and his poor hips, but when he was younger he would allow smaller children to ride on his back.
The behavior and aggressiveness of dogs is primarily due to their training, not their breeding. Of course Rottweilers are powerful, they are bred for their power and strength. This does not mean that they are vicious or cruel, it does not mean they are naturally savage.
Rotties, Pitbulls, Mastiffs, and many other breeds are beautiful animals who have been sadly abused by humans because of their size, strenght and power. Should we destroy them because they are animals? Or should we punish their owners, the human beings who breed savagery into them?
I say we punish the humans and give the animals an opporunity.
@enirahtak (67)
• Philippines
27 Dec 08
I don't think so, since it's the responsibility of the owner to tame his pet. I've heard and seen stories of rottweiler attacking humans without warning, though, but it's not the reason these dogs should be wiped out. Owners having the right knowledge, and giving proper training and treatment to these kind of animals is much more needed.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Dec 08
As an animal lover I cannot justify the destruction of any pet. I don't know that much about Rottweilers but I would think that it is the owner's responsibility to have the dog properly trained and confined in an appropriate manner. We have a dog and she cannot go anywhere near any of our visitors unless we allow her to as she is confined to her own section of the back garden.
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
27 Dec 08
Well I don't think that we have to exterminate these dogs, however I think that who own these dogs, have to be licensed and personally responsible for thier dogs action. It is their nature that these are vicious, but that dosen't mean that we have to kill them. At least there can be a law that they cannot be used as pets, they will have a place especially for them. It is really a sad story, hope the owner will be paid for not tying his dogs in a safe place for strangers. Happy new year 2009
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
25 Dec 08
No, I don't think rottweilers should be exterminated. Even if we tried, it can never be done. Look how many counties in the USA have tried to get arid of the pitbull breed and have not been able to.
Yes, these dogs are powerful. But they also were trianed and owned by irresponsible owners. Those owners do not deserve the privielege to own a dog. Or be called a dog owner.
The dogs themselves now need to be put down. Not to any fault of their own. As they were taught to be their way. But because of teh fault of their owner. As the dogs were trying to please their master. They did what they thought they were to do.
@mjhicks (317)
• United States
25 Dec 08
NO. I think the owner of any dog, regardless of breed, that fails to properly train, socialize and control their dog should face serious charges and penalties both civil and criminal. I have a neighbor who raised two rottweilers. She was vigilant in training and control. While the dogs could display aggression they were as gentle as lambs. If the dog is to be a guard dog then it should only have free run of the property when security is needed such as night for residential and when businesses are closed. Even a guard dog should be trained to stop and hold an intruder not savagely attack. It's the owners that need an attitude adjustment.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
24 Dec 08
Do I think all rottweilers should be exterminated? Of course not. These two dogs were unfortunately trained as guard dogs. But, since they weren't being restrained or locked up so they couldn't harm a mailman doing his job, these two should be euthanized. But talking about exterminating an entire breed just because of these two is ridiculous. There are many many perfectly happy rottweiler pets out there in loving homes.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
24 Dec 08
It's not the dogs fault that the human handler trained them to be vicious. Dogs are not inherently bad. Rototillers aren't any more dangerous than any other breed. Most people get rottweilers because they like them. Some women get them because fools are afraid of big black dogs.
In nature dogs first they give a warning before biting; a bark, a growl, posturing etc. A true guard dog is trained to bark when someone approaches, not attack. The bark is enough to alert the humans to the presence an intruder, or to scare away an animal or human intruder. An true attack dog is trained to wait for it's handlers command before attacking. They only attack on command.
I don't know what was in the mind of the person who trained these two dogs. Their behavior was very dangerous. They were obviously trained to be vicious. It's a shame. Someone got hurt and the dogs lost their lives.
I have two dogs. I have full control of them. They both have their issues, but as their human handler, I know what they are and I deal with them. They would never attack a human.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
25 Dec 08
No. No animal should be exterminated just because of it's breed. I believe animals are people too and they have rights. This is just like what hitler was trying to do, but only with dogs. Almost every breed of dog has the "potential" to kill a human being. Should we just exterminate them all!? and hey while we're at it let's just get rid of all the bears, tigers, lions, etc. Humans kill humans more than anything else and we obviously dont judge every human to be vicious. My dog is half rot and he is the most loving and kind creature you could ever imagine. It's the owners fault for raising the dogs that way. The HUMAN owner. Humans are the ones who are vicious.
@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
24 Dec 08