Is India ready for a war ?
By sarojInc
@sarojInc (570)
December 24, 2008 12:28pm CST
India is a country of very rich cultural diversity.Ever since our childhood we have heard great stories of warriors,freedom fighters and great scientist. Indians were the people who gave the world the number zero '0'.
but time and again its neighbors have been challenging its patience and perseverance. however the recent attack on Mumbai has created a fresh wave of resentment and anger.Its seems as if its neighbor is preparing for a possible war .
Do you think the time for long awaited war between India and its neighboring country is the new year's gift for the world.
Share as your country needs You !
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15 responses
• India
24 Dec 08
India is prepared for war. But it is the Indian ethos to strive for peace for as long we can, sometimes to a ridiculous extent of endangering our lives. But strategically we have one of the best armies in the world. These days even our weaponry is matching our guts. Our indigenous weapons systems has advanced by leaps and bounds and we are in no way less than anyone else.So, there is no cause for worry as to our capability. But we must carefully step into war. The technological sophistication, has made Wars not winnable. Everybody loses - whichever side is perceived as losing. One of the irreparable losses, apart from precious lives is the state of the economy. You will step up the inflation inadvertently.
But all said and done, I believe in the Philosophy advanced by the Gita and the Mahabharata-"You must do everything in your power to avoid war!" But if still there must be war then there must be! You must stand up and fight to the last man!
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@ankusharora406 (234)
• India
24 Dec 08
i agree its a lose lose situation for both the countries and india completely understands that and is being saying that it does not want war just action against the terrorists is all we need but strangely pakistan is very eager to go war and has been flexing its muscles and preparing itself for war.
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@ankusharora406 (234)
• India
24 Dec 08
i think india is ready for a war if a war is forced on us by pakistan who seem very eager to fight and keep on passing statements that they are more than ready for a war while we always say war is not the solution. i think our armed forces are more than capable of facing a war right now and at all times i have immense faith in them and they will be able to ward off any attack on indian soil. pakistan just wants war to avoid the pressure being put on it to curb terrorism.
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@ankusharora406 (234)
• India
24 Dec 08
i agree pakistan just wants india to initiate a war so that it can go on saying in the international community that india forced war on us.
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@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
25 Dec 08
I think war is not the only solution at this stage.Before going to war,we have to think about the consequence of the war.If there is a war,then there will be destruction for the both sides.I dont know why Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism.If they take strong action against those people who involved in the Mumbai attack,then the present tension can be reduced.It is very open that Pakistan is training militant and lot of terrorist camps are operating the border area.
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@shonali (1286)
• India
24 Dec 08
well for the sake of india and all its indians... including me..... i really hope that india is really prepared......
i dont have any doubt that they arent....
but i rally dont know how prepared pakistan are......
i really wonder why do people want a war in the first place.....
why cant anyone be satisfied with the place they have their home in..... where they have their friends and family who love them..... why try to get more when you have enough......
whats the reason behind all this????
personal grudges?
partition ?
whatever it may be....
me as an indian wouldnt want any war but its easier said than done when there are innocent people all over being killed for no reason......
obviously a normal person who isnt into wars and stuff would definately get more and more agitated and strike back......
im sure all the people who have been saved from the mumbai attacks or the families that have been left behind would want to take revenge or rather take out their personali grudges with the terrorists who killed their family members.....
so i guess its not going to stop until there is a proper war.....
i am really scared to think how many people are going to be killed in this madness but i sure hope we are prepared cos individualy - mentally and physically i am surely not prepared !!

• India
25 Dec 08
You have raised quite a few questions shonali. Pakistan might be provoking India for a war for various reasons, the most important of which is diversionary tactics of their leaders. Now let's admit today if India went for war it would still be diversionary. Public attention in India is now sort of focused on the Security failure at Mumbai. So, there is remorse among the leadership though some people are talking through their heads.
The old reasons were: The pain of Partition {this must be more to Indians for this was loss of territory for "Ancient India". The pain of Partition for the Pakistanis is that they did not get a fair deal esp., in Kashmir.
I am unable to see any personal grudges- I think you mean something like what Bush did to Saddam Hussein? O-o you seem to be hinting at the personal grudges the people who lost their dear and near in the recent Terrorist Attack.
Loss of Power and pelf- When the British came Muslims were in Power- the later Mughals were still the Emperors of India. The British systematically dismantled the last of the Moghals' strongholds and replaced it with their own. When they left, Muslims under Jinnah suddenly found themselves overwhelmed by the majority Hindus, thrown into an inescapable reality of the democratic governance, the way of the New World Order - the rule by majority- so they would stand to lose. So a land was created with religion as the basis.
[B]I still would not feel a war is necessary.Unless and until Pakistan wants to distance itself from world polity the full-fledged power of a diplomatic engagement should be tried.[/B] But we must be more careful; we must remember the treachery of Kargil.
Peace can only be there in a world where there is equitable distribution of resources, a civilized voluntary giving to those in need, and above all, religion truly takes a backseat. Though I am a deeply religious person I must admit much to my chagrin, religion historically is the single cause for most wars and bloodshed.
If you do not want a war, please pray: lokaaH samastaaH sukhino bhavantu; samasta sanmangalaani santu; sarveShAM shAntirastu; sarvebhyaH swasti! - keep you weapons and intellects in a charged condition however.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
25 Dec 08
India has never started a war and I don't think it will start a war with its neighbor country. No country is ready for any kind of war. Wars are not good for economy and if war begins we will see further fall in our economical growth.
Most of us wants to start a war as we recently had heart wrecking attack on Mumbai, our Bollywood city but still I believe India should work on international pressure rather than starting a war.
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@legend4u (1019)
• India
24 Dec 08
India is always well prepared nation and i don't know what will happen if war starts. war is never the right choice to get anything done. the nation with disputes will generate negative mind set in its citizens. Pakistan had failed in wars before with India and they have not yet learned and i think India is too strong for Pakistan to withstand . but the war start it will become a bigger one than lot have anticipated. i have read in new paper that many in Pakistan, Afghanistan are waiting for this war, they are calling it as "holly war" . i don't find any thing holly in killing each other. why don't they give away the money they are going to spent on war to solve the problems. the basic problem is money and wealth and it is complete foolish to do war and loos life.
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@arthi_88 (1516)
• India
24 Dec 08
I feel even if its ready for a war then it shouldn't opt for it..Consider the huge economic investment. along with the loss of lives and a stop to development..That is what the terrorist wants..Going to war with our neighbours will harm us alos..There must be some other way...
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@myskina (182)
• China
25 Dec 08
well , im a Chinese , we are both the biggest powerful developing countries in the world , i know that your country is very stronger and powerful , you have a lot of population , you have the advanced software industry which after the United States ``
so it doesn't matter at all , take it easy , you should be proud of your country , don't worry , trust your government , Mumbai can not be compared with your country , it just ``` small country you know , lack of resources , bareen land , thinking behind , forcible - feeble , at least i think so , most people think so , even some their national also think so , they should respect you , to establish friendly diplomatic relations with you , instead os some silly things ```
Merry Christmas ```
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@srijshm (1165)
• India
27 Dec 08
India is ready for war. But don't think India will ever go on war. The reason is more economical than cultural.
It's a well knowm fact that , any war will put put India's development plan atleast 20 years backwards/slower. A developing nation with huge potential for growth, will & should not risk this situation.
The acts of its neighbour is very deplorable, but i feel that India will follow a course of sustained political pressure & International economic blockade to put some sense into brains of military leadership of it's neighbour.
None of us deserve war in this modern era , especially between 2 nuclear powers.
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