Grandson Too Good Not To Share
By Grandmaof2
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
December 24, 2008 4:14am CST
My daughter wanted to buy her hubby a Christmas gift but didn't know how she was going to hide it or shop for it without her kids giving it away. I said No problem they can sit with me in my van while she and my hubby went shopping at WalMart. We meet at WalMart and my two grandchildren were happy to be with Grandma. Now we had nothing else to do but watch people running back and forth shopping. I had my van running, cold man was it cold. I need to tell you my daughter is raising these two kids to Not for any reason do you ever laugh at or be mean to others No exceptions. Well here comes a truck, parks right ahead of us. A young woman in her thirties I'd say gets out of the truck, helps a little girl out, I'd say about 5 years old, then she helps a second child out of the truck I'd say that little girl was about 3 maybe 4. It was then did I and of course the kids realize the Mom is wearing Very low cut jeans that hardly fit her and her butt was actually hanging out. The kids gave a laugh about the time the mother was bent over pulling a baby car seat out of the truck, I was afraid her pants would fall off and my Grandson says, Oh Grandma look at that, that's no good can't she keep her pants pulled on? Sad to say but I did a poor job of grandparenting about then. All I could say was, I don't know. Have you ever had to almost bite your tongue off because you needed to laugh at the grandchildren but know it's poor skills?
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13 responses
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
24 Dec 08
Our grandkids live in another state so we don't get to see them very often. Our daughter and her husband are strict with the kids. They are 3 yrs. and 16 months. I can tell you that if I were with the kids and the older one made a comment about a situation or person and the person couldn't hear him. I would laugh. When something is funny such as your story, I am off and running with laughter. Probably makes me a bad role model as a grandma but I wouldn't be able to control myself. Remember Art Linkletter and "kids say the darndest things?" I use to laugh so hard at that segment of the program.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
25 Dec 08
Oh yes I do remember Art Linkletter and I too had many laughs. That was before I had my grandchildren. Bill Cosby took over from where Art Linkletter left off. I certainly don't discredit Bill Cosby but it was a hard job to fill Art Linkletters shoes, he was good!!! Thank you for the memory.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
24 Dec 08
I know just what you mean. A couple of nights ago my grand daughter caught her two little brothers sleeping. She and her little friend decided to play a trick on them. They got into her mothers nail polish and painted their fingernails with glitter polish. I smelled the polish and mentioned it to their mother and she got up preparing to discipline them because they had been told repeatably to stay out of the nail polish. When she saw what they had done she couldn't help but laugh. When she came out of the bedroom laughing I immediately knew what they had done. I couldn't help it. I had to laugh too. After we were through giggling I took the girls aside and told them that that was a trick that was only funny once so they got their laugh but they could never do it again.
However the kids started something. The next night their daddy had a couple of drinks and went to bed. So their mommie decided to give him a new look. complete with lipstick and eye shadow. lol
So I guess the kids taught the adults a new trick.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
24 Dec 08
kids really have a way of lighting up our otherwise drab days. and, they have so much to teach us also. i am savoring everything you have described here, savak. many thanks.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
25 Dec 08
Oh yes and fast as fast can be to pick things up.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Dec 08
Hi Grandmaof2! I think that in this case it wasn't so much
a matter of them saying something mean about someone it was
them saying something that was true!lol You were not being
a bad Grandparent in any way! It was not your fault that
this woman couldn't wear the correct size pants and her butt
was hanging out! So I don't think that your Grandchildren
were being mean, just honest! So don't fault them or yourself
in this instance! I think you can let this one slide! And
anyway it's Christmas! So I want to wish you and your family
and very Merry Christmas! It sounds like you have a very
wonderful and sweet set of Grandchildren and you should be
very proud of them! I know I would be!
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
25 Dec 08
Had to let it go I was laughing so hard inside I thought I'd split my seams or bite off my tongue.
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@sennawork (88)
• United States
25 Dec 08
The funniest thing about this post is knowing your a grandma ! AHAHAH!
My grandma dont even know how to work a computer, I cant imagine her on mylots typing up discussions. hahahah!
Oh wow!
I love grandmas. Grandmas are awesome! I miss my grandma :(
I remember when she used to take me to toys r us and buy me barbies
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
25 Dec 08
I've been told I'm a cool Grandma and I wouldn't trade my kids for the world.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
24 Dec 08
Sometimes you jut got to laugh. If its funny its funny. Nobody was making fun of the lady, its not like anyone was laughing because something was wrong with her. It is funny if the ladies pants look like they were going to fall off of her. Any way grammas and the kids need to have things like that between them. When we are with the grandkids, it time for us to be a kid. You shoud see me sometimes when its juts me and the kids. I have so much fun with my little guy, you should see us when we watch some of the Barney tapes. Laughter is good, making fun of someone is not good. This doesn't sound like anyone was making fun of anyone. And to answer your question, yes I have had to bite my toungue many times to keep from laughing.
Take care, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a most Joyous New Year. I have been so busy lately. I need another day to get ready for Christmas.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
25 Dec 08
Merry Christmas to you as well my dearest friend!!!If we only knew Grandkids were this much fun heck we could have had them first!!! 

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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Dec 08
oh so many times, but I can't remember what at the moment though, normally in a situation like that I would have just said shush, you don't want the lady to here you. Not that she would care, but at least to remind the children that they should not say things like that.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
24 Dec 08
Out of the mouths of true! I think your grandson only made an observation the Mom did not hear him so he was not being mean just truthfully funny.

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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
25 Dec 08
Funny it was and my grandson had already told his mother before I said anything.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 Dec 08
I would not have laughed. Imagine what this woman is teaching her children and it makes me wonder about her. Let me see. She drank Pepsi Free and wanted to know what it was to wear jeans again. Unfortunately like the Pepsi Free commercial what she wished for never happened as she wanted. Her jeans was the same size as when she was a teenager, but her body stayed the same.
You know, when I see ladies in low cut jeans, I wonder do they actually wear--- just had to ask. 

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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
24 Dec 08
i have no grandchildren, yet, grandma. but i share and get the story very well. when my kids were small, there were so many instances when they really make me laugh to tears. the problem is, i can no longer recall what were they, how and where.
there is this story though which my sister related to me very vividly involving by little ones then.
my college teacher sister brought with her to school my 3 year old daughter and one a half year old son. the children got thirsty as they were left in the teacher's room to play. so, they approached my sister and said, 'auntie bless, we would like to have seven up, please. we are very thirsty.' my sister gave them a simple instruction: ' say first, excuse me, auntie bless'. my son replied: 'no, not excuse me aunt bless, it is seven up we want.' everyone in the classroom burst into such loud laughter.
you can just imagine grandma, how loud the laughter must have been as there were more than 30 students in there.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
24 Dec 08
Personally, although I don't have grandchildren, I think that there is a difference between laughing at the less fortunate and laughing at the delibertely negligent. But, yes, of course. Your grandchildren sound very sweet and cute. Happy Holidays to you I hope that you and all o f your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas and a very good New Year.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Oh yes, I do know what you mean! lol My aunt has a one grandson and he can be a character. One time he stuck his head out of the car window and hollered, move out the way! Grandma is coming through! lol My aunt said she did everything to keep from laughing and couldn't help it and giggled but got him to sit down like he's suppose to. There's so many other times too but I can't remember them off the top of my head but yeah, kids do do the darnest things and say the darnest things.... lol
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
31 Dec 08
Oh Thank You for this laugh!!! It reminded me of the day I had my two grandchildren in my van with me and we were driving down the road when my grandson said, Grandma are we running out of gas? I told him no I had plenty of gas why? He said well we're going so slow I was worried we were running out of gas. I asked him if mommy drove faster than grandma and he said OH YEAH. So of course when we got home I asked my daughter how fast she drives. We had a good chuckle over that.
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