Old people are burden
By khan2abdul
@khan2abdul (416)
December 24, 2008 10:02am CST
I want to ask a question to all the world why old people are consider as a burden? I have seen many relative and family who kick their old father and mother out of house to orphange house. It is the father and mother who love us, care us make us happy in our childhood to make us grow so that when we become engineer or doctor we care them, give them the same love and respect that they gave to us, in their old age. But why we kick out them, are we not capable of maintaining financial condition with our old relative or we become very much selfish after become rich. If old people are consider as a burden than I don't want to live after 60 years and being through out of the house. Why people always see negative points for old people?
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27 responses
@alladcs (19)
• Philippines
24 Dec 08
No I don't consider old people as a burden. Me, I have a 70 year old grandfather, although he is sometimes you know naugthy and hard headed, I still love and adore him, after all he's been a part of my colorful childhood and I know he loves me, and that he cares for me. I still remember those good times we had together.
However, not just with this alone, but its about my appreciation towards old people. I admire old people for the guts and strenght they have to obtain such an age, you know it is the best evidence of survival. In this panoramic world of 3-4 problems per minute, in the wild road of life, they're able to pass through it and that they remain standing, it is very appreciative to look at an old artistic built who's been doomed with changes, challenges, trials and everything but then stoods straight. It used to remind me whenever I have lots of problems, I used to tell myself, "If others has passed all the chalenges, then why can't I?" And it used to remind me how strong a person could be, and how powerful time is, as he made people stronger in each day that he live. So don't say you don't want to reach 60 years old, c'mon it's a small quantity compared to what I want to reach. Me, I want to reach 100 and above, I wanted to be a picturesque of a strong experienced person, I want to inspire the youth be their guide as they strive and get old. Be a sensible old!
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@khan2abdul (416)
• India
25 Dec 08
U r new user of mylot naa. Wow ur every word contain a meaningful sentance which if we put in ourselves than our mind will change towards the life. Good to know that mylot has such a user.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
25 Dec 08
I am sad to see that your culture is becoming the same as ours. Modern people are selfish and only want to think about themselves. They have no wish to spend money or time on their parents.
If the parents are sick and need care then they put them in a home on the grounds that they are too busy to care for them. The next one to be a burden is the children. Our society has become so expensive now that both parents must work to pay all the bills including the mortgage. So the children are sent to child care which eats up at least half or more than half of the wife's salary.
The children grow up with strangers. They never rarely ever see their grandparents and then people wonder why the young cause so much trouble when they are teenagers. Society falls apart because the only thing that matters if the economy and people are forced to fit themselves to that model.
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@goodbuys4you (207)
• United States
24 Dec 08
I was fortunate enough to be able to spend time with all four of my grandparents while they were still alive. I learned things from each of them, and have fond memories of the times with them. I think that maybe children can appreciate older people more easily because grandparents and such are less apt to be in a rush to go somewhere or do something that doesn't involve the little ones. One of my grandfathers used to love filling his car with grandchildren for a trip to the ice cream store.
One of my cousins recently made some changes to her house so her mom (who is over 80)could live with her and her husband. That cousin and her husband also built a ramp into their house so my wife and I, who are in wheelchairs, could get in when we go to visit them and my aunt.
Sometimes an older person, such as one of my grandfathers, has to go into a nursing home to get the care he or she needs. But when my grandfather was still alive and living in that nursing home, I don't think there was a single day when he wasn't visited by a family member, even when he go so he didn't remember the visit 5 minutes after the person left.
When people are very young and very old they need the help of others. We all started out as babies, and if we live long enough we'll again need others to help us. Right now let's take time to spend time and help out the older folks in our lives, and consider it a privilege and not a burden.
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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
25 Dec 08
I am genuinely surprised to see this post coming from an Indian. It has been common for many decades in the West, but I thought India still held to more traditional ways. Obviously the Western disease has reached your shores.
Capitalism, in the early days of the British Industrial Revolution, deliberately broke up the old extended families, because workers in those families had a support structure that allowed them a certain degree of freedom to refuse substandard pay and conditions. Once they had succeeded in creating the nuclear family, and, over a hundred years, in inculcating "individualism" into the social structure, so that co-operative efforts tended to fail, they had the working force they could control and manipulate.
One of the few advantages Third World cultures have had, until recently it seems, was that the family structure continued to exist in many areas, providing a place where young and old all had valuable roles. Once a culture accepts the free market, however, many of those roles become obsolete, and older people, instead of being a valuable part of the family structure, for child care, as elders, as teachers of skills and survival techniques and repositories of knowledge and experience, become a burden. It appears to be part of the modern condition, and not a part I, for one, care for.
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@agrant10 (1476)
• United States
24 Dec 08
I feel as you do. We should treat our elders with the up most respect. Yes, if we were fortunate to have good parents, they took care of us and no doubt make sacrifies so that we could live better.
We should give them their due because if we live long enough we will get old too.
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
25 Dec 08
But we are doing a lot less for our parents than for our children. It is not fair. Start thinking about it and turn for a change not too late. In oriental cuture, we are shy to speak out our love, so you might as start from giving a call to Mum and Dad regularly. Find time to have a meal with them with your kids. Or share a bit of your joys in work and life.
There is a song in Chinese, named "Come back home more", very plain wording, but expressing the expectation of the parents, who are aware their adult children are busy, but reasonably expecting care more in the sentimental sense instead of material. It is a dilema for both generations, and hence why it becomes so popular.
@lotdj11 (73)
• Canada
25 Dec 08
I think it depends on how their minds changing through their lives. Some people think their old parents are annoying or sick, so they have to take care of them, that's why they become careless for their parents and leave them in some special hospital and let others to take care of them. What they do is just visit sometimes in one week. Some just left their parents in there and never visit. You feel angry about it because you are nice. It's a cruel world. You have to start to learn it after make yourself goes into a correct path.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
24 Dec 08
my parents are 76 ears old and they are nto a burden to me.anyone think there parents are a burden is crazy because these people cared for them when they was small.to just put them away because you don,t want to be bothered with them is just crazy you reap what you sow you may be young now but as long as this system stands you will get old and need someone to care for you.
@janjee (160)
• Philippines
2 Jan 09
i also notice that there are people who send there parents/grandparents to the home for the aged. i once visited a home for the aged and i noticed that most of them there are actually sad and lonely because they are not visited by their relatives anymore. it's as if they do not exist anymore in this world. how sad. :(
it seems that these people are ingrates. don't they realize that they are here in this world because of their parents/grandparents, and after they become successful they just abandon them just like that? is it really a burden to care for them and give them happy memories before they die? it would be alright if they send their parents/grandparents there, but they still visit them REGULARLY. but that is mostly NOT the case.
if this is going to happen to me when i age, i would prefer not to reach that age at all and die young. or maybe, i would want to have NO children at all if they won't feel any gratitude towards me or at the very least RESPECT.
@zackyo7 (301)
• United States
24 Dec 08
That is so true. A little while ago my back began to hurt really bad from training. And I began walking like an old person. Then I regretted all the times that I was annoyed with old people. They should be highly valued especially for their knowledge. I love to hear them talk about the old days. But if that's how people really treat the old aged then I want to die before 60.
@khan2abdul (416)
• India
24 Dec 08
Thanks for ur comment, it is said that man understand the value of precious thing when they lost that. And i taught old people r not less than a precious stone. Only lucky people get the chance to live with their parents, but many don't undestand that. I have also taught not to live beyond 60 years and depends on other and lastly throw out of the house.
@rizzu87 (860)
• Malaysia
25 Dec 08
As a person who would be old around 50 or 60 would have seen alot in this world, and would have alot of experience alot so many different things. And as they go older they become extra worried about every little thing. And sometimes they argue and interfere in every little thing. So the younger generation thinks that they know everything and dont want to hear about what they say from there past experience. This starts to make young generation annoyed and then they decide to send parents out of the house. But we, the young generation does not think that you are here because of your parents, they are the one who taught us how to walk, how to talk, how behave and play a major role in the success of our lives. Just imagine when we were a child we would have asked our parents the same things a million times and every time they replied us with a smile then why do we get annoyed when they ask you something. Parents sacrifice everything for us. Even if they dont have money to eat they would first give food to their children and would rather stay hungry if necessary. They work to make our future bright and successful and later in life they are treated so badly..... This is really sad. I think we should remember that tomorrow we can be in their place and our children can also kick us out. I mean if God forbid this happens how would we feel. There should be special place in our heart for our parents and they should be as important to us as our own wife and children are. Its really sad to hear such cases where children kick old people out oif their houses and lives. I have a special place for my parents and they will always be with me no matter what happens.
@aakay4u (799)
• India
24 Dec 08
The main reason is that we have become more self-centered and too selfish,no matter how and whatever people may preach the reality is that moral values have come down drastically.if the old people are still very rich and the children are not that rich they will think twice and perhaps not throw them out,in most cases either the children who have become richer in comparison to their parents do this throwing out the old people.its a very pathetic situation and downgrading of human life.
@khan2abdul (416)
• India
25 Dec 08
Yaa u said true richness is also an cause of selfishness towards old people.
@smaz007 (17)
• India
24 Dec 08
i dont think that old people are burden for us.i think that they are the source of inspiration for us,no matter how educated they are.it is their priciples,moral and other cultural knowledge that really teaches the real meaning of life.
i think that our parents are the best teacher for us,they teaches us how to live a beautiful life,how to treat our elders.i think those who consider old parents as a burden did not get or aquire the knowledge of life,priciples and morals through thier parents.thats why they tream them as a burden.i can never think like this because i love my parents very much and not even think about to kick them out.
@khan2abdul (416)
• India
25 Dec 08
I also love my parents very much and ur point is true that moral thaught come from parents,its is the duty of parents to teach good thaught to their children.
@neoraising (92)
• Philippines
24 Dec 08
Old people are never a burden..i have deep respect for them especially those who were war veterans like my grandpa..they have gone through a lot of things in life and learned some hard lessons..i always lend a hand to them whenever i can and keep an eye on them to see if they are ok..it really saddens me to see old people being neglected and begging on the streets..
@prettygirl_80650 (306)
• United States
25 Dec 08
have you ever tried to change an old persons diapers?? much different then careing for a child. many older people resort back to being a baby and yes changing diapers feeding and just helping with daily hygene chores can be hard for people who may sit behind a desk eating cookies and candies all day long with no exercise. Do i think this should be the case NO but in this day and age when every one wants some thing handed to them and both husband and wife have to work inorder to pay the bills this happens. I personally would rather be in a home where some one would be there to help me then be in my childrens home when they are at work alone incase i fall or hurt my self. I wouldnt be thought as a burdon and even if i am i dont mind.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
25 Dec 08
I think it is really sad to see old people being neglected and tormented by their own children.As we become more progressive our thinking and feelings have become regressive.The only way one can plan for one's future is to make enough provisions for old age while one is young ,fit and capable of earning, so that you are not a financial burden on your children in your old age. I know this is not enough, one need love and emotional security as well, but you have to do what you can and leave the rest to take care of itself.

@sarojInc (570)
• India
25 Dec 08
I understand ,Its our society that has created this sort of Problems.
But we should understand why this sort of instances take place .the real problem is not their age but finance.
Like if the person earns much more than what is required the i don;'t think this would happen.
secondly the type of treatment and the teachings by the parents also matter.
@madhu_yl (116)
• India
25 Dec 08
no old people are not burden.its our responsability to take care.because every mother and fother love to their children and they give good future,they always think our future and care.so every one don't forget their responsability and take care fo their parents.it's my request for every one don't feel old people are burden.
@workaholic08 (148)
• India
25 Dec 08
It would be really bad if they are kicked off. There is a generation gap and views do tend to change, especially after marriage. I guess both the younger and the older lot need to leave their ego and try to hold on to their family members. Nothing like having a good family under a roof. My point is that all have to adjust according to the other member and that would make things better for everyone.